On April 8, — of garden of 0 carbon industry—Project of first phase of garden of industry of carbon of much Si Ling of Er of distant view another name for Hubei province builds go into operation. Other concerned leader goes to glow of Wangli of chairman of Shi Taifeng of secretary of Party committee of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, municipality and municipality garden of 0 carbon industry sees prospect survey, develop around new energy resources and innovation of 0 carbon industry, undertake discussing with Zhang Lei of CEO of group of distant view science and technology with communication.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
Zhang Lei introduced distant view to be based on “ ” of operating system of 0 carbon number mixes ” of new-style power system, “ pillar of 3 big innovation makes ” of group of “ green new industry a garden of 0 carbon industry. To 2025, garden of industry of carbon of much Si Ling will regard Er of distant view another name for Hubei province as the example of green Industrial Revolution, the place that help strength realizes production value of new industry of 300 billion yuan of green, create post of high-tech of 100 thousand green, realize 100 million tons of carbon dioxide year the goal that reduces a platoon. Shi Taifeng recognizes perspective highly mode of innovation of garden of 0 carbon industry, state preexistence of Inner Mongolia percent of pass realizes wholesale green electricity to supply, in E Er much this city makes a 0 carbon industry field, make put forth effort 0 carbon city. Distant view works hardheadedly one many year, project construction ran acceleration, created for garden of 0 carbon industry standard and made surveyor's pole, inner Mongolia supports field of new energy resources with all one's strength certainly high grade company invests development in Inner Mongolia, hope distant view brings cravat to move more fluctuation to swim enterprise assemble develops, both sides of ground look forward to carries a hand to come joint efforts, letting 0 carbon is distant view no longer, turn prospect into reality. After survey ends, shi Taifeng's secretary and chairman of king Li glow interviewed Zhang Lei and modes of life and relation to their environment of distant view industry the enterprise such as fund of capital of course of study of aluminium of electron of abb of Dali of science and technology of vanadium of cobaltic course of study of companionate Hua You, emperor, division, contest, 5 stars, Chinese larch. Zhang Lei expresses, distant view takes technology of 0 carbon innovation and modes of life and relation to their environment of 0 carbon industry to E Er not only much this, more will with E Er much this for start, make standard of garden of 0 carbon industry and operating system, let trend of garden of 0 carbon industry, in future 10 years hand in hand the partner builds garden of industry of 100 0 carbon, decrease carbon every year for the earth 1 billion tons, counteract transition and force of contribution of green Industrial Revolution for carbon. Distant view motivation has built period 10GW batteries is produced can, can be dynamoelectric the dynamical cell that weighs card to provide high energy thickness and high quality store can batteries. Distant view relies on the technical conformity ability of system of new energy resources, car of position new energy resources changes subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy of electrified wire netting, be born green hydrogen and applied unifinication set an example, the ode finishs transition of You Ling carbon on industry of can new energy, make group of industry of green new industry and raise of innovation of green science and technology. New-style power system and digitlization system supported distant view jointly the fan inside the garden of implementation —— industry that intelligence of 0 carbon batteries makes, smooth hot season, store the cleanness that can form in coordination with net of couplet of intelligent other people, stable, efficient new-style power system, offer the sources of energy of 100% 0 carbon to furnish for production; In the meantime, be based on couplet of EnOS intelligence other people the system of attestation of 0 carbon number that the operating system makes, gift the product inside garden area can be tracked trace to the source, the 0 carbon of “ that accord with attestation of orgnaization of standard of of all kinds international, course are green code ” , without camp of dread carbon custom duty, current.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City