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Large change logic of industry of trend ahull cable to be in He Fang?

Enter par period as wind cable industry, the most significant step that cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS drops enlarges the stand-alone capacity of group of wind electric machinery ceaselessly namely, increase what also bring length of wind report lamina from this ceaselessly. Accordingly, par times unit is large the inevitable trend that changing is wind report development, development “ is large change, light quantify and lamina of low cost ” is the relatively significant step that urges aircrew cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS to reduce.

Large change a trend to fall

Is logic of wind cable industry in He Fang?

Wind report is large changing is wind report falls this, the important way that par gets online. Fan sign wattage rises 20% , can reduce LCOE 30% of cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS. Drop when sea wind cost to 11 thousand / when KW, IRR can be achieved 7% . Current par sea is windward the investment cost difference of electric project is very big, with 1.1-1.7 10 thousand / KW is given priority to, partial area has taken the lead in achieving parity.

Sea cable is wind report large change a trend to fall, the link of “ inflation ” of rare. High seas is changed and tall voltage grade is sea cable fast the main reason that grows at the industry, the sea cable magnitude of value of odd GW reachs promotion present 2-3 times. Additional, price of maritime wind n summary lag price of n of wind of Yu Liu ground, anticipate in today bright reach two years, make drive the main factor of machine of outfit of maritime wind report.

The extra dividend that high speed of abroad wind report increases is main enjoy by factory of cast, forging, main shaft, flange, more the exit that values casting axis and flange component. These parts are small-sized, small difficulty of quantity, technology is inferior, had formed faster outlet to occupy at present than, the exit of cast and forging is occupied than 30%-40% , the exit of main shaft, flange is occupied than be in 40% above.

Large change a trend to fall, light quantify, high strenth becomes development way. Long lamina can use carbon fiber, will read terrestrial wind report at present, mainstream lamina arrives very quickly 70m above, above of power stride 6MW, ongoing is 90 meters of above. Of mainstream of maritime wind report be in above of 6-8MW, 90m, ongoing 10MW above, blade 100m above, the use to carbon fiber is rigid.

Origin: Start institute of job negotiable security

Demand of wind report carbon fiber was 33 thousand tons 2021, 28% what take total demand. And price of carbon fiber of the corresponding period rises it is about 50% , this body reveals the instability that batch supplies. Although wind report had made the main application field of carbon fiber, but the one branch that also is VESTAS of magnate of international wind cable only actually alone beautiful, only the carbon fiber dosage of one of home companies achieves 25 thousand tons, china regards the whole world as country of bigger machine of wind report outfit, dosage is controlled 5000 tons only, can say wind report carbon fiber still is in incubation period in home market.

Origin: The country believes negotiable securities institute

What at present carbon fiber lamina uses is main restricting an element is cost, the 10-20 that its cost is Bo fine times. The product of carbon fiber mainstream of wind report is T300-25K/50K, the technical camp of the product is not tall but cost demand is high. Big bundle of carbon fiber present price about 150 yuan / Kg, price centre is in 110-120 yuan / Kg. The price relative to fibre glass of material of lamina of the generation on its is 6-10 yuan / Kg, the cost inferior position of carbon fiber is too large.

Although the patent of the lamina of report of carbolic bridge wind of VESTSAS had expired on July 19, 2022, manufacturer of lamina of report of follow-up and other wind the product of wind report lamina that need not get limitative ground to roll out applied carbon bridge, but short-term inside the likelihood is affected not quite. The price that company of domestic wind phone wins the bid is not very high, basically be every kilowatt fluctuates in 2000 yuan, this price can't support the cost that makes blade with carbolic bridge craft, pure mark a price from which case and purchase the price to scale wind report, still need very long period of time to digest cost.

Of carbon fiber apply can raise blade cost, look from onefold link and do not have economic advantage, but look from the angle of complete facility, integral benefit promotes, integrated cost drops instead, the industry needs to lead, the tycoon of integrated industry catenary. Use the to monomer lamina word after carbon fiber, weight is reduced 25% , blade cost raises 20% . But calculate from complete facility cycle, change after carbon fiber lamina be opposite actually advocate facility cost is cheap still 10% . The weight of wind report lamina is reduced, to impeller, lead plane, the quality of tower canister, intensity asks to be reduced somewhat, because this also is meant large change what cause to these industries to connect shrink, certainly will is put in obstruction.

7-20 of presence of market of wind report carbon fiber the giant vacuum of times, growing sex does not have anxiety. According to 945 during China year all the caliber of the installation amount of 65GW and VESTAS calculates, academic demand of China is 107 thousand tons, and demand of 21 years only 5000 tons. If 6MW of above Hai Ailang, 72m is unifoliate,dosage is a carbon fiber 3 tons are calculated, prospective 2-3 year mainstream 6MW fan, corresponding fan (contain blade) demand is 11 thousand, it is 33 thousand tons to demand of blade carbon fiber.

Demand of wind report lamina turns from high speed growth to grow smoothly,

Appear large change, light quantify, high-powered trend

Installation amount of global wind report grows continuously. 2016-2021 year, global wind report installed capacity is added from 517GW to 837GW, CAGR is 10% . Report of wind of China of the corresponding period installed capacity is added from 149GW to 328GW, CAGR is amounted to 17% . 2020, the whole world adds installed capacity 93GW newly, grow 54% compared to the same period, main reason is report of wind of Sino-US two countries the frequent promotion of installed capacity, among them of China add a capacity newly to occupy than exceeding 50% . Enter 2021, policy ends privilege of allowance of report of Chinese onshore wind, the manufacturing revenue of industry of American wind cable is touched avoid also expire stage by stage, report of round of wind grabs the end that install tide, but the target is counteracted to drive in carbon below, development of industry of global wind cable lasts to good, the whole world added wind report newly 2021 installed capacity 93GW, with keep balance basically 2020. Forecast according to association of global wind energy, 2021-2025 year the whole world adds installation amount CAGR newly to will maintain 4% , inside 5 years add installation amount newly to exceed 469GW, the industry appears stability to develop a tendency.

Installation amount of maritime wind report is added fast Yuan Chaoliu windward report, development space is larger. In the whole world and home, maritime wind report constitutes more frequent than appearing promotion, 2016-2021 year the whole world and CAGR of installation amount of report of domestic maritime wind are respectively 31% with 75% , wind report installation amount is added on Yuan Chaoliu fast. 2021 is report of our country maritime wind last years when enjoy national subsidy, grab the circumstance of outfit with report of onshore 2020 wind identical, boom of height of report of maritime wind of the our country inside year, add installed capacity 16.9GW newly, adjacent 2020 2 times of accumulative total installed capacity. The photograph is more windward than Yu Liu report, the pre-construction working hours of maritime wind report is longer, the facility cost in construction period, construction installation charge raises significantly, and of carry date of departure maintain cost also outclass land is windward report, at present its develop to still be in primary level. But maritime wind report has wind-force resourceful, moving efficiency is tall, do not take up land, suit the advantage such as large-scale construction, development prospect is better.

Forecast according to association of global wind energy, 2021-2025 year, windward report increases global of great capacity newly installation amount CAGR is adjacent 30% , year add installed capacity newly to will exceed 20GW 2025. Resource of report of our country maritime wind liberals, according to " program of development of 945 ” power studies Chinese “ " , our country general is mixed in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong, Liaoning the foreland such as Guangxi develops maritime wind report, 2035, dimensions of general assembly machine achieved 71GW, 132GW respectively 2050.

Consider wind report data annulus is moved, predict 2022 get warm again after a cold spell of demand of electricity of wind of our country of second half of the year: Wind report data basically includes “ invite public bidding - investment - outfit machine ” , the increase rate peak value of invite public bidding and investment antedates outfit machine, peak value time lag is general between 3 link 4 quarters. From the point of the data that goes two years, wind report invite public bidding and investment reach peak value in 2019Q4 and 2020Q3 respectively; And installation amount of 2020Q4 wind report still maintains high speed growth, 2020Q4 is added fast achieve 177% . 2021Q4 fan invite public bidding appears new round of height, demand of maritime wind electricity is exuberant, we predict report of wind of second half of the year invested 2022 with increase outfit chance newly get warm again after a cold spell. The price of fan invite public bidding that price war causes glides to form bigger challenge to gain of partial core component considerably, hopeful of price of component of second half of the year promoted 2022 in order to conduct pressure of raw material price.

Scope effect reduces wind-force effectively to generate electricity cost. According to international but arrange of second birth the sources of energy (IRENA) those who release but report of cost of second birth energy, 2010-2019 year, cost of onshore wind report drops 39% , cost of maritime wind report drops 29% . Scope effect falls to wind report the effect of this synergism is distinct, raise stand-alone it is power, OK to achieve dimensions economy the alterable charge such as cost of early days of help share equally, outfit opportunity cost, maintenance cost.

Wind report lamina is large turn a tide apparent. Blade is bigger, its get wind area bigger, generate electricity efficiency is taller. Blade asks group of wind electric machinery is higher greatly more, according to investigation report of association of Chinese wind energy, maintain the wind shear of 0.5 changeless, mast height increases 140m from 100m, year average wind speed will increase 5.53m/s from 5.0m/s, year number of full hair hour will promote 20% . Accordingly, wind report lamina is large change can raise utilization rate of group of wind electric machinery effectively, reduce cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS. According to data of association of global wind energy, 2014, impeller diameter is occupied in the fan of 91-110 rice in those days 49.5% what the whole world increases outfit chance newly, and 2019, the fan of this diameter limits is occupied arrive than dropping 10.7% , and impeller diameter is occupied for the fan of 121-140 rice than 52.5% , blade is large turn a tide apparent.

Our country adds wind report newly 2018 to install the average impeller diameter of machine to be 120 meters, and in adding an item newly 2020, impeller diameter 160 meters of above already predominate. In September 2021, company of Dalian of Chinese sea outfit gets offline 10 sign made of baked clay unit, impeller diameter amounts to 210 meters, it is at present kilowatt of unit of the biggest, whole world sweeps diameter of domestic wind rotor the 10 million with wind highest area are made of baked clay level sea is windward electric machinery group. Forecast according to association of global wind energy, did not come 5 years, rice of 150-170 of length of onshore fan lamina, rice of 185-220 of length of maritime fan lamina will make industry main trend.

The camp of wind report lamina involves 3 aspects:

Blade designs technology of material of ability, lamina and manufacturing workmanship

The design of wind report lamina needs a large number of professional knowledge and experience to accumulate. The design of wind report lamina is come from the wing extend the meaning of the plane, involve among them aerodynamics, hydromechanical wait for professional domain knowledge and experience, the structural design of blade meets what affect group of wind electric machinery directly generate electricity efficiency, security, service life, and the relevant experience that industry bibcock enterprise often has number 10 years is accumulated.

Blade material technology has main effect to cost of blade function, production. At present the data system of mainstream of wind report lamina is Bo fine and epoxy resin. Although the modular quantity of carbon fiber and intensity are higher, and weight is lighter, but because its cost is exorbitant, and the manufacturing technology of carbon fiber lamina is more sophisticated, current applied limit is in the large unit of maritime wind report, what large quantities of quantities in the industry apply still is the lamina that Bo fine is fundamental material. The cost control of the function promotion of Bo fine lamina and carbon fiber lamina is the direction that industry technology progresses.

Blade is large turn a tide to the mould change raise taller requirement. The production of blade makes need use a pattern, in blade large change, light quantify development trend to fall, of the product change frequency is faster, need company changes in time the mould is produced with executing enlarge or product structural adjustment, and the design of the mould and production ask its have what long-term composite material manufactures technology to accumulate.

Blade is large the competitive barrier that converted a trend to increase trade of wind report lamina. Increase the issue that brought self-prossessed weightening finish of blade length ceaselessly, to structure of blade material, pneumatic the requirement such as the design, craft that make promotes further. In fan cost structure, blade cost makes an appointment with 15-20% , and blade cost of material holds blade cost 70% . The Bo a rope for towing a boat with more conventional weight of carbon fiber lamina composite material is lighter, and intensity and modular volume are higher, but at present because carbon fiber cost is high and craft difficulty is greater, what apply extensively in blade still is Bo fine composite material. Future, blade industry will continue large change, light quantify, and high-powered trend.

Fan of benefit from benefit from is large the tide that turn,

Material of wind report lamina greets an industry to grow turning point

Support development of new energy resources energetically in the country, advance target of ” of “ double carbon to reach setting to fall, the new energy industry such as wind report and smooth hot season will grow quickly, the development of industry of cable of wind of benefit from benefit from, and fan is large the tide that turn, material of wind report lamina also greeted an industry to grow turning point.

Blade is large turn a tide apparent, big silk bundle carbon fiber greets an industry to develop greatly

Increase as power of wind- driven dynamo, it is especially below the demand stimulation of maritime fan, global fan is large the tide that turn is increasingly apparent, light to material qualitative, excel in, Gao Gang, be able to bear or endure the characteristic requirement such as exhaustion is more and more specific also, and carbon fiber is apropos give attention to two or morethings these character. In the basis manual of raise capital by floating shares of answer god eagle, the blade of 120m wind rotor that uses carbon fiber can decrease effectively overall and self-prossessed 38 % , cost drops 14 % .

Big bundle of application limit that carbon fiber broke carbon fiber high price to bring, wide development perspective is had in domain of wind report lamina, contest abstruse carbon fiber predicts, demand of global lamina carbon fiber will achieve ninety-three thousand four hundred tons 2025, 2020-2025 year CAGR is as high as 25 % . Domestic company position is large catenary of bundle of carbon fiber industry, hopeful benefit from benefit from wind report lamina is large turn a tide. Be benefited of mark: Material of chemical fibber of cereal of carbon of Shanghai petrifaction, Jilin, Jilin, Guang Wei answer.

Carbon fiber builds “ of windward report lamina large change ” express

Lamina of 1. wind report is the main engine that demand of Chinese carbon fiber increases quickly:

From the point of demand situation, 2020, demand of carbon fiber of lamina of domestic wind report makes an appointment with 20000 tons, 40.9% what take total demand about, for the biggest demand board piece. From the point of domestic and international contrast, home market increases growth of international of apparent prep above. 2017-2020 year China only dosage of carbon fiber of wind report lamina is respectively 0.3, 0.8, 1.4, 20 thousand tons, 4 years the compound increase rate between is 88% . In the meantime, demand of carbon fiber of domestic wind report occupies global demand scale to come by 15% promotion 65% , proved home market is added fast international market of remarkable prep above.

Carbon fiber basically uses in the crucial position such as the beam of wind report lamina: Because carbon fiber is costlier than Bo fine, hundred use carbon fiber to make blade and not economical, basically be carbon fiber mixes with Bo fine at present use, carbon fiber basically is used in a few crucial position to be like crossbeam (especially bridge cap) , surface of around brim, lamina, among them Liang Maowei is current the mainest application of carbon fiber, action weighs stiffness of quantity, promotion to reduce.

Must carbon fiber use in 2. fan lamina?

Whether the application of carbon fiber is in wind report lamina must? Those who answer this problem not to circle the fan of metabolic trend —— of wind report is large change.

From wind of leader plant gold the sale status of science and technology can see, the 3MW unit that holds absolutely comparative example originally (the 2S in the graph) share is dropping apparently, ask according to the invite public bidding of project of near future land wind at the same time, trend of above of 4MW of demand of stand-alone group power gradually apparent.

Sea wind respect, according to our statistic, the invite public bidding that arranges project of 4GW sea wind had been started in succession since 2022, aircrew power demand is in basically 8MW above, the requirement of 10MW above also common occurance.

Fan power and blade length relation are secured basically, large change a trend to fall, blade length increases necessarily.

According to derivation, the square of fan power and blade length concerns into direct ratio, perhaps say to show direct ratio concern with the area that sweep wind, namely P=1/2ρπr2V3Cp (to this one conclusion we had undertaken test and verify according to having fan numerical value) . Push instead, fall in the circumstance of 11m/s in rated wind speed of fan of hypothesis sea wind (referenced and existing fan designs a standard) , when our computation goes out to arrive at 8MW when fan power, impeller diameter is controlled in 180m, when power achieves 10MW, impeller diameter is controlled in 200m, so we are judged, diameter of impeller of type of mainstream of prospective sea wind is in 180m even 200m above.

After blade length increases, mix to “ weight ” “ stiffness ” raises a requirement, the importance of carbon fiber is highlighted.

Stiffness respect: To large lamina, stiffness becomes main problem, do not touch mast to assure to carry Xie Jian in extreme wind, blade must have enough stiffness. Wind is blown until blade does work, the meeting when blade rotates is curved to mast, the 2~3 that the stretch model quantity of carbon fiber composite material is Bo fine times, more not incidental deformation.

Weight respect: Blade weight is right move, fatigue life, energy out-put have main effect. Weight of lamina of complete glass reinforced plastics is greater, and carbon fiber answer have lower density, can make sure wind report lamina is increasing length while, weight is reduced.

The permeability of the carbon fiber after blade length increases is in apparent promotion. According to the United States Sangdiya national laboratory report, although still apply to the fan lamina of any length at present as the ascensive Bo fine of craft, but the application of carbon fiber promotes apparently as the addition of blade length, when blade length is more than 70m, the permeability of carbon fiber was achieved 55% , state according to preamble, type of mainstream of prospective sea wind is in 8MW above, blade length is in 90m above, this provided capacious stage for carbon fiber.

Hopeful of permeability of carbon fiber of 10MW above type is achieved hundred. Check room predicts Sangdiyashi, the main type sending force of carbon fiber depends on 3-5MW and 8-10MW interval, among them hopeful of 10MW above type 100% use carbon fiber bridge cap. Referenced country is thalassic at the same time the development state of affairs of wind lamina, shanghai is Oriental and electric, electric the sea wind lamina that waits for a company to roll out 10MW above in succession, according to current condition, power 10MW and blade 90 meters with fan used carbon fiber, with SANDIA predicting circumstance agrees basically.

Carbon fiber lamina

Fan of benefit from benefit from is large change, permeability hopeful rises

Fan is large change price of intensity, rigid to blade, sex to ask higher than putting forward, carbon fiber offers material to carry new plan. Large change a trend to fall, bigger wind rotor, taller hub need is longer and the blade support with higher intensity. Came 2021, domestic and international manufacturer quickens 100 meters of step in succession large lamina development and get offline. In August 2022, in answer even numerous 123 meters of lamina get offline (in answer even numerous already got offline before this 102 meters, 110 meters, 112 meters of lamina) , comfortable distribute unit of 16MW sea wind, and Oriental wind report (113 meters) , intelligence of bright this world (118 meters) , in the homebred manufacturer such as material lamina, Shuang Ruifeng report all is since 2022 roll out lamina of report of wind of 100 meters of class thick and fast.

Of blade large the geometrical course that changes development to fetch weight grows, increase continuously in load, cost below, at present the fibre glass of the mainstream already was satisfied adequately hard large change, light quantified requirement. The carbon fiber of light qualitative excel in is the buildup that exceeds large lamina the inevitable choice of material, according to " carbon fiber makes progress in the application in wind report lamina " , it is with 122 meters long lamina exemple, the blade weight that use carbon fiber fetchs is reduced can reduce hub, engine room, mast and stake base the weight that waits for structural part 15- 20% , reduce the fan cost of 10% above effectively. In the meantime, intensity of carbon fiber lamina, stiffness promotes further, can reduce blade to be out of shape, improve performance and promotion generates electricity efficiency, its good fatigue resistance can be returned can lengthen blade lifecycle and reduce the integrated cost that maintains daily.

Global lamina achieved 81 thousand tons with the demand hopeful of carbon fiber 2025, 2021-2025 year CAGR+25.0% . According to surpassing abstruse statistic, demand of global carbon fiber made an appointment with 118 thousand tons 2021, its are apoplectic electric lamina demand amounts to 33 thousand tons, market dimensions reachs 550 million dollar. Contest abstruse predict demand of lamina of report of carbon fiber wind will achieve 81 thousand tons 2025, 2021-2025 year CAGR+25.0% , according to surpassing abstruse estimation, as a result of the patent forestall of carbon fiber lamina, demand of carbon fiber lamina occupied about 25 thousand tons 2021, company of Chinese wind phone uses up about 4500 tons, euramerican and other company uses up about 3500 tons. Expire as the patent of carbon fiber lamina, the ingredient of the biggest suppress that limitative carbon fiber uses is eliminated.

Maritime aircrew rolls out high-power continuously, carbon fiber lamina uses frequency to predict to will increase considerably. The carbon fiber lamina that announces to get offline since 2021 reachs 100 meters of level basically, all face the maritime high-power type of 10MW and above. Because carbon fiber price is at present higher still, the carbon fiber material that turns high strenth, will tall stiffness, gently character is used at high-power type is the plan that has sexual price to compare more. 2002, weisidasi uses carbon fiber in blade first and patent application. July 2022, as Weisidasi carbolic bridge expires patently, the development of lamina of domestic carbon fiber will be accelerated further. We think, because sea wind fan is large,change rapid, carbon fiber lamina is short-term the staple market inside is in large and maritime fan, future is changed as carbon fiber dimensions, homebred after changing of cost reduce, the application of carbon fiber will go up landwards gradually permeate.

The proprietor of an enterprise is participated in to want two kinds to include material end, blade end related, produce can layout, product is optimized, the main drive element that material falls to will become an industry to develop originally. From material end looks, theory of carbon fiber material produced the industry that can surpass 5000 tons to have Jilin 2021 chemical fibber, medium achieve constant of carbolic cereal, Jiangsu carbon fiber of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of answer god eagle, treasure, newly god and Guang Wei answer material. But, relatively the enterprise such as foreign Dong Li, 3 water chestnut, show level quality of the mechanical function of homebred carbon fiber, product and stability still have larger promotion space. From blade end appears on the market the company looks, material science and technology is mixed in the bibcock advantage of times new material is relatively clear. In 122 meters of maritime lamina of material science and technology had used carbon fiber to help crowded technology, the TMT110A maritime lamina of own research and development already also employed age new capable person carbon fiber is pulled crowded board. We think, carbon fiber is permeating need product of blade to optimize further fall with material this drive, have the technology is accumulated and have oneself produce can the company will acquire larger dominant position.

Wind report lamina:

Occupy overall cost proportion is higher, to fall this synergism key

Industry of wind report lamina is spent centrally taller, product unit price fluctuates along with outfit machine demand big. Manufacturer of lamina of report of our country wind is main new material of science and technology of the material in be and times, both blade income mixed 5.1 billion yuan for 7 billion yuan respectively 2021, relatively outfit machine good year had 2020 relatively apparent glide. Look from the quantity, sales volume of lamina of material science and technology achieves 11.4GW in, 8.7GW of sales volume of lamina of times new material (all corresponding 2021) , be like the year installation amount with 47.65GW plan, aggregate city takes two companies rate general exceeds 42% . Look from valence, price of odd MW of material science and technology is mixed in odd MW gross profit all appeared 2020 considerably rise, appeared again 2021 rapid fall after a rise. 2021, price of odd MW of material science and technology is mixed in gross profit parts to mix 100 thousand yuan for 610 thousand yuan, level of wool interest rate is inferior.

Blade business has apparent carriage radius, area attribute is apparent, each last layout is maritime. Blade business is produced can the industry of layout is spent centrally taller, from which the yield of new material of material science and technology, times can layout looks, both all locate in order to produce the geography of base to radiate of division of industry of circumjacent wind cable. Sea wind development, component goes to sea the efficient position that needs blade base, existing produce can, times new material has definite advantage in southern and coastal region, the distribution of overseas of other business line of times new material is wider at the same time and time is longer, internationalization rate is higher, hopeful of business of wind report blade is benefited. (prospective wisdom library)

Carbon fiber:

Big silk bundle supply and demand grinds sentence, wind report lamina is carried brace up demand

Big bundle of person that new material of civil industry of carbon fiber —— aboves average. Carbon fiber is had expect except general carbon material high temperature resistant, wear-resisting is brushed, electric, heat conduction and anti-corrosive wait for character, still can show steady chemical performance and physical performance. Contain the place in every bundles of carbon fiber filamentary root number to undertake classified as the standard, of 24K above for big silk bundle, with small silk bundle photograph comparing is big bundle of limitation that is made technology its model quantity and intensity are shown a bit inferior, but the cost that make and price have tall sex price to compare, in extensive industry domain especially wind report domain got applied relatively extensively.

Demand side:

1, industrial domain application is various, wind report lamina is carried for demand brace up brunt. No matter be category of all carbon fiber or big application of bundle of carbon fiber,get inside the country, application of demand of wind report lamina all is ranked the first. Among them, our country is big 2021 demand of apoplectic report lamina takes bundle of demand than exceeding 70% . Wind report lamina is in of technology and material in changing ceaselessly, dimension lighter, function becomes bigger, quality more by force core appeals to beg, the buildup that can satisfy afore-mentioned appealing to to beg material can be counted on one's fingers, carbon fiber walks into people eye shot.

2, the develops to go up in wind report lamina for carbon fiber application of sea wind offers opportunity. " 945 ” of “ but second birth the sources of energy develops a program " offer policy to prop up, south peninsula of key construction Shandong, long triangle, Fujian, another name for Guangdong Province east with upper bay base of phone of 5 big maritime wind. Sea of Chinese accumulative total is windward 2021 installed capacity is report 26.39GW. Sea wind lamina is large change trend posture more more apparent than land wind, at present the longest lamina has exceeded 120 meters, and large lamina carriage photograph is more convenient than land. Bridge of Si Dasi carbon pulls together with dimension crowded craft patent expires, our country is in pull crowded craft to go up to already achieved technical breakthrough, sequel pulls application of dimensions of crowded carbon bridge to will drive carbon fiber to use permeability promotion in blade further.

3, big silk bundle carbon fiber is forty-seven thousand five hundred tons in total 2023 demand, grow 48.38% compared to the same period. Its are apoplectic demand of electric domain carbon fiber is 38 thousand tons, increase compared to the same period 61.31% . Among them sea wind contributed 14 thousand tons of requirement. Calculate according to text 2025 demand of carbon fiber of domain of report of our country wind achieves seventy-eight thousand two hundred tons, compound increase rate exceeds 40% . If carbon fiber makes cost be reduced gradually, requirement of field of report of carbon fiber wind releases rhythm to will be accelerated further.

Demand end:

Wind report lamina is our country is at present big bundle of demand core increment

Core of lamina of 1. wind report appeals to beg: Stronger, lighter, bigger

Wind report lamina is the crucial component part of fan, girder is the core of blade. The dimension of blade, appearance decided energy changes efficiency, also decided aircrew power and function directly, so blade is in core position in the design. At the same time blade becomes reality in wind report whole occupy in the department than highest, can amount to 20%-30% . Blade is the shell structure that makes by composite material, main component is 3 parts: Root ministry is columnar paragraph, mid pneumatic wing section paragraph, pointed ministry paragraph, root ministry cylinder paragraph the structure is simple, basically be pure glass reinforced plastics, mid pneumatic wing section paragraph internal composition is complex, pointed ministry paragraph the appearance is pneumatic wing section, it is frivolous case of glass reinforced plastics only commonly.

Wind report reachs the crucial action that prop up since blade girder, its by enhance material to form. Besides girder part, the shearing force that the important part such as celiac board uses the structure that place core to get blade place commonly from surface layer inward ministry is delivered, in order to increase the carrying capacity of blade. Matrix colophony is the ” of body of material “ wrap up of whole lamina, lapped fiber material and core material. Current, of domestic lamina totle drilling cost 80% result from raw material, enhance fiber and matrix colophony to occupy among them than exceeding 60% , stick receive glue and core material to occupy exceed 10% than each. The buildup that forms blade girder material basically has carbon fiber to enhance composite material (CFRP) enhance composite material with fibre glass (GFRP) . Tradition of wind report lamina enhances composite material to give priority to material to make with fibre glass, but density of fibre glass material is more than carbon fiber, at the same time mechanical function especially modular quantity is far under carbon fiber composite material. After sufferring force to be out of shape to avoid lamina of report of large size wind to be in, with the column that prop up generation collides, employ mass with respect to need the carbon fiber with modular tall, high volume enhances light, strength composite material will make blade.

Future develops as the technology, high-powered Bo fine is carried fall character this, the manufacturing cost of blade is reduced further, participate in more of industry of cable of the wind that help strength par times. In wind report lamina large change a trend to fall, dominant position of performance of carbon fiber physics is highlighted, but short-term in light of, carbon fiber still replaces Bo fine completely hard. In the development process of wind report lamina, to achieve taller generate electricity efficiency, contented lamina is bigger stronger lighter appeal to beg, the making craft of blade and data also improve ceaselessly as the development of technology and science and technology.

Choose suitable workmanship, making a low cost, high-powered product is the topic of eternity of wind cable industry. The workmanship of wind report lamina always shares 7 kinds, but the craft of instantly mainstream is beforehand dip makings and perfusion craft. Perfusion craft is considered as the craft of low cost generally, because value of its raw material is inferior. And beforehand the blade that dip makings makes has better performance, lighter quality, assured to produce craft and stability of finished product quality at the same time. As the bitter fleabane of wind report career suddenly develops, lamina of fan of prospective composite material will to complication, large the way that change develops, all sorts of craft in lamina of wind energy conversion system the metropolis in making gets applied. But the workmanship of blade can be sided with finally can produce a quality stronger, length is longer, generate electricity the way with taller efficiency develops.

Evolve in the choice of material on, of blade material evolve into experience 3 period: Composite material of → of stuff of metal of woodiness material → . In blade cost, material holds big head, most initial blade material is woodiness lamina, but as a result of woodiness lamina not easy twist shapes, intensity is not high, be corroded easily also below damp environment. As the development of big, medium-sized wind- driven dynamo, woodiness lamina cannot satisfy the requirement that blade dimension raises more and more, be washed out gradually accordingly; Although metallic lamina overcame the weakness of woodiness lamina, but because metallic lamina follows Xie Jian to the leaf,the part that shrinks gradually machines special difficulty, also be washed out gradually accordingly.

Create ceaseless development of the technology and promotion as blade, fiber enhances system of composite material raw material to be developed stage by stage. Its are potential performance dominant position is disentombed ceaselessly, accumulate as what use a technology, long fiber enhances polymer base composite material is mixed with its superior mechanical performance, technical properties be able to bear or endure the environment erodes performance, make the first selection of material of lamina of current and large wind- driven dynamo. Main component is this kind of composite material fibre glass and carbon fiber.

The blade length of our country fibre glass can have achieved 110 meters, but according to expert description this kind of length is achieved already on line. Will meet only to the demand of length of wind report lamina as a result of our country bigger, because the fibre glass of these 110 meters of length cannot have satisfied home,generate electricity to fan of efficiency and blade length appeal to beg. Below this kind of circumstance, have the carbon fiber composite material of excel in high standard, low density, became the considers mainly target of people. Carbon fiber composite material is a kind of new-style material, apply its in the production of wind report lamina, OK and very good contented wind-force generates electricity the high-power demand of device, its broke through the function limit of fibre glass composite material, and can make sure wind report lamina is increasing length while, weight is reduced greatly. Accordingly, composite material can offer Bo towing tie enough stiffness and intensity, and density of carbon fiber composite material is low, suit production of lamina of large wind report to make more.

After use carbon fiber, the reduced the addition with stiffness to improve blade aerodynamics performance of blade quality, reduced the load to mast and hub, make the output power of fan more flowing thereby more balanced, raised wind energy to use efficiency. In the meantime, the character of light qualitative excel in of carbon fiber can make blade can be designed thinner more effective configuration, blade is longer, improved the output efficiency of energy. Below same blade length, use the weight that the weight that carbon fiber composite material makes makes under fibre glass composite material far. Of blade quality reduce the addition with stiffness, can improve the aerodynamics performance of blade effectively, reduce blade to be opposite the load of machine tower and axle, the output power of fan is more flowing more balanced, moving efficiency is taller, more the wind-force that is helpful for fan is collected. Accordingly, carbon fiber grows quickly in the application in wind report lamina, 2021 domain of lamina of Chinese wind report achieves twenty-two thousand five hundred tons to the demand of carbon fiber, domain of lamina of global wind report achieves 33 thousand tons to the demand of carbon fiber.

Demand of lamina of global wind report increases the growth that promotes lamina of maritime wind report quickly. As the ceaseless development that world each country understands to environmental problem, and but the ceaseless promotion that second birth the sources of energy uses a technology integratedly, wind-force generates electricity to be as new-style the sources of energy in the structure of strategic the sources of energy of a lot of countries acting important role, in recent years global wind-force generates electricity industry high speed develops, the trend that installed capacity presents wind report to rise ceaselessly, show according to IFinD data, installed capacity of accumulative total of global wind report achieved 57176 million tile 2021, increase rate is achieved 58.5% , add in recent years it is thus clear that situation is faster.

Increase of installed capacity of accumulative total of global wind report ceaselessly, pull move to wind report lamina large change, light quantified development demand, and the machine of wind report outfit of large lamina uses an amount with maritime wind report especially taller. In recent years, because our country is onshore,the construction technology of wind report already matured gradually, resource of maritime wind report is more capacious at the same time, the centre of gravity of policy of development of national wind report generates electricity on Xiang Hai gradually move. Maritime wind report serves as our country but the key field that second birth the sources of energy develops, new development period was entered during 945 ” of “ , much ground publishs a program in succession, hopeful of dimensions of maritime wind report promotes considerably. In June 2022, national hair changes appoint wait for nine branch to combine print and distribute " “ 945 ” but second birth the sources of energy develops a program " , put forward to want to advance base of maritime wind phone to build in order, accelerate drive group of maritime wind cable to change development, south peninsula of key construction Shandong, long triangle, Fujian, another name for Guangdong Province east with upper bay base of phone of 5 big maritime wind. In domain of wind report lamina, the application of lamina of maritime wind report will be not strengthened stage by stage.

Wind-force generates electricity blade is large change light quantify development to drive maritime wind report to grow to carbon fiber demand. Wind-force generates electricity blade is the crucial part that wind- driven dynamo implements energy to change a function, the dimension size of blade affects wind- driven dynamo directly to wind energy catch. Blade is after the development with old course, have a most apparent metabolic —— blade large change. 20 centuries 80 time are domestic and international length of wind report lamina is 17m, and present lamina is the longest had exceeded 120m. Blade is gone to ceaselessly large changing development is inevitable trend, come true to can be on finite land area large-scale generate electricity, raise wind-force to generate electricity efficiency, blade needs to go to large the way that change develops. The dimension of blade, appearance decided energy changes efficiency directly, also decided aircrew power and function directly, accordingly, big lamina means a diameter to grow more, the area that sweep wind is larger, electricenergy production is bigger, while implementation dimensions generates electricity, still can reduce cost, the fan measure that in total electricenergy production the need below same situation installs will decrease, the raw material that makes apportion comes down thereby, carry, the cost such as hoisting and land natural resources is able to reduce.

Fan is large change mean fan to need bigger cover an area of an area, because this is maritime,wind report makes the new trend that global wind report develops gradually. Since 2016, what field of wind of low wind speed and maritime wind report drove blade jointly is large change development. Additional, maritime fan power is global prep above is onshore fan, the rapid development of sea wind, will strengthen fan further large turn a tide. Sea wind is put in many sided advantage relative to land wind. Mix from distributinging area cover an area of a respect to look, transmission loss of unit of maritime wind electric field is smaller, cover an area of an area smaller. Accordingly, in recent years, application of sea wind domain is more wide, installation amount of accumulative total of Chinese wind report was 328.5GW 2021, accumulative total sea is windward installed capacity is report 26.39GW. Lamina of prospective wind report is in of maritime wind report occupy than also will promoting further.

The growth of windward report lamina and lamina show global of great capacity large change light quantified development trend windward report is in escalate sea development space of future. As blade large change light quantify, the material that extends modular capacity sex of use Gao Gang, high than intensity, Gaobila makes the girder that regards blade as tigidity very necessary. Traditional lamina makes composite material of material fibre glass cannot satisfy these requirements, and density of carbon fiber composite material lower, intensity is higher, it is wind report lamina large change, light quantified first selection material. And, get innovating as craft of blade composite material, wind report domain enhances material dosage to the excel in of light qualitative high standard such as carbon fiber leap, accordingly, prospective sea is windward electric lamina grows ceaselessly to the demand of carbon fiber.

New variable: Patent of dimension Si Dasi expires drive carbon fiber demand to good. This year on July 19, global wind report is overall patent of core of lamina of carbon fiber of tycoon dimension Si Dasi pulls crowded craft to expire. Weisidasi solved carbon fiber through core patent technology board the technology issue that uses on wind report lamina, will pull squeeze carbolic board to use wind report blade successfully, help crowded technology through this, raised content of carbon fiber bulk considerably, reduced main body to bear the weight of partial quality, and reduced carbon fiber cost. As a result of patent protection, wind report lamina basically centers Yuweisidasi with carbon fiber.

Wind report lamina is big downstream application with bundle of the biggest carbon fiber, and in last few years wind report lamina increases ceaselessly to the demand of carbon fiber. Patent of dimension Si Dasi expires formally the product of wind report lamina that means manufacturer of lamina of report of domestic other wind to need not suffer limitative ground to roll out applied carbon bridge, carbolic bridge lamina pushs manufacturer of lamina of other wind report will morely to the market, future will drive carbon fiber demand increase.

Carbon fiber price goes high, the arrival of par online times

Restrict the carbon fiber application in wind report domain

Although carbon fiber has distinct advantage on function, but its get in the application of wind report domain of high cost restrict, at present carbon fiber is in perch, carbon fiber price every kilograms of 140-150 yuan, fibre glass of outclass of carbon fiber unit price, and craft demand is higher, the cost amount that causes core material and carbolic bridge bad news to use rises continuously, this meeting makes a lot of manufacturer flinch to using carbon fiber, restrict the carbon fiber application in domain of wind report lamina. But because production cost of carbon fiber itself is not high and the promotion that supply of domestic carbon fiber measures, in future, manufacturer of wind report lamina can be improved further to the use quantity of carbon fiber.

Since 2018, policy comes on stage thick and fast related industry of cable of our country wind, through cancelling resource of report of finance allowance, wind the means such as emulative configuration, drive wind n price to get online. Sent 2021 change appoint issue announcement, windward to the sea report builds a project to implement par online policy, online electrovalency is in charge of division system to decide by local provincial price since 2021. The abidance of online electrovalency of report of our country wind goes low, what par gets online is ceaseless carry out, and cost of report of our country maritime wind still is in higher level at present, it is more difficult that implementation par gets online, because this falls,become the key that drives implementation par to get online originally. Small-sized generation set uses Bo fine to provide sexual price to compare more, and use carbon fiber of group of large wind electric machinery can be in retain blade strength while decrease heavy 20% , but cost rises 80% , because business of power plant of wind of this our country uses small-sized aircrew to give priority to, carbon fiber application is less. This restricted carbon fiber to apply mediumly in domain of wind report lamina on certain level, but in future, fall as the manufacturer after this synergism obtains certain result, the application of carbon fiber can expand further.

Big bundle of carbon fiber

Demand was added 2023 fast exceed 45%

Hopeful of demand of carbon fiber of wind report domain is released quickly, 2025 or achieve 78 thousand tons. Assemble machine case according to past wind report, we undertake the following hypothesis to did not install machine circumstance and relevant parameter:

1, land wind is average stand-alone capacity rises every year 0.4MW, sea wind is average stand-alone capacity rose to 10MW 2025;

2, blade is average length grows according to length issueing a list;

3, blade length and weight relation according to Y (weight) =0.527*x2.473 formula is calculated; (formulary origin: " the wind-force that is based on project economics to evaluate and blade length are designed " )

4, collect according to Polaris power network and public data arrange, hypothesis carbon fiber occupies the 1/4 of blade weight;

5, abroad respect: Dosage of Si Dasi carbon fiber controlled domestic dimension 18 thousand tons 2021, referenced GWEC data, assume its increase rate is maintained 4% the left and right sides.

The rapid development of maritime wind report, carbon fiber is in wind report especially big lamina makes what the domain replaces Bo fine in the round will become reality. Predict demand of carbon fiber of domain of report of our country wind increased 5.84% 2021 compared to the same period 2022, demand of carbon fiber of domain of report of our country wind was 38 thousand tons 2023, increase compared to the same period 61.31% , among them sea wind contributed 14 thousand tons of requirement. According to on the watch is calculated 2025 demand of carbon fiber of domain of report of our country wind achieves seventy-eight thousand two hundred tons, compound increase rate exceeds 40% . If carbon fiber makes cost be reduced gradually, requirement of field of report of carbon fiber wind releases rhythm to will be accelerated further.

All big silk bundle field requirement developed as a result of wind report 2023 rapid, if mix domain of core of become a useful person matching a pattern, building, transmission, cable according to compound increase rate 10% computation, other applying according to 15% computation, big silk bundle carbon fiber is forty-seven thousand five hundred tons in total 2023 demand, grow 48.38% compared to the same period.

Supply side ——

Produce can put in quickly, price be issued to lower levels drives application to extend

1, predict our country is big 2023 bundle carbon fiber is produced can be 82 thousand tons, increase compared to the same period more than 70% . Produce effectively can (the date of put into production that produces a line considering the company, and the yield that calendar year comes to can utilization rate) it is forty-four thousand six hundred tons, to “ of 945 ” end 2025, anticipate in all 208 thousand tons are produced can put in.

2, the dynamic balance hopeful of supply creation demand is prospective normal. If as produce can promote —— scope effect to reflect —— cost to drop, and brought price fall, the permeability that uses a field downstream will get promotion, future is great the price will appear bundle of carbon fiber: In the dynamic balance that supply adds demand of —— of —— price fall to increase supply of —— price ascendant —— , integral price trend drops fluctuant type.

As have cost advantage, have the tenacity, electric power variety that has bigger decarbonization latent capacity, wind electric energy becomes green anabiosis quite the important cornerstone that reachs carbon to counteract.

According to data of bureau of national energy resources, report of our country wind added installation amount newly to be 37.63GW 2022, drop compared to the same period 21.0% , 69.49% what complete volume of on one year of invite public bidding only. And the not complete count according to daily wind report, dimensions of open sealed tenders of domestic wind report already achieved 103.27GW 2022, overlay part 2021 already the outfit machine demand of invite public bidding is inside 2022 not and net, or give delay to 2023, silver-colored international is judged in current already invite public bidding not and project of net wind cable puts quantity space to be close to 120GW at least, enough is propped up wind report added installation amount newly to realize frequent promotion 2023.

Catenary of wind cable industry

Catenary of wind cable industry includes 3 shares in all:

: of upriver raw material?

Component of middle reaches fan: Include structural member, lamina, gear, dynamo, convertor to wait; Generate electricity component: Cable of tower canister, fan, sea;

Downstream operation business: State-owned generate electricity the business of operation of wind cable investment that the group gives priority to, the development that is in charge of including wind electric field, construction, operation, sale serves.

Much link of chain of wind cable industry involves metallic stuff, wave motion of price of short-term heavy goods affects bearing of industrial catenary scene directly, conduct behave to share price. Downstream link divides blade in outside, canister of overall, mast, tower, gear case cannot leave such as rolled steel, rolled steel price affects bearing of industrial catenary scene directly.


At present magnate of global wind cable to reduce the cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS of wind report, promote product gain capability, all used wind report blade large change, light quantified development target.

2010 to 2019, the length of blade goes to 125 meters from 100 meters of progressively growth, dimension of predicting future lamina still will increase further 150 meters taller even.

Check all right all right | The industry studies database data shows, catenary of industry of wind report lamina is main by supplier of upriver raw material, lamina of report of middle reaches wind is downstream and manufacturing business, overall the link such as operation of manufacturer zephyr electric field is formed. The main raw material that produces blade includes cloth of core material and carbolic bridge, epoxy resin, fiber to wait, home has on behalf of the enterprise bay material of Cheng Ke ability, Guang Wei answer, on abb new material, Kang Daxin material.

Production business of wind report blade can be divided it is two kinds, one kind is the company of independent lamina production that is a representing with Dipiai, material science and technology is mixed in times new material all belongs to this kind of enterprise; Another kind is with Aiermu (LM) the wind report that is a delegate is overall factory form a complete set produces a business. Blade production business and downstream and overall firm relationship is close, normally once both sides reachs collaboration to will form what stabilize for a long time to concern for goods.

Wind report lamina

Production industry is spent centrally tall

Manufacturer of wind report lamina is in the middle reaches of industrial catenary. Blade manufacturer upper reaches is supplier of blade raw material, include material of rubber of epoxy resin, fibre glass, construction, core to wait. Downstream client is blade product group of wind electric machinery is overall business, terminal client develops business for wind electric field. Electric lamina makes wind be located in middle reaches in industrial catenary, be faced with supplier of upriver raw material and unit of downstream wind cable overall business the pressure of two respects, level of its wool interest rate is in 20% the left and right sides, next swimming in be in industrial catenary are smooth.

Group of global wind electric machinery is overall business is spent centrally taller. According to data of Wood Mackenzie of orgnaization of survey of the sources of energy, group of global wind electric machinery is overall 2020 business CR5 is 58% , CR15 is 96% , the industry is spent centrally taller. The manufacturer of before the rank 5 is Weisidasi, golden wind science and technology, GE, distant view science and technology, and beautiful Sa of Xi Menzi song, its city is occupied rate it is respectively 15% , 13% , 12% , 10% reach 8% . Group of electric machinery of before alive bound 15 gale is overall in business, chinese company holds 10 seat.

Group of domestic wind electric machinery is overall business is spent centrally show ascendant trend. 2017-2021 year, chinese wind report adds installed capacity CR5 newly from 63% rise to 71% , CR10 from 81% rise to 97% , the industry is spent centrally taller and overall show ascendant trend. Downstream and overall business is spent centrally tall also cause camp of natural resources of blade manufacturer client to lift, present oligarch competition situation.

Lamina of company wind report is produced can dimensions whole world the 3rd. According to the statistic of association of global wind energy, up to in December 2020, global lamina is produced can before 10 big companies are respectively general and electric, Weisidasi, medium report of wind of new material of material science and technology, times, Ai Lang, Xi Menzi is song beautiful Sa, medium answer even numerous, medium, among them oneself of intelligence of beautiful Sa of Weisidasi, Xi Menzi song, bright this world is group of wind electric machinery overall business, and 10 have 7 to be Chinese company in the company greatly. Material science and technology is produced per year in can amount to 10GW, as new as the times material is paratactic, rank in the whole world the 3rd, rank in home the first.

The company that has productivity of lamina of maritime wind report is less. Inside global limits, the proprietor of an enterprise that owns productivity of lamina of maritime wind report should be in China centrally. Up to in December 2020, weisidasi, Xi Menzi song is only beautiful in foreign manufacturer Sa and general and electric already had relevant lamina product, and in domestic company overall the manufacturer is Oriental and intelligence of bright this world, electric, and science and technology of the material in blade manufacturer, medium answer even numerous, times new material, Ai Lang is wind report, medium division eaves can, science and technology of cable of wind of off shore of force of academy of glass reinforced plastics of suitable wind energy of Luoyang Shuang Rui, day, Shanghai, day already had.

Supply and demand of wind report lamina is put in difference of sex of structure of regional, product evenly

Wind report lamina is at present overall beg for be more than. Calculate according to association of global wind energy, group of global wind electric machinery is overall business always produced wind report lamina and manufacturer of lamina of independent wind report of end oneself 2020 can be 125GW about, lamina of Yuan Chaoquan ball reached the total demand 2024 2020. Because new coronal epidemic situation affects plant shutdown and raw material to carry a problem,consider (wood of latin america Ba Sha and Italian PVC) , backward lamina is produced can fall into disuse stage by stage, the factory upgrades stage by stage large lamina mould and produce the account such as the line, actual yield can have the deviate of older rate from maximum, the balance has met supply and demand be worth at calculating.

The supply and demand of global various places balances existence difference. 2020, the lamina of European area is produced can superfluous, group of wind electric machinery is overall produce blade of business oneself can be about 13, 700 million are made of baked clay, can cover the demand of our region basically, because this is independent the market space of blade manufacturer is lesser. And develop quickly as the abidance of industry of European wind cable, its lamina demand predicted to be able to be added 2024 to 19, 100 million are made of baked clay, hopeful of supply and demand achieves a balance.

Be in North America area, weisidasi and beauty of Xi Menzi song produce blade of Sa oneself can be about 4, 500 million are made of baked clay, can enclothe this area to restrict the demand of 35% . In addition, north America is overall business still is passed overall business is in other area outside make a production contract can, manufacturer of other place independent lamina and from area of and other places of Mexico, Brazil, India the entrance satisfies requirement. Because current and Sino-US business relation is nervous, the blade amount that North America area imports from China is limited. 2020, of Asia-Pacific area the biggest produce 2 times what can exceed requirement, industry competition is intense. According to report of association of global wind energy, be in China, manufacturer of lamina of independent wind report is produced can aggregate about 61, 400 million are made of baked clay, overall business is produced from lamina of report having wind can make an appointment with 12, 400 million are made of baked clay. Although appeared 2020,report of a wind grabs outfit tide, add installation amount 34GW newly, achieve the history new tall, still measure under the supply of the industry far. Accordingly, home has ceaselessly in last few years in small firm stop production goes out clear, and the opportunity that bibcock company is seeking overseas market actively.

Overall and character, the scene bearing of wind cable industry lasts to good, and what supply and demand puts in structural sex is lopsided. Medium or small blade is produced can serious superfluous, and the large high-powered lamina of demand of electric machinery of can contented high-power still is put in breach. The firm of wind report lamina that has technology of ability of stronger research and development, production to accumulate adopts perfect industry position, roll out high-grade product, can promote its competitive advantage and market share further, and the vivosphere of the 34 lines business that lacks core technology and experience will narrower and narrower.

City of lamina of material science and technology is occupied in rate promote continuously,

Bibcock position is solid

Battalion of business of blade of company wind report receives trade policy metabolic impact is bigger. The wind cable industry of our country gets policy the effect is apparent, had appeared twice to grab outfit tide in recent years. Electrovalency of wind report online surveyor's pole was reduced first 2015, in those days home adds wind report newly installed capacity 30GW; Sent 2019 change appoint allot " the announcement about policy of online electrovalency of perfect wind report " , move online electrovalency of small wind report again, make clear the schedule that price of onshore wind n gets online first, open is new round grab outfit tide, home added wind report newly 2020 installed capacity 52GW, company lamina income 8.98 billion yuan, grow 78% compared to the same period. 2021, of policy of double carbon of benefit from benefit from drive, home adds wind report newly installed capacity 48GW, did not happen to glide apparently, but because wind report is overall,price of invite public bidding falls considerably, rubber of overlay colophony, construction, pull cost of crowded plank raw material to rise, ability of blade company profit is challenged generally. Blade business battalion controlled the company 2021 6.98 billion yuan, drop compared to the same period 22.3% .

Rate of produce and sale of lamina of company wind report keeps exalted. Quantity of produce and sale of lamina of company wind report was 11877GW and 11424GW respectively 2021. 2016-2021 year CAGR of company fibre glass and product sales volume, crop is respectively 15.5% , 16.6% , rate of produce and sale keeps exalted from beginning to end. Although trade situation bearing suffers policy impact to appear for many times to fluctuate, the company is produced through adjusting product structure in time to reach can layout, and hold to the sale mode with selling a system of fixed quotas for grain production, when industry trough can research and development of with great concentration, fall this synergism, can release quickly when trade demand replies produce can, enlarge market dominant position further.

Interest rate of wool of business of blade of company wind report is in level of the upper reaches in the industry. We chose company of wind report blade in answer even numerous, times new material and in material science and technology undertakes comparative. 2015-2020 year, the trend rises after wool interest rate shows company blade business to drop first, with market view bearing change agrees, level of wool interest rate is in the upper reaches in the industry from beginning to end, gain ability is better. Interest rate of wool of company blade business was first half of the year 2021 21.8% , mediumer answer new material parts even numerous, times tower above 1.1pct, 13.0pct; Interest rate of wool of annual blade business is 15.8% , drop compared to the same period 8.2pct.

The company is produced can last outspread. Up to 2020 end, company lamina is produced per year can 4, 300. The company has Jiangsu to mound white city of spring of wine of Yan Qing of Dan of Han of countryside of duckweed of peaceful, Jiangxi, Heibei, Beijing, Gansu Province, Jilin, inside the 7 production base such as Meng Xilin. December 2021, company announcement plans investment 2, 8.78 million dollar produces per year lamina of 260 wind report to make base item in Brazilian construction, the mark sex that is company abroad position one pace. In March 2022, company announcement plans to invest 490 million yuan to mix 380 million yuan respectively, in Guangdong this world river construction produces per year lamina of report of 200 maritime wind to create base project and set in Shaanxi Yu Lin Jian produce per year lamina of 300 wind report to make base item, implementation company is produced in the maritime lamina of coastal region can layout is hand-in-hand one pace increases market share.

City of business of blade of company wind report is occupied rate promote steadily. City of lamina of company wind report occupies the rate 7% promotion from 2009 to come 30% 2021, and already maintained the throughout the country 12 years continuously the first. 2020, the industry appears the 2nd round to grab outfit tide, the enterprise achieves the head such as material science and technology to be produced completely in sell completely, downstream client must use the product of business of blade of report of second line wind, because this city is occupied,lead appear to glide temporarily. After grabbing the end that install tide, city of material science and technology is occupied in rate pick up again, blade industry is spent centrally rise. In par online policy and the climate that improve gradually to demand of blade function, security fall, company of equipment of phone of 34 lines wind will be progressively because of inferior position of natural resources of cost, technology, client wash out a bureau, bibcock business market has rate hopeful to promote further.

Company and main competitor are congeneric in building materials group. Manufacturer of domestic main lamina has in new material of material science and technology, times, medium answer couplet intelligence of numerous, bright this world, among them in material science and technology and in answer couplet is numerous congeneric in building materials group. On December 15, 2020, company of announcement of material science and technology is bought in in answer couplet is numerous trade stop, issue of competition of a person of same business inside the group still is waited for solve.

Company blade business is on research and development of technology of raw material, production, product Dou Youming shows competitive advantage

Raw material of fine of company lamina Bo 50% purchase from fine of Bo of subsidiary Mount Taishan, have stronger synergism. The raw material in company lamina production basically is fibre glass and colophony, occupy in cost it is than making an appointment with 70% . The company bought father-in-law Bo a rope for towing a boat 2016, in patulous company advocate business Wu while realized what industrial catenary swims up and down to cooperate with. The fibre glass that company lamina production wants basically is purchased from father-in-law Bo fine, self-confessed 2021 scale is made an appointment with 60% , bo fine is purchased all valence, supply stability, and the fine of Bo of THM high standard of own research and development can match father-in-law Bo towing tie blade is large the tide that turn. Mixed 2020 2021, wind cable business board piece the amount that purchases raw material from father-in-law Bo fine is about respectively 700 million, 1 billion yuan.

Company lamina enlarge is produced reach adjust flexibility taller. Produce technical field, in courtyard of steel of Bo of Beijing of subsidiary of material science and technology is the mould production company that precedes in the industry, the enlarge with the blade powerful business of science and technology of the material in gifting produces ability and structural adjustment ability. 2021, the company finishs 26 moulds to update, produce can upgrade to product of rice and 80 above, answer industry lamina quickly large change requirement. At present ongoing product includes the company the lamina of above of rice of 12MW, 14MW100, and the lot that predicts to be able to realize lamina of 90 meters of platform 2022 is supplied. The company undertook be changinged subtly administrative to blade production, implementation sale, production, purchase plan linkage, already can stabilize implementation 2020 big lamina of 80 meters of class 24 hours of drawing of patterns, be on the move 72 hours, the efficient operation of client of 8 days of consign.

Company sheet covers blade to output power to promote continuously. Respect of product research and development, the company has rich experience to accumulate personage of drag in major to lay in, ability of technical research and development is gotten run industry. Promote to comply with power of stand-alone of group of electric machinery of wind of wind cable industry, wind report lamina is large electric tide, product structure is optimized ceaselessly in company management course, improve product performance. The company executes generation of “ research and development, reserve generation and approve the strategy that produces generation ” , bannerer than company of a person of same business 1-2 year roll out large turn a product. Via calculating, 2015-2021 year, company sheet covers blade to output power on average to rise continuously, from the 1.77MW 2015 promotion comes 2021 the 3.3MW first half of the year, promotion extent is 87% . 2021, the lamina of maritime wind report in the new product that the company rolls out can have achieved 100 meters / 10MW above, attribute trade center level. The blade product structural adjustment of the company complies with blade large the tide that turns development and maritime wind report to develop quickly, conduce to stability and promote the gain of blade business capability continuously.

Company lamina product line is substantial, and participate in make wind report occupation standard, have stronger competition ability and international force. The company has whole set at present more than 80 product, product development enclothes 1.0-14.0MW. The firm is own 2020 of research and development maritime Sinoma85.6 of lamina of complete Bo fine is promoted in Fujian change a bay to finish hoisting smoothly, realized home first quantity of big lamina of maritime low cost is produced; The company rolled out the big lamina such as SI85.8, SI84, SI9X-100 to be tasted newly 2021. In addition, the national level that the company shared a staff 2020 " wind- driven generation set moves reach uphold a requirement " (number: GB/T 25385-2019) begins formally to carry out, participate in the international that make standard of first IEC61400-5 lamina is released.

Sale of lamina of ‍ company country is firm in have into, extend overseas market actively at the same time

Company and deepness of enterprise of domestic bibcock fan are bound calm. The company of wind report blade that has resource of client of bibcock fan business has larger dominant position in sale stability respect. According to data of association of global wind energy, the main client of company lamina is the sources of energy of golden wind science and technology, distant view, Windey and GE to wait. 2014 - between 2020, sale of before the company 5 big clients constitutes more apparent than having promotion, keep stable to the level of 95% from the 49% promotion 2014, among them sale of the biggest science and technology of client gold wind is occupied than maintaining 50% the left and right sides. The market share of business of blade of science and technology of the material in having natural resources of high grade client to will help strength promotes continuously.

Internationalization layout is advanced steadily. The company mounds with Jiangsu peaceful internationalization factory and center of abroad research and development are rely on, development international client. In the meantime, the company is the core lamina supplier of golden wind science and technology, distant view science and technology, assume its the lamina of abroad project is supplied. Up to June 2021, company already 24 countries outside Xiang Hai sell blade 4386.1MW; Carry out of blade sea export grew 106.4% compared to the same period 2021. In December 2021, announcement of material science and technology will be in in Brazilian construction produces per year lamina of 260 wind report to create base, blade should implement science and technology of the material in conducing to to produce after project building can internationalization layout strategy, make its can answer the market demand of Brazil and circumjacent America country quickly, promote its international competition ability and market share further.

Business of wind report blade

Summary and look into

Wind electricity demand enters steady growth phase, blade is large turn a tide apparent, the industry spends promotion centrally. 2014-2020 year, market of cable of domestic and international wind was obtained year compound add fast more than 10% rapid development. The big trend of environmental protection of new energy resources of benefit from benefit from, green, market of global wind cable will still maintain steady progress, among them maritime wind report is added fast land of apparent prep above is windward report. The high-power of group of wind electric machinery is changed, wind report lamina is large change, and maritime wind report is occupied more apparent than the trend that promotes gradually, overall to report of wind report lamina, wind business raised higher technology and capital requirement, backward produce can fall into disuse ceaselessly, the industry spends ceaseless promotion centrally, the bibcock company with stronger capability of benefit good competition.

The company is country's biggest blade production company, bibcock position is solid, in the 3 big camp that blade produces: There all is apparent competition advantage on technology of design ability, material and manufacturing workmanship. The company is in of domestic lamina market have rate is adjacent 30% , and already carried a trade more than 10 years continuously the first, interest rate of blade business wool is stable from beginning to end and be expert at the upper reaches in course of study. The mould production technology with advanced courtyard of steel of subsidiary Beijing Bo is endowed with can the ability that company enlarge is produced and product structure adjusts in time, fine of Bo of subsidiary Mount Taishan provided steady raw material source for the company, and ability of company research and development is banner a person of same business, have own research and development, current had measured produce lamina of fine of large and maritime Bo, the product of lamina of maritime wind report that rolled out 100 meters of above 2021.

The company adopts “ strategy of two seas ” , the sea that send force is windward report and overseas market, still have better growing sex in future as blade bibcock. To comply with supply and demand of industry structure sex lopsided reach tomorrow of maritime wind report to add fast outclass is onshore add fast industry trend, the company delivers product of force high end, optimize product structure ceaselessly, sheet covers blade to output power on average to rise continuously, and the product such as maritime lamina of Sinoma85.6 of own research and development, be helpful for be being added in future fast faster maritime lamina domain holds bigger market share. Whole of domestic lamina industry is produced can superfluous, the company is in as bibcock enterprise active position is abroad the market. Through assuming home overall the abroad project lamina of business is supplied and construction internationalization factory and center of abroad research and development, development international client, the business of the company has spread all over 24 countries, accumulative total is made an appointment with in global outfit machine 10, 000. In December 2021, company announcement will produce per year 260 lamina to produce base in Brazilian construction, conduce to a company developing America market to promote international consequence.

‍ does not suggest to retiring wind report lamina and composite material undertake burning

September 2020 " law of prevention and cure of environment of solid trash pollution " after carrying out, flotsam of the horn side produce company generation and applied domain enlist in army trash of expiring composite material solid, cannot have buried through filling will deal with, basically be to pass a power plant to burn deal with. But have trash of composite material solid burning generating electricity, also put in the problem with a lot of move.

The first, " law of prevention and cure of environment of solid trash pollution " thirtieth makes clear a regulation 6 times, trash of industrial solid body and life rubbish cannot mix processing, and burn generating electricity is make waste material of composite material solid garbage power factory undertake mix into is burned deal with.

The 2nd, composite material contains many fibre glass in solid trash, after passing many degrees 1000 high temperature, fibre glass will melt vitreous liquid state, flow downward below gravitational action drip, jam easily the fine-toothed comb of incinerator, cause explosion extremely easily. Burn because of the enterprise in recent years behavior, had produced boiler explosion accident twice.

The 3rd, content of the colophony in flotsam of horn of composite material edge and goods is abhorrent, the quantity of heat that organic composition supplies in combustion process is not stable, cannot assure the stability of the temperature inside body of heater, organic matter can appear combustion is inadequate phenomenon, will produce other people of many poisonous and harmful organic young member, cause young member of fibre glass and high polymer content extremely easily to spill over, form flying ash and VOCs to discharge exceed bid badly, bring about discharge do not amount to mark.

The 4th, the matrix colophony of composite material is organic high polymer, the carbon that is equivalent to fuel oil emission factor, emission factor makes an appointment with its carbon 3.1705kgCO2/kg. Manner of this kind of processing increased carbolic discharge capacity greatly, go against the implementation of target of ” of “ double carbon.

The 5th, trash of composite material solid included resin composition of organic high polymer and fibre glass composition. After burning, organic high polymer will get releasing through energy, cannot come true to be used again; And fibre glass will make the waste material that cannot use, can undertake filling burying only, take up again land natural resources. If connect,machinery smashs law, retain its function property, continue to use relevant field, but resource conservation the sources of energy. After industrialization of chemical degradation technology, composition of resinous high polymer will be become by degradation new high polymer material, the fiber intensity loss that gets after degradation is small, continue to regard as enhance material to use relevant field, resource of greatly managing fossil and mineral products resource, at the same time the implementation of target of ” of double to “ carbon makes contribution.

Current, the trash of composite material solid that is a delegate with wind report lamina passes what the power plant burns to deal with cost is low; And use a technology integratedly to be in now level cost is higher, bring about reclaim to use an enterprise integratedly to face the situation that cannot collect solid trash data normally, strangled the resource of trash of composite material solid such as wind report lamina to change from fountainhead use an industry to develop, cannot realize resource to change use, harmless change deal with.

The development of industry of second birth of fiber composite material, the key that resource changes is to reclaim of content use integratedly, as smash the dilate that adds applied area, high cost changed application to have the requirement of implementation. In the meantime, all sorts of technologies that are a delegate with chemical degradation develop, also make organic high polymer and “ of trash of Bo fine solid eat do the implementation that extracts clean ” mode to become a possibility. (Zhang Rongqi)

Composite material of lamina of first wind report applies a seminar

Composite material of lamina of first wind report applies a seminar will in March 20-22 day is in Shenzhen to hold, the corresponding period holds blade experiment to check seminar of be no longer in force of scathing zephyr field. This second conference discusses new technology of wind report lamina, new material, new method and new clothes to be recommended fully, guide wind report lamina the acceleration of relevant technology is broken through, implementation composite material is in of wind report domain fall this synergism promotes industrial catenary to swim up and down the collaboration of the enterprise and communication. The conference invites sincerely catenary of industry of wind report, composite material to swim up and down scholar of enterprise, expert and industry colleague arrive at this second congress, undertake academic communication and business affairs cooperate! Invite you to arrive at cordially!

1 combination sponsors an unit

Association of wind energy of city of in relief river

Answer ability network

Beijing ancient bronze mirror judge attestation center

2 support unit

Joint-stock company of group of energy of wisdom of bright this world

Inc. of science and technology of Xinjiang gold wind

Inc. of report of Oriental and electric wind

31 heavy can Inc.

Inc. of science and technology of new material of times of individual plant continent

In the harbor that connect the cloud answer join limited company of group of numerous composite material

Jiangsu grows the of great capacity composite material Inc.

Town Jiangxi this industrial limited company

Inc. of new material of Er of Xiamen city a person of extraordinary powers

Join limited company of science and technology of equipment of automation of intelligence of cloud Gang Weide


Report honored guest

Report title

Ministry of root of long soft lamina joins the design analyses research

Report honored guest

Lei Zhimin

Experiment of component of lamina of Inc. of science and technology of new material of times of individual plant continent is in charge of. Be graduated from composite material of college of Wuhan grain industry and project major, be engaged in wind report lamina working 14 years, participate in the blade structure design that developed the 4 products platform such as 2.5m-4.8m of pitch circle diameter early or late, add up to more than 13 blade profile. Chair share staff of multinomial industry standard, declare patent more than 10.

Report title

Wind report lamina is used pull crowded board development makes progress and a few think

Report honored guest

Wang Zhiwei

Senior engineer, project of Chinese electric machinery learns committee member of transmission network expert, pull crowded only appoint conference committee member, in vise general manager of limited company of science and technology of cable of carbon restoration core. The astral gainer of medal of 521 qualified personnels of city of the harbor that connect the cloud, 51 labor, outstanding skilled personnel, 10 old the most beautiful science and technology. Study way: New-style composite material generates electricity in bridge, wind-force, the application in power transmission project. During the job, attend national emphasis special, country project of science and technology of electrified wire netting of plan of 863 plans, the science and technology that visit town, country 13; Own invention patent 9, practical and new-style patent 31; Participate in level of the state that draft 1; Make to basically finish “ carbon fiber of the person 14 achievement such as ” of compound core lead win award of progress of science and technology of province, city, industry; In " composite material science and project " wait for core periodical to publish wait for a paper several; Ginseng make up " lead of built on stilts uses a technology " one book.

Report title

Wind report lamina is used help requirement of technology of crowded composite material and prospective development trend

Report honored guest

Hu Cong fine

Beijing ancient bronze mirror judge minister of ministry of attestation of attestation center lamina, one class creates division (Electromechanical) , register engineer of equipment inspect manage, product certification senior inspector (CCAA) , the country registers service attestation auditor (CCAA) , chinese equipment inspect manages academician. Basically be engaged in craft of wind report lamina and quality evaluation, invalidation of wind report lamina is analysed, ability of wind report lamina changes an opinion, the market after wind report lamina serves attestation to wait. Complete plant of 30 many lamina early or late (base) engineering capability is evaluated; The craft that finishs model of 40 many lamina is evaluated; Participate in quality of whole process of form of electric machinery of wind of “ of ministry of science and technology to evaluate a technology to study ” task; Participate in national emphasis research and development to plan “ task of ” of the dependability of group of electric machinery of large and maritime wind and crucial part and research of standard standard system.

Report title

Electric lamina makes wind be analysed with auxiliary equipment with look into

Report honored guest

Wang Haitao

Machinery of Inc. of Ai Lang science and technology is in charge of. Was graduated from Lanzhou manage to be versed in university mechanical design is made 2016 reach its automation major, entered center of technology of Inc. of science and technology of duty moxa man 2016, establish group of group company mechanical design, group technique capability gets industry client is approbated, have all equipment capacity that completely own development uses now.

Report title

Wind report lamina is supersonic nondestructive detects monitor a technology with injury

Report honored guest

Ma Chaoqun

Academy of technology of attestation of standard of courtyard of Nanjing Bo fine evaluates institute controller. Be graduated from major of optics of southwest traffic university, the corresponding period acquires German moral character tired this international university nondestructive detects master's degree. Basically be engaged in Bo fine, carbon fine and token of function of its composite material, nondestructive detecting with life the evaluation considers to work, participated in plan of national emphasis research and development, form a complete set to plan to wait for various science and technology to tackle key problem as project backbone project more than 10, nearly 3 years of accredit are patent 3, employ and publish a paper 8.

Report title

The polyurethane of new option —— of wind report lamina base composite material is pulled crowded board

Report honored guest

Hou Xuejie

Group of grand China science and technology (Luoyang) Inc. academy assistant director, hold Luoyang division rich part-time to consider engineer of research and development of limited company of new material science and technology, be engaged in colophony radical composite material product studies development application domain involves equipment of traffic of wind energy, orbit, war industry to wait.

Report title

The application of new material of tradition and innovation —— on wind report lamina

Report honored guest

Xu Danjie

General manager of product line of phone of scene of limited company of new material of Er of a person of extraordinary powers, be engaged in domain of scene cable industry 15 years, to show, the industry client such as report of smooth hot season, semiconductor, wind offers material and solution, the industry that help strength grows, technical innovation, fall this synergism is our changeless mission!

Report title

Technology of burnish of wind report lamina considers to reach equipment research and development

Report honored guest

Zhou Qinggui

Science and technology of limited company of science and technology of equipment of automation of intelligence of the Gang Weide that connect the cloud deputy always, the university teachs Jiangsu ocean, was graduated from northeast and heavy-duty mechanical institute 1984 (swallow hill university) automation is professional, obtained Nanjing manage to be versed in university computer uses technical major master's degree 2003. Assume office at Jiangsu ocean university, the education that pursues the respect such as test of Electromechanical system project and unifinication technology, automation and control system and scientific research work. Hold the position of science and technology of limited company of science and technology of equipment of automation of intelligence of the Gang Weide that connect the cloud now deputy always, begin produce learn to grind project collaboration and technical support.

Report title

Solid of composite material lamina is useless reclaim resource recycle industry grows

Report honored guest

Zhang Rongqi

Branch of second birth of composite material of fiber of association of second birth of Chinese goods and materials / secretary-general of committee of major of epispastic material second birth is advanced engineer. The nation is major 2020 the technology is special: " deserted fiber enhances composite material high cost to change reclaim use crucial technology " inter block expert, miscellaneous Leaflet of committee member of SAC/TC39/SC1 of committee of national standardization technology, building materials industry turns working group of expert of branch of second birth of composite material of fiber of association of second birth of goods and materials of technical committee committee member, China vice director committee member, Henan saves special type to defend association of supply and marketing of synthetic resin of committee member of vice director of council of learning of material key laboratory, China standardizes technical committee association of industry of fibre glass of committee member, China.

Outstanding achievement of Portant; "> work: Ever wove level of composite material state 7, occupation standard 5, group level 2; Win composite material patent, the invention is patent 4, practical and new-style 3, paper of composite material domain 6, among them " the development that lash-up blocks Shui Zidi to prevent Hong Ban and development " project, win award of third class of progress of association of industry of Chinese building materials and silicate society science and technology, was judged to be whole nation of building materials domain to standardize advanced worker 2010.

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