• Undertake optimizing upgrading in the light of SLS technology, roll out INFINAM®TPA 4006 P
  • Develop brand-new consumable application field
  • Augment shows some elastomer data range of products

Win achieve what will face all kinds to open printer of source SLS 3D, roll out brand-new INFINAM®TPA 4006 P exceeds fine powder, expand its are used at 3D of pulverous bed melt to print elastomer data range of products of the technology thereby. This are new-style and flexible the Formnext that data will come 10 days to be held in German Frankfurt on November 7, 2023 is exhibited exhibit on the meeting.

INFINAM®TPA 4006 P is elastomer of a kind of PA12, by polyamide 12 paragraphs are mixed bate paragraph composition, performance is similar balata, have fight concussion and spring back function outstandingly.

New-style 3D prints elastomer to still have outstanding craft stability and pulverous liquidity, apply to at present all SLS technology on the market. Not only such, this are new-style exceed detailed pulverous data to be able to be added by 50% new pink 50% reclaim powder undertakes deserving to compare use, can repeat a loop to use.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Spring back performance is superior, can use at the shoe to perform job

The 3D that “ is based on elastomer prints application to be in add material to make a domain acting crucial role. They gifted the possibility that custom-built product has set limit to or height be designed indefinitely, perfect the sense that reflected 3D to print a technology. Print data through offerring new-style 3D, we make full use of the client that help strength material is characteristic, explore and enlarge brand-new applied domain. ”—— wins achieve Arnim Kraatz of CTO of pulverous bed melt to express”Use INFINAM®The 3D component that TPA 4006 P prints has the detail feature with favorable exterior resolution and standard essence, in - 40°C is stabilized as before inside the temperature limits to 90°C durable. Not only such, this powder also suits to make high-tech of functional sex 3D very much plastic package, go up in archetypal product and series product all applicable. Come a few years, TPA still is the shoe walks on the first selection raw material that waits for consumer goods all the time. Win achieved stretch 3D to print material series to include two kinds to use at 3D of pulverous bed melt to print technical powder:

Thermoplastic acyl amine INFINAM®TPA is thermoplastic copolymerization ester INFINAM®TPC at the same time, win achieve still will roll out INFINAM®FL. This product is one kind is used at kind of balata that smooth solidify 3D prints smooth polymer colophony, perfected the elastomer material combination that is used at industrial 3D to print at present.

The dimensions that drives 3D to print changes development

Win achieved 3D to print what business belongs to a group to add material to make innovation increase a field. The strategic key of this domain is to be aimed at all main 3D that are based on polymer to print a technology, development and production industry level are used namely model high-powered data. Accordingly, win start the extensive development that will continue to promote 3D to print a technology to make a technology as industry in whole value catenary.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City