Colophony tile is now a sort with the more choice that use watt, compare because of it and tile of traditional in the past mud, its build is bigger, can achieve above of a square commonly, spend in middling speed of whole construction process faster, and color diversification, have sex of very strong adornment. Buy colophony watt-hour in the choice nevertheless, should also understand colophony made of baked clay average life how long? And how to buy colophony tile? Ability safeguard quality and price are reasonable.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

How many years can colophony made of baked clay life achieve? Is colophony tile general life how long? This covers with tiles with colophony quality is concerned, if quality has been compared, general its life can achieve 30-40 year life, made of baked clay like common colophony of course, compare relatively in life respect short, average life is controlled in 6 years. Buying colophony watt-hour, resemble the workshop of the factory especially, meeting choice synthetic resin is made of baked clay, tile of this kind of colophony is compared relative to quality tall, service life is long also, can achieve 30-40 commonly year service life, color diversification, OK and random selection.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

How to buy colophony tile? Buying colophony watt-hour, because resemble such manufacturer home more, different production manufacturer, differ in quality respect, be in likewise price respect also is different, must carry comparative kind, content of choice production technology is high, manufacturer home has certain dimensions, have rich production experience, after service does reach the designated position, buy colophony to cover with tiles like such manufacturer home ability not only can ensure quality, same sex price is compared tall, use time will be longer. To needing colophony made of baked clay user, the amount that needs especially is larger, colophony must understand before buy how long of made of baked clay average life, understand even purchase channel. For instance a lot of user passes contrast when buy now, approbate beautiful flower colophony to cover with tiles quite, buy here not only have different colors, same sex price is compared tall, can enjoy factory price, still can guarantee use time longer.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City