Inc. of new big new materialInvite public bidding of agreement of raw material framework is purchased beforehand case announcement

One, number of invite public bidding: XDZB2022-01

2, project general situation and limits of invite public bidding

1. project name: Invite public bidding of agreement of framework of raw material of Inc. of new big new material is purchased beforehand case

Name of goods and materials of 2. invite public bidding, amount:

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

3. date of delivery and ground nod: Press order demand, shandong is saved east battalion city north all the way buyer appoints a place

3, bidder qualification requirement:

1. bidder has business charter, patent is valid.

2. bids end day bidder was versed in administration mechanism is in business company credit information is public show a system to include break the law badly break one's promise company list; And was not included to break his promise to be carried out by website of “ credence ” person list.

3. bidder is nonexistent close down of the stop production that be instructed, of short duration is buckled or revoke licence, of short duration is buckled or revoke charter; Nonexistent enter liquidation order, or by suspend payment, other perhaps lose honor the agreement the case of ability.

4. bidder did not produce great and safe liability accident inside nearly two years.

This second invite public bidding accepts 5. manufacturing business bids, do not accept agent, current business, combine to bid.

6. bidder can choose 1 kind or a variety of goods and materials bid, no matter,need written in mark book commitment amount how many, how is deliver goods frequency all protected maintain a volume character on time deliver goods arrives appoint a place.

7. bids business must offer health of attestation of ISO14001 or system of GB/T24001 environment management, OHSAS18001 or GB/T45001 or ISO45001 profession attestation of safety management system or to it equivalent environment, safety and healthy attestation, certificate condition needs to be effective and cover the content of mark to produce or be machined or be made of relevant goods and materials.

8. bidder needs written in mark book commitment: Goods delivery and via examine or checking and accept qualification hind, open bill within 10 days, to invite public bidding square conduction settle accounts hangs Zhang formalities. If open what bill or other reason bring about money defer to pay not in time, assume relevant responsibility by oneself.

The bidder that 9. just had not cooperated with invite public bidding needs written in mark book commitment: After winning the bid offer sample freely to be used at the test, undertake adjustment according to checking a result, rectify and reform, rectify and reform inside 60 days not person of short of invite public bidding asks, waiver cooperates.

4, of file of invite public bidding get

1. gets time: On Feburary 24, 2022 8:00 to on March 2, 2022 16:00

2. gets way:

2.1 bid sign up: Fill in according to accessory format case signing up, hair to mailbox [email protected]

Charge of file of 2.2. invite public bidding: Charge of file of invite public bidding 500 yuan of money, carry out hind is not retreated.

Charge collects assign Zhang number:

Unit name: The triumph is new Inc. of big new material

Date of bank, Zhang: The Construction Bank is gotten the better of east subbranch of a bank 37001656801050000764

2.3. Means of sale of file of invite public bidding: The applicant assigns charge Fu Zhi account, invite public bidding just sends document of electronic edition invite public bidding.

5, bid of the file hand over

1. Hand over end time: On March 10, 2022 08:30

2. hands over means: Shandong is saved east battalion city east battalion area north all the way 230 new big new material 2 buildings assembly room, paper file is handed over, accept those who mail bid file, exceed the time limit not of service, not service appoints a place, person of invite public bidding will give rejection.

3, mail address: Shandong is saved east battalion city east battalion area north all the way 230 new big new material purchase a center 119

4, addressee and connection means: Li Haiyan 13562259392

6, time of open sealed tenders and place

1. Time of open sealed tenders: On March 10, 2022 08:30.

Place of 2. open sealed tenders: Shandong is saved east battalion city east battalion area north all the way 230 new big new material 2 buildings assembly room

7, contact means

1. every puts forward an inquiry to this second invite public bidding, be in please on Feburary 27, 2022 09:30 before with invite public bidding advisory contact is contacted, the inquiry asks the form with letter or fax, advisory mailbox [email protected]; Fax date 0546-8532356

2. contacts means: Li Haiyan connects a telephone call: 13562259392

The triumph is new Inc. of big new material

On Feburary 23, 2022

Bid case signing up


_________________ of bidder ______________ legal representative is our company to bid on behalf of _______________ of our company accredit delegate, full-fledged member is in charge of signing up attend Inc. of new big new material (of name of goods and materials bid, be had to counterpoise by accredit person sign bid the file is mixed with bid about other file, reach processing and bid all concerned matters concerned.

This accredit book is bidding inside period of efficacy effective.

Bidder name (official seal) : _____________

The legal representative signs:

Date: Date

Be signed by accredit person affix one's seal:

By means of accredit person connection:

Receive mark book mailbox:

Add charge of file of invite public bidding to pay proof photocopy, business charter photocopy, because connection kind is unspecified,bring about what cannot receive mark book, responsibility conceit.

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