From environmental protection high-powered colophony, to fan lamina colophony, arrive again have an industry to overturn of the gender can reclaim colophony, acumen takes downstream trade the newest demand to the product. ” of arms of the person at the head of a procession of “ of domain of Song Jiangxin material, on Inc. of science and technology of abb new material (” of new material of the abb on “ of the following abbreviation) through lasting the technology innovates, grab catch the act such as market a place with a draught, maintain development from beginning to end pace is steady. Arrowy annals technology innovates

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Found in Taiwan from 1992 company, pursue research and development of high-powered colophony product, production and sale, come to Shanghai do a factory to last to 2000 deep ploughing, nowadays, abb new material has become the bibcock company inside this industry domain on, was in 2020 division achieve board appear on the market successfully.

Steady progress cannot leave to go up abb new material innovates in the technology the arrowy annals of the respect not change. “ lasts product of innovation of research and development, the specific technology challenge that faces the client is changed into product and feasible craft solution, it is to aid the main motive force that promotes company development. Rising sun of ” company president Cai introduces, pass old technique to accumulate, abb new material breaks through industry key technology ceaselessly on, accumulative total wins patent 103, share a staff " polymer base function of composite material exhaustion checks a method " " fiber enhances standard of technology of equipment of plastic chemical industry " wait for occupation standard. The course develops for years, on the colophony of wind report lamina of research and development of abb new material came true to be opposite in material science and technology, 31 groups, heavy the stable market of the manufacturer of lamina of main wind report such as TPI enclothes motivation of combination of report of a Cheng Fei, state, Dipiai. In foreign client market, company product already was mixed through Aeris of international lamina factory international wind report is overall manufacturer the eligible supplier attestation of beautiful Sa of Xi Menzi song. In environmental protection high-powered anti-corrosive material domain, in project of smelt of coloured of iron Congo gold, medium lubricious share Deziwa10 is project of smelt of 10 thousand tons of copper, violet King Kong fruit (gold) Musuonuoyi is mining industry, Indonesian to decoke of Bo elegant power plant all chose on abb is new.

Technical innovation need is comfortable distribute equipment of corresponding facilities of research and development. According to introducing, abb new material has classics DNV attestation and country of Chinese eligible assess to approve committee on (CNAS) admissive standard lab, own the facility of crucial research and development that suits, it is the company that domestic minority has standard lab.

Grab catch market a place with a draught

Hold industry upland besides technical respect, holding to the acumen of market opportunity also is to go up the main weapon that abb new material develops continuously.

Use colophony product manufacturer as the famous composite material inside the industry, on abb new material has had the complete product line inside this domain nowadays. Look in Cai Chaoyang, the layout of category of every time new product, it is the result that evaluates integratedly to market opportunity and challenge.

In environmental protection high-powered anti-corrosive material domain, abb new material connects the technology that comes for years too to accumulate on, the product enclothes orbit traffic to use safe material and electric power, petrifaction, electron the project of contaminative prevention and cure of the industry such as project of electric, metallurgy, semiconductor, construction, extend product category to light quantify, safety, environmental protection product is pushed successfully to the market, in order to satisfy the requirement that the market changes increasingly.

Be based on the look up before the market of fields of pair of new energy resources, went up early 2005 abb new material already established group of research and development of colophony of wind report lamina, complied with market demand to roll out product of colophony of wind report lamina 2007. Already became minority of industry of cable of domestic and international wind to have one of colophony suppliers of complete product line at present.

Grow ceaselessly considering amount of composite material litter, and to environmental protection send more take seriously, abb new material is early more on began 2016 but sex of recuperative heat solid the research and development of epoxy resin, give performance at successful 2018 development exceedingly good can reclaim epoxy resin product.

Create a field to car of current and fervent new energy resources and high-end equipment, abb new material also has relevant product position on. Colophony of “ vinyl ester is in tenacity, tensile strength, small amount, fast and the design spends a respect to have an advantage freely, as the addition of demand of output of new energy resources, small amount car, the respect such as the roof in the car, doorcase, bumper and engine valve will have vinyl ester colophony bigger application space. ” Cai Chaoyang introduces, in high-end equipment domain, the environmental protection of the company is anti-corrosive the product already was applied extensively at electronic semiconductor industry, future still will be in unmanned aircraft, Gao Tie, Gao Gang spends mechanical arm domain to promote application the space.

Prominent technical dominant position and overall product position gain wide market for the company. According to introducing, go up at present the series product market that abb new material uses at energy-saving environmental protection and field of new energy resources is had rate before all be in an industry 3. Layout home market while, on abb new material develops overseas market actively, the product is sold toward 30 many countries and area.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City