Client of big Wuhan of daily of the Yangtse River is carried question will fall in circumstance of normal electric current on April 26, the subway rail of material of epoxy resin of the anticorrosion on besmear, can improve the service life of 5 times at least. On April 26, the material of coating of colophony of anticorrosion of rail of subway of domestic head money of research and development of group of research and development of profiled bar of limited company of Wuhan iron and steel, the ask that receives company of subway of domestic much home is odd. Current, the subway already became people liaison man to give one of main vehicle of travel in the city. Generally speaking, subway rail service life is ten years. But if cause cankerous subway rail because of stray current, be about 1 many year to change commonly.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

The colophony coating rail after the subway changes.

We receive “ after the report of subway company, beginning hand research and development. Zhu Min of chief researcher, doctor introduces group of research and development of profiled bar of limited company of ” Wuhan iron and steel, in October 2019, staff member of company of a subway of domestic is mirrorred, the direct current that uses as a result of the subway is to pass rail electric conduction, voltaic face a direction, if be below damp environment,rail and earth cannot be isolated from, electric current flows to the earth, bring about rail easily to be corroded quickly and rupture, bring safe hidden trouble.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Industry of limited company of Wuhan iron and steel produces finished colophony coating rail.

Must capture this problem. The average age that Zhu Min is in is group of 9 people research and development, consult at once data of domestic and international document, discover the common and antirust paint that insulation of the subway before this uses, cannot prolong subway rail service life more effectively. After the group experiments through about a hundred, all previous classics between two years of a long time, successful research and development gives data of new-style colophony coating. Zhu Min says, below 300 ℃ high temperature, fuse farinose colophony material, spray in subway rail waist and bottom, material of “ colophony coating, besides have insulation effect, return the combustion process ” that can reduce rail in normal aerosphere.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Subway rail divides rust the following photograph.

Zhu Min introduces, use data of this kind of new-style coating, still can come true fall cost. His citing, if change the frequency of rail 3 times according to 5 years, changing course expenses to add rail is the defray with not small brushstroke; Use coating rail now, can not change course 5 years, cost has convention to change course to increase rail cost only 10% less than. At present, material of this kind of new-style coating, had applied in Wuhan subway on 2 lines rail, later period returns will progressively promotion. Group of research and development of profiled bar of limited company of Wuhan iron and steel consults document shows, this is material of protection of colophony of rail of subway of first anticorrosion of domestic.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

After subway rail divides rust, again coating of daub black colophony is the following rail photograph.

As pursue profiled bar product and job of technology research and development all the time, own accredit patent more than 40, obtain Hubei to save first prize of progress of science and technology, second-class award Zhu Min of each 1 professor class engineer, the coating of subway rail colophony that gives out to grinding is confident, “ coating still can give different facial expression according to needing modulation, multicoloured of prospective subway rail, will become a city to shine together beautiful scenery ” .

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City