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Stage model 4 treasure battalion called in in Feburary lukewarm, battalion receives 130.7 billion yuan, the month is added 7.8%

On March 7, battalion received announcement of below division of stage model company 4 big companies in Feburary 2023. Amalgamative add up to makes an appointment with one hundred and thirty billion seven hundred and twelve million yuan, the month is added 7.8% . Close from battalion can see sale state is regaining growing kinetic energy stage by stage, among them battalion of stage model only month closes grow 2 to become above, stage model changes expression to also shine particularly eye, come true month years double go up 3.7 % and 20.7 % .

Company Battalion closed in Feburary (100 million yuan) Annulus comparing
Model 176.88 22.8%
Change 280.17 9.5%
South Asia 218.43 7.7%
Model is changed 631.64 3.7%
Aggregate 1307.12 -

Stage model

Battalion received stage model in Feburary seventeen billion six hundred and eighty-eight million yuan, the month is added 22.8% . Stage model shows, the mainland after the Spring Festival is downstream processing factory in succession go back to work, petrochemical demand increases, add was about to enter plastic and traditional peak period in March, the client gets the materials ready apiration turns strong, drive product sales volume grew in Feburary, the month increases total sale 73 thousand tons.

Additional, because situation of black of the Russia at the beginning of last year is tight, crude price rises greatly, push rose last year in Feburary petrochemical prices, the whole world suffers to connect Peng high to reach since this year Euramerican rise breath influence, consumer purchasing power glides, impose contract of Du Bai crude oil and second, propylene average price is compared respectively the corresponding period dropped last year 11.1% , 16.8% reach 15.1% . Accordingly, average price compared each product in Feburary the corresponding period dropped last year, drop in 11% to 44% between.

The stage is changed

The stage changes amalgamative in Feburary battalion to receive twenty-eight billion and seventeen million yuan, the month is added 9.5% . Before battalion received fifty-three billion five hundred and ninety-four million yuan in Feburary, year decrease 9.21 % . Because the Spring Festival reachs city ,basically be of the tourist below PTA, PIA, arrangement was overhauled in January or fall negative, restored in succession Feburary, the sale increases 250 million yuan; PP protects the overhaul surely at was being arranged in January, answer car produce and sale increased 220 million yuan in Feburary. Additional phenol produce and sale adjusts, reduce 150 million yuan; Generation set arranges equipment overhaul, reduce 110 million yuan.

Although sale picks up somewhat, but price respect suffers a Peng, rise the element influence such as breath, the market consumes force attenuation, and the mainland is produced newly can put in supply comfortable, crude oil and petrifaction are plastic product value under last year.

South Asia

Amalgamative in Feburary battalion receives South Asia twenty-one billion eight hundred and forty-three million yuan, the month is added 7.7% , before battalion received forty-two billion one hundred and thirty-two million yuan in Feburary, year decrease 35.27 % . Basically be Spring Festival hind downstream estate go back to work, although day number is less in Feburary, but be opposite in the market a Peng, litre of breath be anxious to be reduced gradually under, consumptive demand picks up, the client fills actively after the Spring Festival goods, make sale of of all kinds product increases, battalion restrains growth.

Stage model is changed

Stage model is changed amalgamative in Feburary sixty-three billion one hundred and sixty-four million yuan, the month is added 3.7% , before battalion received 124.1 billion yuan in Feburary, year add 6.28 % . Sale and price difference answer , among them, month of oil refining career is added 1.7% , alkene career month is added 16.2% , basically be alkene quote rises, complete product is average every tons of month increases price 60 dollars.

Stage model is changed point out, because ethylene answers filling inventory after market farming past years, average every tons of price raises 52 dollars; Propylene suffers price of liquefied petroleum gas to go up greatly increase sharply, average every tons of price raises 69 dollars; Because butadiene is downstream demand is driving, average every tons of price raises 242 dollars; Splitting decomposition benzine is average every tons of price raises 45 dollars.

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