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Weigh a lamina of report of composite material wind to be born

On May 25, weigh Long Shen (Qiqihaer) composite material limited company raises blade to get offline ceremony in Qiqihaer area of production garden of wind report lamina is held. Weigh Liu Mingzhong of secretary of Party committee of group limited company, president, weigh Duan Xiangdong of vice secretary of Party committee of group limited company, general manager, qi Qi breaths out Er city to lead Wang Gang, Du Chongmin, Xie Anquan, Liu Dayong, and downstream company controller plays on industrial catenary get offline ceremony. Liu Mingzhong gets offline in wind report lamina ceremonially makes a speech. He says, the success of lamina of the report that raise wind gets offline, the mark is worn formed basically again enclothe technical research and development, equipment to make, the system of entire industry catenary such as service of thought of wind field construction, carry. In the meantime, also indicating politics look forward to is homocentric, made cooperative example obtain new shirt-sleeve new breakthrough hand in hand, dominant position of market of translate into of advantage of natural resources of city of neat to driving neat Hal and development advantage meaning are great, far-reaching. Next, will fluctuate with industrial catenary again swim brotherly business hand in hand side-by-side, further innovation produces pattern, optimize upgrade engineering technology, promote efficiency benefit continuously, keep watch truly project of production garden area makes electric lamina be chemical plant of brand-new digitlization, intelligence. In the meantime, big market of river of dragon of farther aggrandizement “ , Qi Qi breaths out ” of Er big market to develop train of thought, exert oneself is natural resources of unified technology natural resources, unified production resource, unified finance, unified the element such as talent resource and resource market, accelerate advance “ wind report compositive development ” strategical project, aid push promotion of engineering capability of company of local form a complete set, breed drive Qi Qi to breath out catenary of Er city industry to supply catenary to swim up and down the company grows quickly, spin further expand catenary of this locality industry supplies chain, promote high quality development jointly. Wang Gang of secretary of municipal Party committee of neat Qi Haer gets offline in wind report lamina when ceremonially speaks, say, in recent years, city carries out Qiqihaer seriously fulfil a party decision-making deploy and requirement of work of provincial Party committee, around but second birth the sources of energy applies demonstrative area construction integratedly, in order to make 4 “ such as group of industry of new energy of class of ten million kilowatt group of industry of 1000 names ” is affect, start carried out the 12 industries catenary such as new energy resources and equipment to supply chain action plan, open the ” of “ new page that transition of green of old industry base develops. Be in again aid in pushing Qi Qi to breath out high quality of Er city economy to develop produced effect of ” of main force of “ pillar ”“ adequately. Raise wind report lamina this to get offline successfully, created the ” of “ new rate that major project builds, the mark is worn enclothe technical research and development, equipment to make, the chain of wind cable entire industry that wind field builds is formed basically, it is the move of a deal with concrete matters relating to work that defends energy security and industrial catenary to supply catenary to stabilize, also be another vivid practice that promotes confluence of deepness of ground look forward to, equipment of new to promotion energy resources is overall ability of form a complete set, accelerate make sense of base of new energy resources great. We want job of goal of strategy of ” of focusing “ double carbon, exert oneself makes city of “ scene crane, catenary use a crane city, green can crane city ” , in complete province the brave in promoting development carries heavy responsibility, make larger contribution. The hope continues to reveal a state-owend enterprise to take on again, building top-ranking business while, action of ” of the leader of an alliance of “ of production industry of equipment of play whole town and new energy resources and equipment “ catenary advocate ” action, output dominant position of management, technology, quality ceaselessly, breed drive an industry downstream company grows quickly on catenary, also welcome enterprise of more form a complete set to start line of business to here investment cordially, the Qi Qi that help strength breaths out Er city to make transition of old industry base upgrade example, northeast area western area new energy resources and equipment industry center. Municipal government of municipal Party committee will fulfil a bag to protect mechanism of service straight have transport service as always, in the project construction, resource is used, the respect such as factor of production is offerred all-around service safeguard, drive knot of collaboration of ground look forward to to give gain of more plentiful and substantial. Qi Qi breaths out lamina of Er wind report to make gardening division item is Qiqihaer municipal government of municipal Party committee and the wind-force that one heavy group makes jointly generate electricity of entire industry catenary important filling catenary, it is the significant move that fulfils goal of ” of “ double carbon. Since end start working built this project in April 2021, mix around Heilongjiang closely again gift of northeast area rich, make the overall planning of catenary of wind cable entire industry according to Qiqihaer, adamantine pay phone of wind of “ of good group company position of industry of compositive development ” , accelerate construction of engineering capability of core of wind cable industry. Entire industry catenary will be enclothed after project building put into production, form year of general assembly 2.0MW to wait for a variety of model fan to 6.25MW canister of 600 stage, production towers 400, fan lamina 400, fan axis 850 manufacturing engineering capability, the wind report that can satisfy above of 2 million kilowatt every year fits machine requirement.

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