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The beautiful on day appropriate 180 million increase 2022 year net profit compared to the same period 3% companies around carbon base domain of composite material application makes professional work curve of the 2nd growth

On Feburary 28, the beautiful on day appropriate (688033) issue wall bulletin of 2022 year outstanding achievement, announcement shows, 2022 year business gross earnings is 98, four million nine hundred and eleven thousand one hundred yuan, than going up growth of year of the corresponding period 46.73% ; The net gain of partner of vest in parent company is 17, 9.514 million yuan, than going up growth of year of the corresponding period 2.60% .

Announcement shows, total assets of the beautiful on day appropriate is 687, three million six hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred yuan, than 105.99% growing at the beginning of report period originally; Basic every accrual is 0.38 yuan, on year the corresponding period is 0.39 yuan.

2022 year of company realize business income 98, four million nine hundred and eleven thousand one hundred yuan, grow 46.73% compared to the same period; The net gain with possessory parent company of implementation vest in 17, 9.514 million yuan, grow 2.60% compared to the same period; Unless,parent company of implementation vest in is buckled possessorily regular the net profit of increase and decrease 13, 1.135 million yuan, drop compared to the same period 21.46% .

The company gives priority to a line with new material, devote oneself to development to become platform of new material innovation company. Company around carbon base the curve of the 2nd growth that domain of composite material application makes professional work, drive growth of scale of company business income, asset dimensions; Finish inside report period blame is open and directional add hair, drive dimensions of company total assets relatively increase substantially.

Day benevolence and the four quarters inside report period realize subsidiary small gain, business development tends stable, predict day of Ren Daohe to be able to realize materiality to make progress on business 2023, turn round the situation of deficit; The company inside report period predicts to receive bigger government subsidy, the company is not management sex accrual to increase; Inside report period, brake lining of metallurgy of powder of company original Gaotie and brake shoe of composite material brake lining produce a line to finish remove, the company terminates the as square as hire of former plant chummage agreement that rent, affirm deal with accrual sends a company to be not management sex accrual to increase be caused by.

Data of the net that dig shellfish shows, the group of tall iron motor-car that the beautiful on day appropriate precedes for home uses supplier of pulverous metallurgy brake lining, developing brake lining of apply the brake of metallurgy of Gao Tiefen end continuously while, increase pair of carbon radical the research and development that composite material reachs the domain such as composite material of colophony radical carbon fiber is devoted, dedicated at old liaison man and field of new energy resources research and development of innovation of new material technology, product and industrialization apply. Already formed pulverous metallurgy brake lining and synthetic brake lining at present / brake shoe, carbon radical nicety of large structural member makes goods of composite material goods, composite material of colophony radical carbon fiber, aviation wait for business board piece.

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