Report of “ maritime wind is but the main field that second birth the sources of energy develops, development potential is tremendous, it is the important grasper that expands low carbon economy not only, also be the new upland of power industry enter into rivalry. ” delegate, special become electrical engineering general manager of limited company of Heng Yang transformer is planted develop civilian expresses, want complemental short board, advance maritime wind report equipment is homebred change dimensions to turn application. Have the natural advantage that develops maritime wind report, coasting is as long as 18 thousand kilometer, can use maritime space area kilometer of 300 much square, maritime wind energy potential of resourceful, development is tremendous. New data of bureau of the sources of energy: Up to by 2021, but second birth the sources of energy generates electricity outfit machine achieves 1.063 billion kilowatt, occupy always generate electricity 44.8% of installed capacity; Among them, machine of wind report outfit 328 million kilowatt, occupy always generate electricity 13.8% of installed capacity, machine of outfit of maritime wind report is jumped house. Carat Ke Sen considers to express, predict project of maritime wind cable invests to reached 50 billion dollar 2022, relatively grew 16% 2021. And 2023, investment of project of maritime wind cable will be added further to 74 billion dollar, invest project of cable of again broken maritime wind the record at the appointed time. “ future will be innovation of technology of maritime wind cable and changing key 5 years period. ” is planted develop civilian says, according to “ 945 ” new energy resources develops a program, moving toward deep-sea, high seas is the one general orientation of industry of maritime wind cable. He suggests, report of wind of deep, high seas is defeated by focusing change problem of ” of neck of card of electric equipment “ , encourage bibcock enterprise to use produce learn to grind with unifinication mode, accelerate report of far-reaching sea wind to be defeated change electric core technology and equipment research and development and application, raise equipment homebred change rate. Equipment of maritime wind phone develops, in overall the wind cable unit of the domain is homebred change position earlier, equipment is homebred turn application rate is high, domestic leader form a complete set 90% above, but in domain of canister of station of maritime step up, tower be defeated change electric equipment is homebred turn existence difference. Kind develop civilian introduces, for instance a powerful person accuses inside the market of the equipment such as ark of transducer of chip, IGBT, middling pressure, switch, component is major or by foreign capital enterprise or joint ventures are had. Kind develop civilian analysis, when go into business windward report is defeated change electric equipment is homebred change and the account that dimensions changes application to be not worth has at 2 o'clock: It is be enslaved to be enslaved to maritime wind report is defeated change electric part equipment is accumulated on technology and outstanding achievement insufficient, home is defeated change electric equipment production company wins the bid hard in market competition; 2 it is the coastal waters that matures relatively in technology and market and onshore domain, be defeated related change the compositive research and development that offer money designs electric unifinication insufficient, the market dimensions that brings about whole set equipment changes application to still be not worth. How complemental short board? Kind develop civilian expresses, besides accelerate crucial core technology besides own innovation, encourage even by have maritime wind report to be defeated change the solution that electric equipment whole set has equipment whole set unifinication is designed and offer money for the enterprise of goods ability or group company, establish standard of centralized equipment technology. In addition, kind develop civilian returns a proposal, give support from mechanism of compensation of financial revenue, insurance, reduce cost of business research and development, application cost, encourage and ensure relevant enterprise and stage of promotion application research and development to cover maritime wind be defeated related report change report equips, implementation is defeated related maritime wind report change electric equipment is homebred change and dimensions turns market application.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City