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IPO of Shandong big chemical industry, benefit China beneficial appears on the market successfully

On September 15, inc. of far chemistry of dimension of benefit China beneficial (” of far share of dimension of “ of the following abbreviation, 600955.SH) in hand in place advocate board appear on the market. End that day closing quotation, dimension far share signs up for 42.57 yuan, go up 44.01% , clinch a deal the forehead 80.03 million yuan, the rate that change a hand 1.37% , total market prise twenty-three billion four hundred and forteen million yuan. Dimension remote cause is become go up without the price drop the negotiable securities of a limitation, go up without the price that day drop the A of a limitation, appear to unusual wave motion parks the stock of the card and ascend dragon tiger a list of names posted up.

Dimension far share this second in hand in place advocate board appear on the market, issue 138 million publicly, all be new, without old make over, issue the price to be 29.56 yuan / , the orgnaization that protect Jian, advocate bear Inc. of negotiable securities of the letter in selling business to be, couplet banquet advocate bear Inc. of negotiable securities of the peaceful in selling business to be, this collect capital total is dimension far share 4.065 billion yuan, deduct after issueing charge, collect capital net specified number is 3.88 billion yuan. With one action asks a vessel Shandong saves the chemical enterprise IPO with great throughout history, also be close come to Shandong 5 years save big IPO project. Dimension far share eventually collect capital net specified number is more than original plan 2.001 billion yuan, collect joins a project also relatively before this many. Dimension far share announced book of raise capital by floating shares to show on December 29, 2020, the company drafts collect capital amount to be 1.879 billion yuan, use 10 thousand tons at “35 respectively / year ” of project of combination of alcohol of third of phenol, acetone, different, “10 10 thousand tons / year high pure carbonic acid ” of project of center of research and development of ” of project of 2 armour ester, “ , “ is compensatory circulating fund ” . Picture dimension far share announced book of raise capital by floating shares to show on September 1, 2021, in use of company collect fund add newly: 600 thousand tons / year propane dehydrogenation reachs 400 thousand tons / year high-powered polypropylene project. Dimension far share this second appear on the market issue charge to be 185 million yuan, among them, negotiable securities is believed in Inc. , medium Inc. of peaceful negotiable securities is obtained bear annul reach the charge that protect Jian 161 million yuan.
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