On December 14, shaanxi Yu forest net of official of energy group limited company issues announcement, can turn Shaanxi Yu industry data limited company subtly 1 million tons / year full text of transaction of plan of change of water and soil conservation of project of high-end chemical new material gives fair show, public information is not involved confidential, the problem of water and soil conservation to the project puts forward the public figure that welcomes to care a project to build to reach a proposal about the opinion.

The project alters reason

According to report exposure, because original plan weaves time is in a project,can grind level, project area covers an area of an area to be 98.84hm2, because the area of extent of liability of prevention and cure of this give an official is 98.84hm2. Later period is decorated because of the project happen adjust, took up Shaanxi Yu forest energy group limited company " coal makes 1.2 million tons / year glycol first phase 400 thousand tons / year glycol starts a project " medium obligate ground, the reply that the project preelection site that the area offers for 22.81hm2; construction unit applies for always covers an area of an area to be 1605.4088 mus (107.03hm2) , area of extent of liability of effective prophylaxis and treatment is this project 129.84hm2, the 98.84hm2 photograph of more original plan is compared increased 30.99hm2, the cubic metro of earth and stone of the give an official of 30%; original plan that is more than extent of liability of original plan prophylaxis and treatment is dug fill gross to be 4.6 million M3, cubic metro of earth and stone is dug now fill gross to be six million four hundred and seventy thousand two hundred M3, photograph comparing increased one million eight hundred and seventy thousand two hundred M3 at original plan, exceed 30% . According to general office of irrigation works hall about print and distribute " change of plan of water and soil conservation of project of construction of production of irrigation works ministry administers a regulation (try out) " announcement (do water to protect 2016 〕 of 〔 65) wait for file requirement, extent of liability of soil erosion prevention and cure increases 30% above and excavate to write the project that builds gross of cubic metro of earth and stone to exceed 30% above, need weaves plan of water and soil conservation changes transaction. The company weaves personnel undertakes modification perfecting seriously according to expert opinion, form " Shaanxi Yu can turn industry data limited company subtly 1 million tons / year plan of water and soil conservation of project of high-end chemical new material changes transaction " final edition. Project brief introduction

Project name: 10 tons / year does; of project of high-end chemical new material build unit: ? Does herd of げ of rich  of  of Yan of contraction Yong Ju disrelish? of Xing Xun  to build dimensions and content: ? ?0 of  of  of Tao of Qia of a surname of tenon of Piao beat ㄉ 10 thousand tons / year DMTA device, 200 thousand tons / year device of annulus oxygen ethane, 200 thousand tons / year get together ether decreases water agent big monomer, 100 thousand tons / year unit of annulus oxygen propane, 260 thousand tons / year device of hydrogen peroxide solution. Cover an area of area: ? Bring up?29.84hm2 of Biao of Bei of envy of Piao aperture glucoside, cover an area of property to all be permanent cover an area of; to cover an area of a type to be carried for other forest land, other meadow, industrial land, traffic with the ground and other land. Build: of time limit for a project? Bring up Piao to take an examination of Ping  ?024 year in January start working, in December 2026 the copy is complete, build time limit for a project 36 months. Does the project invest: ? こ covers Gorgon euryale to crouch act the role of?68000 10 thousand yuan, among them earth builds investment one billion eight hundred and twenty-three million one hundred and ninety thousand yuan. Build place: ? Burying ひ of Chang of ∮ of contraction have a nightmare ascends a surname of ひ of  Hou  ? of which happy event of bay shovel  rinses 2 to, clear water 4 north side, clear water all the way east side and classics all the way on the west side. Project foundation designs go into operation

In October 26 to 27 days, shaanxi Yu can turn industry data limited company subtly 1 million tons / year start working of design of base of project of high-end chemical new material can be in Tianjin to be held smoothly. Area of garden of industry of god of office of headquarters of construction of base of chemical industry of energy of high end of Yu forest city, Yu is led related administrative committee, yu can Wen Yaoshun of committee member of group Party committee, vise general manager, yu can change Bi Yajun of project executive director, general manager subtly, the chief engineer holds the post of Guo Yu, lin Binbin of Wei of Zhao Min of vise general manager of day day company, chief engineer attends the meeting. On the meeting, day day company reported project of project general situation, foundation to design progress of pre-construction job, job and requirement, the key discussed fundamental design phase advocate watch, total plane is decorated, the system is each balance data, overall reach project of interface of work of professional and unified regulation, each unit and interface, foundation to design project of conditional pattern plate, foundation to design project of conditional plan, foundation to design plan arrangement to wait for matters concerned. The conference points out, 1 million tons / year project of high-end chemical new material is Yu can the group explores chemical industry of contemporary and careful coal to develop way, produce the major strategy item of product of high end, clean chemical industry, also be Yu can the priority discipline that transition of development of confluence of group industry catenary, implementation upgrades. 1 million tons / year project of high-end chemical new material is Yu can the group explores chemical industry of contemporary and careful coal to develop way, produce the major strategy item of product of high end, clean chemical industry, it is Yu can the priority discipline that transition of development of confluence of group industry catenary, implementation upgrades, also be chemical industry of coal of Yu forest city development comes more than 20 years high end of materiality trend “ is changed, the project of ” of “ cut into a mountain of ” of diversity, low carbonization.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City