Epoxy resin is material of a kind of high polymer, as a result of its distinctive chemistry and superior performance, be applied extensively at the domain such as building, electron, aerospace, car, medical treatment. It has a lot of advantages, the article will introduce the advantage of epoxy resin in detail, discuss its to apply foreground.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

One, the advantage of epoxy resin

  1. Intensity is high: Epoxy resin has high strenth and stiffness, can bear greater pressure and concussion.

  2. Wearability: The exterior hardness of epoxy resin is tall, wearability is good, wear away not easily.

  3. Anti-corrosive: Epoxy resin is right the chemical material such as acerbity, alkaline, salt has very good corrosion resistance.

  4. High temperature resistant: Epoxy resin can bear higher temperature, its thermal stability is good.

  5. Insulation property is good: Epoxy resin is a kind of good insulating material, can be used at making electronic component enclose material.

  6. Mechanical performance is good: The mechanical performance of epoxy resin is good, can use at making mechanical part.

  7. Treatment is simple: Epoxy resin treatment is simple, can use note model, crowded piece, compression moulding shape method.

  8. Environmental protection is safe: Epoxy resin is one kind can reclaim the data that use, won't cause pollution to the environment, accord with the concept that can develop continuously.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

2, the applied foreground of epoxy resin

Because epoxy resin has afore-mentioned advantages, because this is in,the domain such as building, electron, aerospace, car, medical treatment is having wide application. Future, of the ceaseless progress as the technology and application extend ceaselessly, the applied perspective of epoxy resin will be more wide.

Constructing a field, epoxy resin can be used at making structural rubber, ceramic tile glue, floor glue wait, future still will explore his to wait for the application of the respect in the wall outside the building, insulation material.

In electronic domain, epoxy resin can be used at making circuit board, enclose electronic component to wait, future still will explore his to be in flexible the application of the respect such as circuit, sensor.

In aerospace domain, epoxy resin can be used at making component of aircraft component, satellite wait, future still will explore his to wait for the application of the respect in aerostat of new-style aviation material, intelligence.

In car domain, epoxy resin can be used at making car component, stop a car piece, tire, future still will explore his to be in light the application that quantifies the respect such as batteries of automobile data, electric car.

In medical treatment domain, epoxy resin can be used at making medical treatment equipment, artificial joint wait, future still will explore his to turn the application that waits for a respect in intelligence of biology medicine material, medical apparatus and instruments.

3, epilogue

Epoxy resin is a kind of outstanding material, have wide application foreground and a lot of advantages. In future, the ceaseless progress as the technology is extended ceaselessly with what use a field, it is important that epoxy resin will continue to develop its action, make contribution for our life and the development of each domains.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City