Ground level ground has in the domain such as workshop, workshop, lab use extensively, can provide a favorable working environment for its, but brush in specific besmearLacquer of level ground of annulus oxygen groundRegular meeting discovers ground level ground has corrugate appearance when, also can saying appear in dry process, introduce the account with corrugate level ground of one go to the fields in detail for everybody today.

Corrugate also call furrow, paint film presents a small amplitude ripple that has the law, the condition when the size of furrow and concentrated rate can reach film along with paint film composition (include ply of temperature, wet film and air pollution severe case) and change.

The account that corrugate phenomenon produces paint film of ground level ground:

1, contain in coating overmuch volatile faster dissolvent, make film did not flow smooth, viscosity with respect to leap, surface layer of as a result works prematurely hard and in the layer cannot be worked to appear by isolation air, generation furrow.

2, of the cobalt in drier, fierce, lead or zinc deserve to compare maladjusted, dosage of cobaltic, fierce drier is exorbitant, make film expresses dry Libugan, cause surface layer systole to wrinkle.

3, construction viscosity is too big, film is deeper.

4, after construction, film Paul falls in high temperature environment, create film appearance dry too fast.

Lacquer of level ground of annulus oxygen groundThe measure of prevention and cure with corrugate paint film is as follows:

1, should decrease as far as possible volatile the dosage of fast dissolvent, adjust coating recipe.

2, notice all sorts of drier deserve to compare, should multi-purpose drier of lead, zinc, use cobaltic, fierce drier less.

3, construction viscosity shoulds not be too big, film shoulds not be too thick.

4, unfavorable insolate in burning sun the construction below the environment, if need roast, roast temperature is unfavorable and exorbitant, platoon wind force shoulds not be too big.

5, as far as possible need not oily coating or alcoholic acid kind need the paint with dry air. The paint with drying different speed cannot sophisticate is used. Besmear want to have enough dry time after outfit. Can join in coating prevent spread smooth agent or benefit corrugately wet dispersive agent.

6, serious to corrugate phenomenon film, need a shovel to go recoat outfit, processing of the material end the attention needs smooth. To wrinkling slightly, need to use tired gauze paper to grind furrow smooth, purify goes bits, again spray or besmear install a coating.

7, right roast model coating, should warm up stage by stage according to formulate of condition of roast and dry technology roast dry technology is normative, should be in air is indoor first after air 15min, reentrance drying chamber warms up stage by stage.

Paint film of ground level ground is corrugate in happening in wash-and-wear coating mostly, and temperature of environment of construction of lacquer of ground level ground is high, besmear installs a distance (spray) big, thinner volatilizes fast, cause ground level groundAnticorrosive lacquerLacquer paint film did not flow smooth, cause the happening of corrugate phenomenon extremely easily, drop construction environment temperature, adjust spray paint distance, join slow dry dissolvent appropriately, reduce drier dosage, it is the method that avoid and overcomes film of lacquer of ground level ground to wrinkle.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City