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Policy of allowance of car of new 2022 energy resources is huge profit good

On January 11, the meeting that multiply couplet releases the portion multiplied analysis of the market that use a car to point out in December 2021: The ground is new issuance policy, kept active 2022 purchase frame of system of allowance technology quota and doorsill requirement changeless, and the upper limit of dimensions of 2 million allowance that allowance dimensions anticipates from before is decided without the lock, will come true perforative 2022 the allowance of annual. Turn over times promotion as the dimensions of catenary of new energy industry, fall to promote into natural force, anticipate the increment of car of new energy resources of year end is very strong 2022 from this. Labor is as follows: Will review   by the market that use a car in December retail: Took the market that use a car in December 2021 retail achieve 2.105 million, drop compared to the same period 7.9% , relatively dropped in December 2019 1.9% , retail in December overall go strong apparent. Retail in December annulus grows 15.9% than November, compare in last few years the average level that annulus comparing will increase 10% in December, retail this year in December annulus is compared sign is clear improvement. It is better that car city produce and sale will add appearance to be opposite in December, although specific area production has a loss a bit, but chip supply is improved continuously, promote produce and sale will be climbed in December litre. Adverse in December element basically still is epidemic situation, it is epidemic situation sends out first with relapse, measure an effect to entering store on one hand bigger, bring about suffocate suffocate of rehabilitate of service line of business; It is public finance next useful prevent the expenditure that accuses to wait for the safeguard that hold a bottom in the palm to increase at epidemic situation, promote perfective consumptive power props up inadequacy; It is pressure of economic norms fall after a rise and obtain employment anticipate next reach confidence to slant weak, growth of terminal consumption demand is lack of power, low end buys the demand hasten delay of the model in. Together with closed to in December 2020 the sales volume high cardinal number that consumes policy ending, pressure of car city growth slants big. As the return to one's native place before the Spring Festival current in advance is started, the car city after the middle ten days of a month is retail and apparent in December improvement. Last as a result of agency level in improvement of level of inventory of carry out model, structure optimize, the manufacturer is accorded with stage by stage for goods rhythm anticipate. As the sale busy season comes, agency will increase terminal privilege strength apparently in December, sale enthusiasm promotes quickly, implementation terminal is retail go strong. The retail accumulative total of 1-12 month achieved twenty million one hundred and forty-six thousand 2021, grow 4.4% compared to the same period, relatively 1-11 month is added fast drop 1.7 percent. Adding the account with fast small vendor's stand basically is to get 7-12 month is retail 2020 the influence of high cardinal number. Retail 2021 compared to the same period net increment 860 thousand in, traditional fuel car decreases to drop 1.02 million compared to the same period 6% , and increment of car of new energy resources 1.88 million grow 169% compared to the same period, car of new energy resources is multiplied to annual increase fast contribution compared to the same period with the car 9 percent. Luxurious in December car is retail 250 thousand, drop compared to the same period 3% , annulus comparing grows 18% , grew 22% in December 2019 relatively. Sale of luxurious car year end is particularly dovish, for make a good beginning laid solid foundation 2022. Own in December brand is retail 930 thousand, grow 4% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 12% , grew 25% in December 2019 relatively. Retail share of country of own in December brand is 46.3% , increase 6.9 percent compared to the same period; Year share 41% , increase 5.6 percent % . Portion of terminal market of own in December brand 46.9% , relatively portion of the corresponding period grew 6.2 percent; Year is own and wholesale portion 44% , relatively portion of the corresponding period grew 7.3 percent. Performance of company of own brand head is very strong, apparent increment is obtained in market of new energy resources, accordingly Biyadi, on steam is multiplied with the traditional car such as the car brand of look forward to all is shown compared to the same period tall a growth. The mainstream is joint-stock in December the brand is retail 930 thousand, drop compared to the same period 19% , annulus comparing grows 19% , dropped in December 2019 relatively 5% . The day department brand December is retail portion 22.2% , drop compared to the same period a percent. Retail share reachs beautiful department market 9% , drop compared to the same period 0.6 percent. The law fastens portion to promote 0.3 percent, supply of heart department brand is being improved stage by stage. Exit: Will take the outlet that use a car by couplet in December (contain truckload with CKD) 170 thousand, grow 63% compared to the same period, 15% what car of new energy resources occupies exit gross. Exit of own in December brand achieves 150 thousand, grow 77% compared to the same period, joint-stock export 20 thousand with luxurious brand, grow 26% compared to the same period. Production: Will take the production that use a car in December 2.466 million, grow 7.2% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 10.6% , performance is very strong. Among them luxurious brand production grows 20% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 18% ; Joint-stock brand production drops compared to the same period 1% , annulus comparing grows 11% ; Own brand production grows 13% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 8% . 1-12 month accumulative total produces twenty million nine hundred and fifty-one thousand, grow 7.7% compared to the same period. Shortage of near future chip affects clear improvement, conduce to luxurious brand and joint-stock brand improving manufacturing rhythm and dimensions quickly, but divide Zhou Cisheng to produce a circumstance to still be put in the Yang Bo on amplitude to use large position. Wholesale: The manufacturer is wholesale in December sales volume 2.366 million, grow 2.3% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 10.0% , relatively added in December 2019 9.2% . 1-12 month accumulative total is wholesale sales volume twenty-one million and ninety-eight thousand, grow 6.7% compared to the same period, relatively the corresponding period reduced nearly 10 thousand 2019. Inventory: Before this year 3 quarters were experienced from go inventory arrives the special cycle that approachs safe stock, stock of four quarters firm is answered quickly fill. Annulus of end firm stock will compare growth in December 100 thousand, channel inventory annulus compares growth 90 thousand; Of calendar year December is the important node that establishs reserve, it is better that inventory will be built this year in December, laid the foundation of sprint of year end sales volume. Stock of 1-12 month firm reduced 130 thousand 2021, relatively inventory of month of calendar year 1-12 reduces extent to slant big, form successive 4 years puissant go the feature of inventory. The channel inventory of 1-12 month reduced 560 thousand relatively 2021, relatively the corresponding period went 2020 inventory pressure of 200 thousand be in short supply still tremendous. New energy resources: New in December energy resources is multiplied with the car wholesale sales volume achieves 505 thousand, grow 138.9% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 17.8% . 1-12 month new energy resources is multiplied with the car wholesale 3.312 million, grow 181.0% compared to the same period. New in December energy resources is multiplied with the car retail sales volume achieves 475 thousand, grow 128.8% compared to the same period, annulus comparing grows 25.4% . Car of 1-12 month new energy resources is retail 2.989 million, grow 169.1% compared to the same period. Car of new energy resources and traditional fuel car go situation the feature that forms intense poor dissimilation, realize car of new energy resources to replace effect to the part of fuel car market, the commercialized a choice to prove to consume demand change that adopts an user, pull motor-car city to change the pace of transition to new energy resources quickly. 1) is wholesale: Manufacturer of car of new in December energy resources is wholesale permeability 21.3% , 1-12 month permeability 15.7% , relatively the permeability promotion of 5.8% is apparent 2020. In December, permeability of car of own brand new energy resources 35.2% ; The permeability of car of new energy resources in luxurious car 27.2% ; And the mainstream is joint-stock permeability of car of brand new energy resources is only 3.7% . Pure in December dynamoelectric and wholesale sales volume 423 thousand, grow 137.9% compared to the same period; Insert report to mix change sales volume 82 thousand, grow 143.9% compared to the same period, occupy than 16% . Sales volume of model of high end of electric in December car is strong grow, low end goes in force is more powerful, dumbbell of pure dynamoelectric market structure is improved somewhat. Among them A00 level is wholesale sales volume 139 thousand, portion is achieved pure 33% dynamoelectric; A0 level is wholesale sales volume 60 thousand, portion is achieved pure 14% dynamoelectric; Motor-car of class A report holds pure dynamoelectric share 25% , pick up from cereal bottom; Motor-car of B form report amounts to 114 thousand, annulus comparing grows 25% , hold pure dynamoelectric share 27% . 2) is retail: Retail permeability of home of car of new in December energy resources 22.6% , 1-12 month permeability 14.8% , relatively the permeability promotion of 5.8% is apparent 2020. In December, the permeability of car of new energy resources in own brand 39% ; The permeability of car of new energy resources in luxurious car 32.7% ; And the mainstream is joint-stock the permeability of car of new energy resources in the brand is only 3.3% . 3) exit: Exit of car of new in December energy resources maintains strong growth, steam takes the outlet of new energy resources that uses a car on 5716, auspicious car 637, biyadi 563, tesla exports 245, great Wall car 203, home market gives priority to car of new energy resources of other vehicle look forward to. 4) car look forward to: New in December energy resources sends force by diversity of the market that use a car, go up steam group and performance of wide steam group are relative stronger, window of traditional car look forward to is outstanding. Biyadi is pure dynamoelectric with insert mix double round drive performance is stronger. Wholesale sales volume breaks through the manufacturer 10 thousand enterprise has 14, relatively early days considerably grow in quantity, among them: Biyadi 93338, tesla 70847, go up steam is general 5 water chestnut 60372, Great Wall car 20926, strange luck car 20501, auspicious car 16831, small roc car 16000, go up steam is multiplied with the car 14868, wide steam dust how 14500. 5) new power: Small in December roc, ideal, colourful comes, which Zha, 0 run, the sales volume of look forward to of new power car such as power horse compares performance with annulus compared to the same period overall better, especially small roc, ideal, colourful comes, which Zha breaks through 10 thousand, 0 run, the company of the 2nd echelon formation such as power horse is fast also on the month that the quantity reached 5000 above is sold. The mainstream is joint-stock in the brand, car of new energy resources of popular of north and south is wholesale 19498, hold the mainstream joint-stock 46% portion, the people is staunch dynamoelectric change transition strategy effect sees first. On sales volume of new energy resources of BMW of general He Huachen all breaks through steam 5000 also are very outstanding, other and joint-stock still need hair power with luxurious brand. 6) general mixes: Common in December mixture motivation is multiplied with the car wholesale eighty-three thousand two hundred, grow 82% compared to the same period, annulus comparing is added 25% . Among them Feng Tian 51220, this cropland 20441, east wind day produces 6282, great Wall car 5220, mix move become new heat stage by stage. Looked into     to there were 21 weekdays in January 2022 by the market that use a car in January 2022, opposite little in December 2021 2 days, more than January 2021 a weekday, but be in because of the Spring Festival on Feburary 1, section premise is entered a few days ago buy a car off-season, because this January 2022 is the miscarriage that car city consumes, go against increment of produce and sale. As the backwater of produce and sale of Euramerican christmas holiday, have ampler chip supply by the industry that use a car, drive production to ensure ability promotion, the mainstream model that early days is short of caustic part chip and has not put in the market puts in quickly, drive car city to furnish to be improved further. Look forward to of 11-12 month car was built last year store although inventory was not achieved anticipate, but channel inventory is improved somewhat, before driving the Spring Festival retail farther get warm again after a cold spell. The economic situation 2022 is increasingly complex and grim, but it is to buy the concentration of the user to erupt before the Spring Festival node, car city is behaved inevitable stronger. Epidemic situation sends out countryside shift to an ealier time is returned before the section below the influence, help city of the car before using a part reach of period of sell like hot cakes. The near future is individual the area sends out the on the spot that epidemic situation brings spends the New Year wait for information the effect is mixed, the likelihood returns countryside to buy car consumption before bigger impact section, the control circumstance of epidemic situation is the attention place that market of Spring Festival around buys a car. Because the industry such as estate is small,confuse, brought share consumes inadequacy of group purchasing power, car latent capacity is bought to release before going against a section. Look forward to of partial convention car is affected by chip and key is low anticipated 2021, not consign order resource has better reserve, car city left 2022 bureau the effort that defends make a good beginning is very strong still. The main factor that restrains car city growth in last few years is introductory class consumption is low fan, but the trend that group regression works to save obtain employment originally outside middleaged province is clear, pull move get warm again after a cold spell of northward car city, car consumption is bought to also be met before the Spring Festival stronger. As fall off of allowance of new energy resources carry out, fine tuning of partial model price, condition of disappear give a lot of care also has change, demand of car of new energy resources still can get slight influence. But car of new energy resources lasts hot, keep long in stock is at present much early days not consign order, because this much is new,sales volume of model of the sources of energy won't be affected apparently by fall off. 3.2022 years policy of allowance of new energy resources is huge profit read related good   : Fall off 30% ! Policy of allowance of finance of application of promotion of car of new 2022 energy resources issues   basis new issuance policy, kept active 2022 purchase frame of system of allowance technology quota and doorsill requirement changeless, and the upper limit of dimensions of 2 million allowance that allowance dimensions anticipates from before is decided without the lock, will come true perforative 2022 the allowance of annual. Turn over times promotion as the dimensions of catenary of new energy industry, fall to promote into natural force, anticipate the increment of car of new energy resources of year end is very strong 2022 from this. Because subsidy level is changeless, and batteries and truckload and compositive technology are in promotion, because this basically is policy drives dimensions of industry of car of new energy resources to grow considerably, reflected policy support low carbon industry energetically, drive transition of industry of traditional fuel car. In commercial vehicle domain, the announcement that four quarters began to continuously brunt manufacturer throws the model that change report 2021 is declared and industrial catenary is perfected, industrial change wind direction is worth to pay close attention to. Anticipate 4.8 million to new 2022 energy resources takes the sales volume that use a car so, should adjust 5.5 million above at present, new energy resources is achieved by the permeability that use a car 25% the left and right sides. Hopeful of car of new energy resources breaks through 6 million, permeability of car of new energy resources is in 22% the left and right sides. Four quarters new energy resources took the sales volume that use a car 2021 1.3 million, approbate to market of new energy resources as domestic consumer spend promote considerably, the strength of policy allowance is stable, advance the car of new energy resources 2022 to sell gross necessarily cruel add, continue to hold 50% above share super- get by force army position. 4. Car of new energy resources cannot be canned afford with do not remove   as push strategy of ” of double carbon of the environmental protection that decrease a platoon, “ , sales volume of car of new energy resources will continue to appear to rise situation considerably. Data of the meeting that multiply couplet shows: New 2021 energy resources is multiplied with the car wholesale 3.312 million, grow 181.0% compared to the same period; Retail sales volume achieves 2.989 million, grow 169.1% compared to the same period. And traditional fuel car is wholesale 2021 17.79 million, drop compared to the same period 4% , retail 17.16 million, drop compared to the same period 6% . Car of new energy resources and traditional fuel car go situation the trend that forms sharp differentiation is clear, car of new energy resources replaces those who achieve pair of fuel car markets effect, pull motor-car city to change the pace of transition to new energy resources quickly. In last few years the growth of motor vehicle insurance cost of insurance industry puts delay. Look from insurance industry data, 2020 motor vehicle insurance cost 824.4 billion yuan, grow 0.6% compared to the same period; Manage compensate 475.5 billion yuan, grow 0.2% compared to the same period, all appear under retain the quantity is added fast low growth posture, because insurance premium changes,this is probably hind, suffer hand in strong danger and drive by personnel compensatory accident harms the safeguard limits promotion such as danger, old old model to cast protect apiration or cast the influence that maintains a project to cut. The rate of compensate of insurance cost manage with safe 2020 motor vehicle is achieved 57% , relatively the compensate of insurance cost manage 2017 is led 52% , rise only 5 are nodded. Relative to the better growth at other insurance breed, industry of motor vehicle insurance still has those who increase pressure. Risk of motor vehicle insurance is planted the addition that structural change, additional risk plants, it is improvement the significant step that benefit, open market chooses. The is used to for a long time through understanding an user to drive change in be is custom-built plant nearly offerred transition channel. Car of near future new energy resources is rolled out safely is very good thing, but cost of insurance of car of new energy resources raises on the high side, the likelihood is car of new energy resources as a result the oily money below the province should pay insurance premium, bring about car of new energy resources to use it seems that not be to one's profit, form can afford with the appearance that does not have, the worry buying a car that raised price sensitivity user and the decision-making difficulty that choose to be planted nearly (the disperse degree that plants considering additional risk risk) , go against promotion of car of new energy resources. Accumulate as the big data of car of new energy resources increasingly perfect, personalized insurance professional ability exceeds strong, the insurance breed that because this car look forward to is necessary in the future,builds oneself. The new technology that accompanying car of new energy resources promotes a trend, on the foundation that calculates manage compensate rate through historical data, the ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Communication of insurance industry union is improved to road transportation environment and efficient execute the law of strength promote setting to fall continuously, or have more the insurance with accurate essence is calculated and plant nearly plan is recommended. Also expect policy wants to support the reasonable subsidy of insurance expenses, let more consumer buy be economical of car of new energy resources, save worry. 5. By make foreign capital with the car cancel to be helpful for commercializing competitive     than limitation on December 27, 2021, development is reformed appoint announced " foreign investment admittance is special administrative measure (negative detailed list) (2021 edition) " , the field is created in the car, cancel to multiply make foreign capital with the car the home and two two the following production can be established in home than limitation and same home foreign trader congener and truckload the limitation of the joint ventures of the product. In more than 20 years before this, to a policy of rigidder than having all the time limitation of joint-stock car look forward to. Unlock those who be helpful for commercializing competition this to deepen, also reflected the big country that insists to open to the outside world attitude and travel of progressively carry out arrive from consumptive big country the only way of transition of production powerful nation. The joint ventures predicts to be able to be adjusted in equity on opposite discretion. See the growth that takes the market that use a car encounter bottleneck at present, after achieving 23.72 million by the sales volume that use a car 2017, the overall dimensions of traditional fuel car has expanded hard. Introductory class consumes force to be not worth, car of class A of traditional fuel car is small upright market has risen lack of power. The advantage of joint-stock car look forward to is traditional fuel car tens of year technical experience is accumulated and corresponding consumptive group has an insight into, after market dimensions suffocate suffocate, risk of enterprise benefit be issued to lower levels is huge. Joint-stock car look forward to is foreign and new build car of the 3rd fuel enterprise and the communication difficulty that establishs new brand and sunken cost are huge. Own new energy resources rises abruptly change market territory. Because new energy resources takes the development that use a car swift and violent, expression of own brand new energy resources exceeds strong, through aiding power industry catenary to the fast feedback mechanism of consumer of new energy resources active transition is adjusted, formed in truckload the lead dominant position in production link. Make the core competition market that car of new energy resources develops, because this is unlocked than short-term inside not big to market structure influence, the strong growth that sees car of new energy resources of own brand have the aid of for a long time will be obtained more the market position of the advantage, the crucial technology that also conduces to catenary of industry of promotion new energy is indigenous change a standard.

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