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Hunan petrifaction: Chloric propane of oxygen of 50 thousand tons of annulus inside year in hand in, 170 thousand tons of epoxy resin the earth inside year establishs diplomatic relations how

New Year beginning, hunan petrifaction works according to company of Chinese petrifaction group conference deploy, begin “ to remember entrust well deep, be thankful act vigorously is entered, innovation development, make move of top-ranking ” theme, anchor makes the world precede industry of base of innovation of green petrifaction new material wishs surely scene, development of focusing project construction, reform, production is managed wait for the task, do all one can walks along green of characteristic of good construction “ new journey of petrifaction of outstanding ” Hunan. Benefit of focusing of this company each basic unit is the greatest change an end, unifinication optimizes each board piece production is managed, do all one can writes achievement excellent new exam paper. This company oil refining ensures actor of smooth and steady overgrow runs unit with all one's strength, deepen energy-saving fall this, oil refining of ” of outstanding “ characteristic. They make full use of digitlization platform, elaborate operation, strive to be in specific power consumption and device have new breakthrough on each technology index; Aggrandizement oily oar is used integratedly, negative pole anxious production, new progress is sought on catenary of two characteristic industry; Continue to do good catalysis derv to make BTX (light qualitative aromatic hydrocarbon) the project gives a huge extinct reptile, fall sticky technology applies exploration, highlight oil refining further the advantage of an agile oil refining, characteristic oil refining; Decide 10 technologies tackle key problem project, cent make concoctive book, firm is caught fulfil. To fill Qi Huan is protected short board, moving ministry makes special performance target, establish a group to tackle key problem sewage strip device runs bottleneck, strive basic level of cooking device green is finished to be founded successfully inside year wait for the task. Ministry of propane of oxygen of this company annulus makes clear annulus oxygen propane to produce per year a quantity to exceed 100 thousand tons, strive integrated specific power consumption is in 300 kilogram mark is oily every tons the following, make polypropylene brand product promote the market to have rate and gain ability to wait for a target, strengthen equipment integrality, craft to make the same score stability and HSE (healthy, safety and environment) the system moves, fulfil “ 3 base ” works, catch general affairs of solid time sex to fulfil, promotion standardizes level of management. Attention production calls the police, interlocking, change, accuse the promotion such as rate and stable rate oneself; Strengthen equipment blemish to declare closed circuit and preventive maintenance; Stare at direct cargo handling operation closely, firm turns over violate the rules and regulations; Setting technology tackles key problem project, takeup moving level and the ability that achieve effect. Ministry of this company balata catchs very safe environmental protection, production to optimize with all one's strength, develop city enlarge is sold, each job such as innovation of science and technology, open high quality develops new journey. They strengthen equipment integrality system to optimize, advance craft to make the same score stability system to build; Do big gross continuously, advance thermoplastic balata SBS adaptability is transformed, SEBS is new special brand craft is adjusted, optimize SEPS platoon to produce; Compose builds quality of whole technological process to run a system, begin quality to tackle key problem. Make chain of strong elastomer product, with luscious change SSBR, iron to fasten Ding Wu balata to be product of “ fist ” , the key sends force to tire industry; Make choice continuously small special brand, raise new special local product to taste scale; Increase cable of SSBR shoe material, SEPS to use brand outlet with ointment and lube modified. Ministry of this company colophony holds to target, problem, result to direct, fulfil “ safety first, environmental protection preferential, party is built lead, benefit is guiding principle of king ” job, do all one can makes “ characteristic green catenary of industry of outstanding ” epoxy resin. They hold to market thinking, market level of seasonable follow-up raw material, increase capacity of product excessive price. Drive new special local product to taste market application, ensure new special local product tastes sales volume to all defeat kiloton. Mode of innovation collaboration produce and sale, dig market potential continuously, do old product gross. Plan as a whole domestic and international layout, increase exit resource configuration, ensureEpoxy resin exports 12 thousand tons. Whole thrust develops into scientific research, Accelerate layout of catenary of epoxy resin industry, ensure 50 thousand tons / year project of chloric propane of oxygen of environmental protection annulus inside year in hand in, 170 thousand tons / year project of high-powered epoxy resin the earth inside year establishs diplomatic relations how. This corporation new developed area ministry of amine of the acyl inside oneself amounts to mark to give priority to a line in the round with device, firm pays unit smooth and steady move, careful major manages, advance technical innovation, carry qualitative synergism with all one's strength. Exert oneself opens firm tone actor, build normal production to run administrative system, produce advantage of new clothes buy, new technology, do strong increment. Advancing each device multiple track to cast in the round makings drive while, optimize design and technology to tackle key problem continuously, strive whole system amounts to 90% high load capacity to move by May, ensure the device inside year amounts to mark in the round; Produce big sale advantage, information of deep ploughing market conditions, trends optimizes sale decision-making; Do the market analysis of good raw material and product, had done each product to collect ahead of schedule annul beforehand case, force protects “ low into tower above ” , the rate of exchange that finish achieves effect sale goal.

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