On May 26 morning, the stage defies typhoon float pattern group of maritime wind electric machinery is in Guangdong base of windward cable industry assembles Yang Jianghai to finish and check get offline, indicating of great capacity of style of our country float is windward the breakthrough with new implementation of electric key technology, change for dimensions of report of far-reaching sea wind, economy development lays solid foundation. Fan of type of rise of this Taiwan Strait is mixed by 3 gorge group Ming Yang group combines own research and development to make, own complete intellectual property, be about to apply in type of float of Guangdong of 3 gorge the sources of energy in project of prototype of experiment of project of maritime wind cable. 5.5MW of capacity of this aircrew stand-alone, wind rotor diameter 158 meters, the foundation is float type of application to go partly type, generate electricity hourly when full hair 5500 degrees, can provide electric energy of green cleanness energy every year for 30 thousand families. As the development of maritime wind report, float style of great capacity is windward the inevitable choice that report is prospective development. Increase of off shore distance and depth of water ceaselessly, made of baked clay unit of big sign of windward phone base and innovation half straight drive combines float style of great capacity, can improve the economy that maritime wind report develops effectively. Distinguish at group of stationary wind electric machinery, float fan foundation endures the huge impact of maritime storm and ocean current, bear fan of prep above stationary of 10 times above tilt oscillatory load. Design of unifinication of fan of type of rise of sea of implementation of group of windward electric machinery, platform reachs of great capacity of stage float style the breakthrough of multinomial and crucial technology such as moor system design, become a stage to fight fan of type of typhoon sea rise, gao Ke fights 17 class typhoon.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City