As shipping market strong anabiosis, shipping invested amount to had reached 147 billion dollar 2021, was last year almost double of annual. Without doubt, container ship is the main power that new shipbuilding investment increases, and no matter be,receive odd number to measure, had become ” of shipbuilding “ large family. Carat Ke Sen says in the report that in its the near future issues, up to now, ship-owner is mixed to new shipbuilding this year secondhand the total outlay estimation of the boat is 147 billion dollar about, under photograph comparing this one word was annual only 2020 74 billion dollar. Even if with 2017 - contrast is made before epidemic situation erupted 2019, the shipping investment this year also compares 2017-2019 year year of average level tower above of a 100 billion dollar 46% . Carat Ke Sen is forecasted further, this year only remnant is less than two weeks circumstance to fall, considering a few trade the case that records a likelihood to be put in lag, 2021 eventually the Gao Shuiping since shipping invests amount hopeful to achieve financial crisis, keep balance with the 159 billion dollar 2013. Nevertheless, this one word is remarkable still under the prosperous period before financial crisis, came 2006 average shipping investment is as high as between 2008 annual above of 200 billion dollar, 2007 is to exceed 300 billion dollar more. Into win the home greatly! This year shipping investment or record-breaking   among them, new shipbuilding invested amount to reach 103 billion dollar since this year, was last year annual the double above of 50 billion dollar, also be from 2013 (137 billion dollar) the Gao Shuiping since. Without doubt, tide of unprecedented container ship order is the main motive force that supports new shipbuilding to invest growth. The beginning of the year up to now, investment of container ship new shipbuilding reached 41 billion dollar (537 boats, 4.2 million TEU) . Investment of LNG boat new shipbuilding also reached 15 billion dollar, investment of bulk cargo boat is 14 billion dollar. Be worth what carry is, although still be put in a lot of uncertainty, but the new shipbuilding this year is as high as 41% in investment (43 billion dollar) to replace fuel ship, ship-owner place chooses replace fuel or give priority to with LNG. Up to now, hold order to occupy existing fleet scale to had arrived from the 9% growth of the beginning of the year 11% (the computation that press GT) . Classify with ship-owner country, the new shipbuilding investment that shipowners this year is high, reached 15 billion dollar; It is Greek ship-owner next, invest 9 billion dollar. Classify with dockyard country, the new shipbuilding investment of 44% is received by boat look forward to, 42% receive by Korea boat look forward to. Must point out, the growth of new shipbuilding price also promoted investment to expand, carat Kesen is new since the beginning of the year this year shipbuilding price index had risen 22% . And be in secondhand the ship face, secondhand this year the boat trades the quantity achieved new record, add up to has more than 2100 boats to clinch a deal, total transport power is more than 135 million carring capacity ton. The beginning of the year up to now, secondhand boat investment amount is 43 billion dollar about, approach record-breaking 2007 46 billion dollar. Like new shipbuilding market, secondhand boat market also witnessed boat price hurricane, especially container ship and domain of bulk cargo boat. Container ship is secondhand the boat trades the quantity achieves the history new tall, reach 12 billion dollar 1.4 million TEU. Overall and character, up to now fleet has 7% this year (by carring capacity ton computation) shipping easy hand. Greek ship-owner is active buy the home, secondhand boat investment estimation exceeded 6.8 billion dollar; It is ship-owner next, investment estimation is in above of 5 billion dollar.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City