Bureau of environment of organisms' habits of city of state of Hubei province chaste tree released limited company of science and technology of material of Hubei An Kaxin to produce per year HMDI of 2 kiloton XDl, 4 kiloton, 2 kiloton monomer of 1500 tons of epoxy resin of how bromic double phenolic A, optical colophony, 3 kiloton are flexible environment of acrylic ester project affects transaction environment.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Project survey is as follows: Project name: How does Hubei block limited company of new material science and technology to produce per year HMDI of 2 kiloton XDl, 4 kiloton, 2 kiloton monomer of 1500 tons of epoxy resin of much bromiccer double phenolic A, optical colophony, 3 kiloton are flexible acrylic ester project builds a place: Factory of Yang Jia of county of public security of chaste tree state presses down industrial garden to build an unit: How does Hubei block of limited company of new material science and technology to construct content and scale: Year XDI2000 of ester of cyanic acid of different of manufacturing special type ton, HMDI four kiloton, epoxy resin of much bromiccer double phenolic A 2000 tons, optical colophony monomer 1500 tons, flexible acrylic ester three kiloton project, plant area covers an area of a face to accumulate 100 mus, build product line 3. Bromine changes epoxy resin to have very good from extinguish sex and hear resistance, low poison, call bromine acting epoxy resin again. It is to develop a kind of when rise new-style epoxy resin in recent years, bromine changes epoxy resin element bromine is contained in the structure, not only the good electric insulating properties that has general epoxy resin and stick receive a gender, still have exceedingly good from anti-flammability, basically use as all sorts of flame retardant sticky agent of material of composite material, construction, glue, coating, use extensively at industry of electric equipment of building, aviation, shipping, electron. According to size of content of the bromine in colophony, bromine changes epoxy resin to be able to divide two kinds: Low bromic epoxy resin and tall bromic epoxy resin. The production that bromine turns epoxy resin basically is centered at building chemical industry of electron of South Asia of flood group, Kunshan, grand prosperous, Changchun to wait for stage endowment enterprise, domestic company has stars of raise Nong Jinhu, Nantong and the company of a few production fire retardant. Bromine changes epoxy resin besides all sorts of advantages that have double phenolic A epoxy resin, because bromine is contained in the structure, because this has admirable flame retardation, in a large number of application in Fu copperplate. According to statistic, bromine changed epoxy resin to exceed 240 thousand tons in the dosage in Fu copperplate 2022, it is balata is mixed next plastic, additional even a few application are like aviation of glue sticky agent, electric insulation, coating, building, spaceflight and shipping to wait for a domain in other sphere.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City