Market current situation

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Data origin: CERA/ACMI


Prices overview

Double phenolic A:

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Data origin: CERA/ACMI

Price respect: Market of double last week phenolic A is small drop: Up to on March 10, hua Dongshuang phenolic A consults the price is in 9500 yuan / ton, relatively before a week drops 200 yuan.

Suffer haven inventory and effect of supply demand relations, market of domestic phenolic ketone stops last week drop rebound, pressure of cost of double phenolic A and loss rate are increased further. Spot market of double phenolic A supplies friendship of enough, Guangxi China 200 thousand tons / year put into production of buy of new clothes of double phenolic A, contest of A of double phenol of petrifaction of the depression that demand carries, short for Zhejiang Province pats the price to drop 100-200 yuan / ton, atmosphere of whole of market of double phenolic A slants as before empty, the price is low continue be issued to lower levels, achieve in recent years new low.

Raw material respect: Market of phenolic last week ketone is small go up: AcetoneNewest and referenced price is in 6200 yuan / ton, relatively before a week rises 400 yuan; PhenolNewest and referenced price is in 8050 yuan / ton, relatively before a week keeps balance.

Device circumstance: Petrifaction of short for Zhejiang Province 2 period device restarts, dark blue city is changed greatly short stop, rate of start working of trade unit whole is become in 7-8.

Annulus oxygen chloric propane:

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Data origin: CERA/ACMI

Price respect: Narrow cut of market of annulus oxygen chloric propane is fluctuant last week: Up to on March 10, chloric propane of oxygen of annulus of Hua Dong market consults valence is in 8500 yuan / ton, relatively before a week drops 100 yuan.

End of cost of annulus oxygen chloric propane is propped up still stronger, the price of the product of two kinds of craft is in cost line under. But industry of downstream epoxy resin is produced can utilization rate is inferior, and raw material is used up with agreement and inventory give priority to, the market lacks new sheet to carry brace up. Shipment of manufacturer of annulus oxygen chloric propane bear pressure, the mainstream discusses the price to continue to show the sign that shade drops.

Raw material respect: ECH of course of two kinds of craft inside week advocate narrow cut of raw material price is fluctuant: PropyleneNewest and referenced price is in 76 yuan / ton, hua Dong99.5% glycerineNewest and referenced price is in 4900 yuan / ton, relatively before a week keeps balance basically.

Device circumstance: Foreign unit of link of ocean of peaceful wave town, peaceful wave still is in jockey condition, rate of industry whole start working is in 6 into the left and right sides.

Epoxy resin

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Data origin: CERA/ACMI

Price respect: Market of domestic epoxy resin continues to drop last week: Up to on March 10, price of reference of epoxy resin of Hua Dong liquid 14400 yuan / ton, relatively before a week keeps balance; Price of reference of solid epoxy resin 13900 yuan / ton, relatively before a week drops 100 yuan.

Phenolic ketone market is strong, but sky of benefit of end of demand of double phenolic A still holds dominant position, the price continues to drop, product loss rate is increased; Cost of ECH of another raw material is propped up stronger also, plant inventory and shipment pressure are greater, the price also drops small. Face of epoxy resin cost continues abate, market of solid epoxy resin is small drop, liquid colophony market is in of order for goods of industry of downstream wind cable prop up below, loath stanch drop situation, industrial catenary whole shows the sign of weak force be issued to lower levels as before. Accompanying industrial catenary the constant be issued to lower levels of value of a few kinds of products, factory deficit range is increased, continue to let benefit apiration reduce, market bottom already was shown gradually.

Plant field: Rate of start working of liquid colophony whole is become in 5-6, rate of start working of solid colophony whole is in 4 into the left and right sides.


The price is referenced last week

Last week epoxy resin of domestic E-51, E-12 the price is as follows last week (the liquid is clean water factory price, solid sends price for Hua Dong) , offer reference only.

Price of reference of colophony of domestic E-51 liquid (yuan / ton)

Manufacturing business

Referenced price


South Asia of elder brother hill


Bear 7 into

Raise Nong Jinhu


Negative charge is small

Changchun chemical industry


Bear 7 into

Nantong stars


Move normally

Jinan Tian Mao


Move smoothly

Jiangsu 3 wood


Bear 6 into

Zhuhai grand prosperous


Move smoothly

Ba Ling petrifaction


Move normally

State of Zhejiang a person of extraordinary powers


Bear 5 into

Price of reference of colophony of domestic E-12 solid (yuan / ton)

Manufacturing business

Referenced price


Ba Ling petrifaction


Move normally

Huang Shanheng is far


Move normally

Huang Shan 5 annulus

Of short duration does not quote

Move normally

Yellow Shan Yuanrun


Bear 5 into

Yellow Shan Hengtai


Bear 5 into

Huang Shanheng is bright


Move normally

Yellow Shan Jinfeng


Move normally

Horse of yellow mountain sky

Of short duration does not quote

Move normally

— above quotes, offer reference only, not transact basis, specific with the enterprise real time quote is accurate. —

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City