On May 8, in holding the position of corporative by Ning Gaoning, change control a finite liability company (next weighing that ” is changed in “ ) hold in Beijing establish plenary session. The parent company after group, chemical industry group is being changed to recombine jointly in be namely is turned in. Two chemical combination of “ and ” is the event that milepost sense has on phylogeny of our country chemical industry, give a key to make enterprise of top-ranking omnibus chemical industry stride one pace. Comrade Ning Gaoning holds the post of in change secretary of president, leading Party group, comrade Li Fanrong holds the post of in change vice secretary of trustee, general manager, leading Party group.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Establish plenary session the spot
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Before this one many month, “ two change “ to incorporate got formally approving. On March 31 evening, country of the State Council endowment appoint government-owned net releases a message to say, approve via newspaper the State Council, group, chemical industry group is changed to carry out combination to recombine in. This is indicating two 500 strong center look forward to are amalgamative and formal open, will form an asset to pass -727379968, employee number amounts to the class tycoon company of 200 thousand. On April 16, do in news of the State Council hold economy of center look forward to runs circumstance press conference to go up first quarter, hillock of Peng Hua of spokesman of secretary-general of committee of state-owned asset supervisory management, news is answering the State Council reporter about in when turning the query that group and chemical combination recombine, express, center look forward to recombines is for better optimize resource configuration, wash out backward productivity. Group and chemical industry are being changed in is to be the same as an industry to recombine, the State Council had been approved recombine plan, concerned job is being advanced actively, appropriate time can introduce to everybody. Register “ of capital prep above two it may be said is being changed in changing ” summation   is “ colossus ” . “ two after changing ” group to incorporate, the chemical industry that makes luxuriant face about can be counted on one's fingers is huge without bully. 2019, battalion camp is changed to receive 586.3 billion yuan in; And chemical group 2018 sales revenue 391.9 billion yuan. Total battalion receives nearly -727379968 yuan after both sides is amalgamative, employee sum total amounts to 200 thousand person. Information of basis business charter, new company registers capital to be as high as fifty-five billion two hundred and fifty-eight million yuan. And public data shows, at present in change a group to register capital to be forty-three billion four hundred and four million two hundred and ten thousand yuan, chemical group registers capital to be 11.1 billion yuan, both register capital to add up to fifty-four billion five hundred and four million two hundred and ten thousand yuan, under in change.
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City