Business company on Feburary 17 dispatch
On Feburary 17, business company fiducial price is epoxy resin fifteen thousand seven hundred yuan / ton, with at the beginning of this month (sixteen thousand six hundred yuan / ton) photograph comparing, dropped - 5.42% .
That day valence | 15700.00 |
Sun rises | 0.00% |
A year of position | Low |
Little value | 15233.33 |
Great value | 29300.00 |
Medium a value | 22266.67 |
Carry a difference on the head | - 13600 |
Bottom poor | 466.67 |
Average | 20844.84 |
Cautionary |
Fiducial price price uses business company
Trade business can rise agio and price formula according to the agreement (trade price of company of price = business + rise agio) price principle, achieve the price that over-the-counter trading and agreement trade.