The housetop of London Euston station is integrated MeTaplas system is fictitious large building component part of application, Gai Xi Tong You Lun Dun Da Xue Ba Te Lai Te Jian Zhu Xue Yuan (UCL) De Xue Sheng Chuang Jian . The group of the 8th research that designs Master course as the building (RC8) the one part of the investigation that have, students are used but degradation and what can reclaim is thermoplastic plastic the much material system that developed a 3D to print. the three-dimensional form with a series of flat complex translate into, students created a structural system that has geometrical plait layer, OK and passive control is indoor dimensional illume.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Contemporary design and construction method often lack to unite demand of design, material, construction and made pattern through digital tool. To respond to this kind of lack, meTaplas is the exploration result that builds a system through digitlizing implementation whole. In addition, this system is OK with the environment friendly make with the means accord with morality, offer economic benefits possibly also. For example, in the case of Euston station, be located in radius of this place demarcate inside reclaim and the 3D establishment that print is decided to come down by scale, in order to promote the development of local economy. Through printing the extensive research of material to 3D, the student that Batelaite builds an institute decided two kinds potential but recuperative heat plasticity is plastic- - rigid PLA (get together lactic acid) and flexible filament TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane)- - it is implementation much material the beautiful choice of fold board. This face plate is printed by 3D planar, become a three-dimensional object through a compositive design system. The layer of face plate plait that makes a structure is closed by system of a cable and a clincher the mechanism comes consolidate, this facilitates assemble, disassemble and safeguard. According to the view of this group, "Pass a custom-built course, bent to get strengthening as tool of a kind of geometry, this involves the structural analysis to the front of bend. In bending, the area that needs more structure is concentrated, and the area of inherent structure compares exiguous " . Same, the proposal embeds through be on every face plate design of a miniature comes integrated heat is sent become angry plastic. Of this kind of type plastic show itself because of its colour, it allows material to change color as the change of temperature. Its application realized passive to interior space illuminative control, the easy that improved an environment is measurable, also produced a kind of direction-sense in the space. Besides the multiple advantage of environment, technology and economic respect, meTaplas system still is introduced to be an interesting reference, namely how does structural system produce effect effectively to macroscopical measure from microcosmic measure, the strength that indicates a structure and flexibility do not depend on its dimension.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City