The limited company of sunlight science and technology of 01 Jiangsu morning produces per year content of 20000 tons of low VOCs project of high-powered preservative coating

Project name: The limited company of sunlight science and technology of Jiangsu morning produces per year content of 20000 tons of low VOCs project of high-powered preservative coating

Project property: Build

Build a place: Classics of Changzhou of town of horizontal hill bridge opens developing zone of economy of Changzhou city Changzhou area of assemble of area green coating

Build an unit: The limited company of sunlight science and technology of Jiangsu morning

Construct content and scale: After project building, produce per year coating of colophony of 1500 tons of coating of 5000 tons of epoxy resin coating, 2300 tons of acrylic colophony, polyurethane, 150 tons get together 1350 tons of coating of coating of 1500 tons of lacquer of face of silicon oxygen alkyl, alkyd, 500 tons of balata, elements thinner of 800 tons of agent of solidify of 1500 tons of organic coating, coating, paint.

The project invests: One hundred and eleven million eight hundred and sixty thousand yuan

The limited company of sunlight science and technology of Jiangsu morning held water 2023, it is an environment that is engaged in producing content of as high-powered as the sale low VOC friendly, resource is managing model paint business, coating product basically applies at wind-force of nuclear report, war industry, heavy anticorrosive, new energy resources to generate electricity wait for a domain.

Limited company of data of luxuriant hill high polymer produces per year 02 rivers sapanwood content of 30000 tons of low VOCs is high-powered preservative coating project

Project name: Limited company of data of luxuriant hill high polymer produces per year river sapanwood content of 30000 tons of low VOCs is high-powered preservative coating project

Project property: Build

Build a place: Classics of Changzhou of town of horizontal hill bridge opens developing zone of Changzhou city economy inside area of assemble of area green coating

Build an unit: River sapanwood limited company of data of luxuriant hill high polymer

Construct content and scale: Year after year of the body after the project builds a plant produces 4200 tons of 6150 tons of epoxy resin coating, acrylic ester kind 2500 tons of coating of coating of colophony coating, colophony of 2000 tons of polyurethane, 2000 tons of alkyd, elements coating of colophony of 1150 tons of coating of organic coating, 500 tons of balata, polyester, 8000 tons

The project invests: One hundred and twenty-two million two hundred and fifty thousand yuan

Limited company of data of luxuriant hill high polymer established river sapanwood in June 2023, by river sapanwood limited company of data of luxuriant hill high polymer opens garden of industry of area intelligence equipment in Changzhou classics (first phase) the investment inside coating assemble area is built, cover an area of area 12428m2. River sapanwood limited company of data of luxuriant hill high polymer by the Changzhou inside town of horizontal hill bridge grand of city of limited company of science and technology of Bao Jinxin material, Changzhou vacates limited company of paint of special type of abundant of force of chemical limited company, Jiangsu 3 companies assemble recombines, grand vacates chemical company to already was shut now exit.

Anticorrosive data limited company produces per year China star of 03 Changzhou city content of 25000 tons of low VOCs weighs preservative coating project

Project name: Anticorrosive data limited company produces per year Changzhou city China star content of 25000 tons of low VOCs weighs preservative coating project

Project property: Build

Build a place: Horizontal hill bridge presses down developing zone of Changzhou city economy inside area of green coating assemble

Build an unit: The limited company of sunlight science and technology of Jiangsu morning

Construct content and scale: After project building, can form produce per year colophony of carbon of 800 tons of coating of colophony of 1800 tons of coating of 9500 tons of epoxy resin coating, 2000 tons of acrylic colophony, polyurethane, fluorine 600 tons of coating of coating of coating, 1900 tons of alkyd, 1000 tons of balata, elements agent of solidify of 1800 tons of organic coating, coating, .

The project invests: One hundred and twenty-two million two hundred and fifty thousand yuan

Anticorrosive data limited company established Changzhou city China star 1995, be located in fierce to enter town of bridge of area horizontal hill to install a village newly, cover an area of a face to accumulate 6340.3 square metre, basically be engaged in the production of coating product.

Chun Xincai of 04 Jiangsu chant expects limited company of science and technology produces per year project of 50 thousand tons of coating of coating of 100 thousand tons of dissolvent, 100 thousand tons of ability in swimming, coating

Project name: Jiangsu chant Chun Xincai expects limited company of science and technology produces per year project of 50 thousand tons of coating of coating of 100 thousand tons of dissolvent, 100 thousand tons of ability in swimming, coating

Project property: Build

Build a place: Horizontal hill bridge presses down developing zone of Changzhou city economy inside area of green coating assemble

Build an unit: Jiangsu chant Chun Xincai expects limited company of science and technology

Construct content and scale: After project building, produce per year project of 50 thousand tons of coating of coating of 100 thousand tons of dissolvent, 100 thousand tons of ability in swimming, coating. Among them epoxy resin coating 5700 tons / year, agent of solidify of annulus oxygen lacquer 2000 tons / year, coating of oxygen of lake be surrounded by mountains 20000 tons / year, annulus oxygen coating 8500 tons / year, annulus oxygen - polyester coating 7000 tons / year wait for a product.

The project invests: One billion and thirteen million five hundred and eighty thousand yuan

Jiangsu chant Chun Xincai expects limited company of science and technology is Changzhou city fierce to enter banner of limited company of dawn metal paint to leave wholy-owned subsidiary, the company held water 2023, the domain development such as industry of the aviation with applied the at present most extensive coating, shipbuilding, car, mechanical, electron is rapid, raise new taller requirement ceaselessly to coating product. As the development of coating industry, coating of tall solid portion, wait without solvent coating, UV solidify coating and coating of high-powered ability in swimming will make dominant product.

Low VOC coating:

Low Voc coating, the bases of Voc is hydrocarbon for the angle from chemistry kind, bittern acting hydrocarbon, oxygen hydrocarbon and azotic hydrocarbon, for common feature, contain benzene to tie thing namely, the chemical material of the harmful material such as organic chloride. These material can volatilize as the use of the product among air, can cause pollution to the environment all round not only, the body that also meets pair of people brings harm. So low Voc coating reduces the content of harmful material in the product namely through advanced technical condition, reach safe use level thereby.

Industry of coating of our country ability in swimming grows from come in order to raise development of doorsill of admittance of coating of ability in swimming drive green of industry of coating of ability in swimming to occupy than. Hasten of Chinese environmental policy is severe, green changes economy to become socioeconomy development is thematic. Coating of ability in swimming regards main pollution as one of sources, national level published standard of a few policy industry court environmental protection is energy-saving change directional development. Taking one with another, the green coating that low VOCs volatilizes is the main development direction of industry future.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City