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Hua Runyuan makes the same score enlarge of electric field of cloud Zhongshan wind to allow project fan to purchase invite public bidding

Enlarge of electric field of wind of smooth cloud Zhongshan allows Hua Runyuan (20MW) goods of project wind-force generation set and service purchase Hua Runshou of   of date of SZBGG2021080032 of announcement of invite public bidding of   of announcement of invite public bidding limited company of invite public bidding suffers person of invite public bidding to entrust, to China embellish electric power 2021 year enlarge of electric field of wind of Ping Yunzhong hill allows Hua Runyuan of the 21st batch of invite public bidding (20MW) goods of project wind-force generation set and service are purchased undertake publicity invite public bidding. One, the item is main person of circumstance   invite public bidding: Hua Runxin the sources of energy (Xin Zhou) orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding of   of of wind energy limited company: Hua Runshou place of project of   of of limited company of invite public bidding: Shanxi saves Xin state city to make the same score scope of project of   of city Duan Jiabao home village or town formerly: Source of financing of 20MW   project: Prepare number of   invite public bidding oneself: Name of S03058921SZ0001P1   project: Enlarge of electric field of wind of smooth cloud Zhongshan allows Hua Runyuan (20MW) project   mark paragraph name: Goods of wind- driven generation set and service purchase content of   invite public bidding and limits: The seat number coordinate that bidder gives out according to person of invite public bidding and project data (detailed sees book of standard of technology of invite public bidding) , put forward a kind to be restricted only and can pass safe load calculative the type that seat number of microcosmic optional location recommends is custom-built change plan, do not exceed (contain) group of 6 typhoons electric machinery, total capacity is not gotten under 20MW, if total capacity exceeds 20MW all according to 20MW business accounting, specific details sees technical standard. Main index: Date of delivery / time limit for a project: Anchorage bolt delivers the goods: Arrived entirely on October 15, 2021; Group of wind electric machinery delivers the goods: Batch (3) arrive time: On November 30, 2021; Arrived entirely on December 30, 2021; The delivery advice note that sends under specific delivery time is accurate. Detailed sees standard of the 5th technology. Note: Detailed content sees document of invite public bidding, it is with file of invite public bidding accurate. 2,   of   of demand of bidder qualification capacity 1, qualificatory condition: (1) bidder must have job of republic state-owend enterprise corporate organization, hold does business effectively charter; (2) the design attestation that bids type should obtain orgnaization having right to issue (the B card inside A card or period of efficacy) , type attestation letter is obtained before acceptance is covering fan equipment to arrive. 2, outstanding achievement requirement: Bidder is in in the accumulative total installed capacity of churchyard 2 million kilowatt or above, offer outstanding achievement to prove material (release new data to be with statistic of wind energy association accurate) , have good moving outstanding achievement. 3, combine bids: Do not allow     4, the agent bids: Do not allow     5, credit demand: 1) bidder (the member unit that contains combine to bid) was versed in administration mechanism is in business company credit information is public in showing a system, include break the law badly break one's promise company list; 2) bidder (the member unit that contains combine to bid) was in by high court website of “ credence ” (.cn) in include break his promise to be carried out person list. 6, requirement: If equipment design program is used, bidder must effective certificate reachs his to provide creative evaluation to report related hold, relevant perhaps accredit. Remarks: 3, of file of invite public bidding get     (one)   of   of time of put on sale on August 3, 2021 - on August 10, 2021     (2)   of price of file of invite public bidding buys file of invite public bidding to need 500 yuan to pay cost of production of file of invite public bidding money (money Wu Baiyuan is whole) . Buy of one's own accord, one sell on commission goes out, charge does not grant to return. (3)   of means of put on sale of file of invite public bidding defends platform of positron invite public bidding in Hua Run group (Https:// is online put on sale, do not accept bearer spot to buy. 1. Buy   of file of invite public bidding to defend platform of positron invite public bidding in China profit group (Https:// has the following operation: → of government of business of bidder entry → bids → signing up signs up after the success, buying the option below menu of file of invite public bidding corresponding mark paragraph file of invite public bidding downloads after → pays → of charge of file of invite public bidding to pay a success. Detailed sees the website helps the platform manual below the center. 2. Terms of payment: Online pay. 3. Buy file of invite public bidding to offer electron of value added tax only average bill, offer no longer other the bill of any forms. Electronic bill is generated automatically after paying a success, page download can download in file of invite public bidding, after also can loginning, manage in “ business - charge and download of bill ” menu. 4, stop sign / sign of stop of   of time of open sealed tenders, place / time of open sealed tenders: 2021/08/24 09:00:00 (Beijing time, if change informs separately)   stop sign / place of open sealed tenders: Hall of the open sealed tenders on the net / hall of the open sealed tenders on the net (if change informs separately)   5, person of invite public bidding and person of invite public bidding of   of means of connection of orgnaization of representative of its invite public bidding: Hua Runxin the sources of energy (Xin Zhou) address of   of of wind energy limited company: Shanxi saves Xin state city to make the same score contact of   of city Duan Jiabao home village or town formerly: Phone of   of Wang Jiang: Orgnaization of representative of 15203587084   invite public bidding: Hua Runshou address of   of of limited company of invite public bidding: South Shenzhen city the road austral center of a mountainous area division edifice of 2666 Hua Run contact of 3 01 unit   : Phone of   of Lv Bin: 075529395797-3458   6,   of important specification   1. This announcement bids in invite public bidding public service platform () , Hua Run group defends platform of positron invite public bidding (make public on Https:// release. 2. This project uses electronic invite public bidding to bid means undertakes, bidder needs to use China profit group to defend platform of positron invite public bidding to bid the file makes software make an electron bid file, download address: China profit group defends platform of positron invite public bidding (tool of → of Https://→ help center downloads; Bidder operates manual to download an address: China profit group defends platform of positron invite public bidding (manual of platform of → of Https://→ help center, the technology supports a telephone call: 0755-36994788 turns 2. 3. Bidder must conduct a business before signing up on the net formalities of sincere letter put in storage, log onto China profit group to defend platform of positron invite public bidding please (Https:// undertake registered registering, put in storage circulates the operation brochure that Cheng Ke consults help center falls in detail. 4. File of invite public bidding, answer doubt clarifies a file to once in Hua Run the group defends platform of positron invite public bidding to release,wait, regard as already extended all bidder (release time to be namely give out time) . The file of invite public bidding that bidder should pay close attention to China profit group to defend platform of positron invite public bidding to release at any time, answer doubt clarifies the information such as the file, log onto China profit group in time to defend platform of positron invite public bidding to download of all kinds file and data, all consequence that cause otherwise are assumed by bidder proper motion. 5. Pay bid bail asks particularly advertent earnest money whether does Zhang number agree with file of invite public bidding, the Zhang bugle call that collects a mistake will be brought about bid the file is overruled. 6. Did not appoint agency in announcement of invite public bidding / website / the bidder that document of invite public bidding buys on platform, its bid file general by rejection.

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