By Feburary, area of garden of Yangzhou chemical industry released real friendly chemical industry to produce per year annulus of project of acetone of 450 thousand tons of phenol to judge fair show. Fair shown main content is as follows: Project name: Produce per year project of 240 thousand tons of acetone of 450 thousand tons of phenol, double phenolic A; Build an unit: Real friendly chemical industry (Yangzhou) limited company; Project property: Extend; Build a place: Highway of area of garden of Yangzhou chemistry industry 8, real friendly chemical industry reachs side of plant area north inside existing plant area; Cover an area of an area: The project always covers an area of 235 mus; Among them 155 mus have land for the company, add newly make an appointment with 80 mus with the ground. Build content: Demolish plant area inside device of catalytic cracking of former heavy oil, MTBE produces device, wear torch high, area of feedstock oil canister, extend project 450 thousand tons / year phenol acetone project (280 thousand tons / year phenol, 174 thousand tons / year acetone) , 240 thousand tons / year project of double phenolic A and area of canister of form a complete set, ground burner, assemble and unassemble room of storehouse of station, BPA/PC, control, change; Technical origin: The production of acetone of this project phenol uses the technology that introduces technology and union of domestic technology photograph, namely the production of different third benzene is used introduce a technology, the production of phenol acetone uses domestic and international advanced technique; The production of double phenolic A will introduce foreign advanced technique. Friendly chemical industry of fruit of   of company brief introduction (Yangzhou) limited company establishs flood group for Hong Kong the wholy-owned subsidiary that in Yangzhou chemistry investment of industrial garden area creates, cover an area of a face to accumulate 560 mus, tie company of type of production of large chemical industry. Main item includes: 800 thousand tons / year oil is tasted make hydrogenation item, 350 thousand tons / year phenol acetone, 300 thousand tons / year device of different third benzene, 300 thousand tons / year biology derv project.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City