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Invest 350 million yuan! Jiangxi grand continent new material produces per year complete of project of copper of 16 million pieces of Fu to check and accept

On March 13, jiangxi is saved grand continent new material limited company produced per year project of copper of Fu of rigid of 16 million pieces of CCL to undertake complete is checked and accept fair show.

Jiangxi is saved grand continent new material limited company held water 2020, scope of operations includes general item: Nonferrous metal is pressed delay treatment, high-powered nonferrous metal and alloy material are sold, fibre glass and goods are made, high-powered fiber and composite material are sold, composite material mixes metallic radical radical of pottery and porcelain composite material sale.

This project is belonged to build a project, rent already built good workshop to have production, in all 4. Construction content basically includes equipment to use a room with room, form a complete set, project building the year after next produces copper of Fu of rigid of 16 million pieces of CCL.

Specific project survey is as follows:

Project name: Produce per year project of copper of Fu of rigid of 16 million pieces of CCL

Project property: Build

Build a place: Jiangxi province strokes state city to stroke a city garden of science and technology of Copper Foil of development of estate of new and high technology

Build an unit: Jiangxi is saved grand continent new material limited company

Construct content and scale: Construction content basically includes equipment to use a room with room, form a complete set, project building the year after next produces copper of Fu of rigid of 16 million pieces of CCL.

The project invests: 350 million yuan

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