Covered with clouds of brook of Wu city a surname allows 3 bounds to carry goods of generation set of wind-force of project of 70MW wind cable on the head (the canister that contain a tower) reach Hua Runshou of date of SZBGG2022040063 of announcement of invite public bidding of announcement of service invite public bidding limited company of invite public bidding suffers person of invite public bidding to entrust, to China embellish electric power covered with clouds of brook of a surname of city of Wu of electric power of embellish of China of the 11st batch of invite public bidding holds 2022 year goods of wind- driven generation set of project of cable of wind of 70MW of 3 bounds top (the canister that contain a tower) reach a service to undertake publicity invite public bidding. One, the item is main person of circumstance invite public bidding: Hua Runxin the sources of energy (Cen Xi) orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding of limited company: Hua Runshou place of project of of limited company of invite public bidding: Street of city of brook of a surname of city of state of Wu of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region presses down covered with clouds to contain community project scope: Source of 70MW project financing: Prepare number of invite public bidding oneself: S03062022SZ0002P1 project name: Covered with clouds of brook of a surname of city of Wu of China embellish electric power allows 3 bounds to carry bid of project of 70MW wind cable on the head paragraph name: Goods of wind- driven generation set (the canister that contain a tower) reach content of service invite public bidding and range: The project data that bidder provides according to person of invite public bidding (detailed sees book of standard of technology of invite public bidding) , put forward a kind to be restricted only and can pass safe load calculative seat number of microcosmic optional location (the seat number coordinate that uses person of invite public bidding to give out) commendatory type is custom-built change plan, total capacity is 70MW (calculate according to 70MW more than) , do not exceed group of 16 typhoons electric machinery (the canister that contain a tower) . Main index: Date of delivery / time limit for a project: Approved 5 fan equipment and tower canister on September 20, 2022; The 2nd batch of 5 fan equipment reached tower canister on October 20, 2022; Equipment of the 3rd batch of odd fan reached tower canister on November 20, 2022; All anchorage bolt and accessory need to arrive before August 15, 2022. Note: Detailed content sees document of invite public bidding, it is with file of invite public bidding accurate. 2, bidder qualification ability asks 1, aptitude condition: 1) bidder must have job of republic state-owend enterprise corporate organization, hold does business effectively charter; 2) the design attestation that bids type should obtain orgnaization having right to issue (the B card inside A card or period of efficacy) , type attestation letter is obtained before acceptance is covering fan equipment to arrive; 2, outstanding achievement requirement: Bidder is in in the accumulative total installed capacity of churchyard 2 million kilowatt or above, offer outstanding achievement to prove material (release new data to be with statistic of wind energy association accurate) , have good moving outstanding achievement. 3, combine bids: Do not allow 4, the agent bids: Do not allow 5, credit demand: 1) bidder was versed in administration mechanism is in business company credit information is public in showing a system, include break the law badly break one's promise company list; 2) bidder was in by high court website of “ credence ” (.cn) in include break his promise to be carried out person list; 6, requirement: If equipment design program is used, bidder must effective certificate reachs his to provide creative evaluation to report related hold, relevant perhaps accredit. 7, other requirement: Without remarks: 3, of file of invite public bidding get (one) time of put on sale on April 6, 2022 - on April 13, 2022 (2) price of file of invite public bidding buys file of invite public bidding to need 400 yuan to pay cost of production of file of invite public bidding money (money four hundred yuan whole) . Buy of one's own accord, one sell on commission goes out, charge does not grant to return. (3) means of put on sale of file of invite public bidding defends platform of positron invite public bidding in Hua Run group (Https:// is online put on sale, do not accept bearer spot to buy. 1. Buy file of invite public bidding to defend platform of positron invite public bidding in China profit group (Https:// has the following operation: → of government of business of bidder entry → bids → signing up signs up after the success, buying the option below menu of file of invite public bidding corresponding mark paragraph file of invite public bidding downloads after → pays → of charge of file of invite public bidding to pay a success. Detailed sees the website helps the platform manual below the center. 2. Terms of payment: Online pay. 3. Buy file of invite public bidding to offer electron of value added tax only average bill, offer no longer other the bill of any forms. Electronic bill is generated automatically after paying a success, page download can download in file of invite public bidding, after also can loginning, manage in “ business - charge and download of bill ” menu. 4, stop sign / sign of check of time of open sealed tenders, spot / time of open sealed tenders: 2022/04/27 09:00:00 (Beijing time, if change informs separately) stop sign / place of open sealed tenders: Hall of the open sealed tenders on the net / hall of the open sealed tenders on the net (if change informs separately) 5, person of invite public bidding and person of invite public bidding of means of connection of orgnaization of representative of its invite public bidding: Hua Runxin the sources of energy (Cen Xi) address of limited company: Contact of city of state of Wu of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Phone of Ma Jiali: Orgnaization of representative of 13608801196 invite public bidding: Hua Runshou address of of limited company of invite public bidding: South Shenzhen city the road austral center of a mountainous area division edifice of 2666 Hua Run 3 01 unit contacts: Phone of Li Zhe: 0755-29395797 turns 3494

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