A few days ago, new collect area is held be the lucky number of major project volume made an appointment with the portion in December 2023, open complete activity. This volume be the lucky number is made an appointment with, open complete project in all 23, always invest 7.245 billion yuan, cover the many fields such as line of business of science and technology of the sources of energy, industry, service.

Among them, couplet of new material of outstanding bittern generation produces project of annulus oxygen chloric propane, Han Yan 8 projects such as production of new material of charcoal of clean water of high-end coconut shell center an autograph to make an appointment with, always invest 4.761 billion yuan, invest group of group, Guangzhou highway engineering to sign cooperative agreement with Guangzhou traffic; Start working project 7, always invest 1.348 billion yuan, include Mo Er division man-made of facing of amine of Lin Sanju cyanogen board intelligence is made, be proud semiconductor of Du Chaojing case makes the item such as hot technology and product; Complete project 8, always invest 1.136 billion yuan, include rice of accept of triumphant blessing carbon to be in charge of electroconductive slurry production, gold to taste the project such as production of intelligent accessory equipment.

Outstanding bittern Dai Xincai expects couplet produces item of annulus oxygen chloric propane

Longyan sends Shang Xincai to expect Dai Xincai of limited company bittern expects couplet produces item of annulus oxygen chloric propane, always invest 1.1 billion yuan, basically build product line of chloric propane of oxygen of additive of electrolyte of cell of biology radical plasticizer, power, annulus and useless salt to use device of ionic film caustic soda integratedly, station of room of field of water of area of canister of form a complete set, storehouse, loop, boiler, incinerator, sewage disposal fair complementary, environmental protection establishment, 10 thousand tons of ester of ethylene of 20 thousand tons of plasticizer of 50 thousand tons of biology radical, chloric acting carbonic acid, fluorine is produced per year after building 5000 tons of ester of ethylene of acting carbonic acid, carbonic acid inferior chloric propane of ethylene ester and oxygen of 50 thousand tons of annulus.

Fujian sends data of still raw material to develop limited company to be Long Yan Inc. of outstanding new energy resources is wholy-owned subsidiary, it is the science and technology of the research and development that a major pursues product of biology radical plasticizer, production and sale enterprise. The company is located in developing zone of Longyan city economy, have product line of plasticizer of a biology radical, produce per year biology radical plasticizer 20 thousand tons.

Additional, of limited company of outstanding synthetic resin of Longyan of outstanding new can wholy-owned subsidiary produced per year project of 100 thousand tons of synthetic resin to undertook first half of the year 2023 fair show, the project invests 500 million yuan, synthetic resin is produced per year after building 100 thousand tons, among them biology radical alkyd and modified alkyd 30 thousand tons, acrylic colophony and colophony of modified acrylic acid 20 thousand tons, epoxy resin and modified epoxy resin 50 thousand tons.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City