On October 13, 2021, by in the 18MW wind-force dynamo of own research and development of company of Che Yongji electric machinery weighs a pound to release! The industry expert spot of the famous professor of the institution of higher learing such as Tsinghua university, Xi'an traffic university and the enterprise such as Guangdong bright this world is evaluated and witness. The wind- driven dynamo that releases this uses the design concept with advanced international, technology of emulation analysis of coupling of the design of electric machinery electromagnetism that is based on efficient, Gao Kang to break density of magnetism ability, high power and emulation analysis technology, dynamo much field, float electric current of efficient and cooling technology, axis restrains design of type bearing unit and emulation analysis technology, dynamo technology, gao Ke relies on sexual insulation technology, ensure each technology index satisfies electric machinery or prep above technology asks, the plan is made at finishing prototype 2022 and throw on the market. In recent years, company of Che Yongji electric machinery succeeds early or late in development 7.6MW, 10MW and 13.XMW are maritime dynamo of wind-force of permanent magnetism of half straight drive, explore “ of maritime wind report continuously sophisticated technology of unmanned area ” , lead technology of wind cable industry development. Future, company of Che Yongji electric machinery will continue to aim at an industry to develop way in, hold to “ strategy of two seas ” , class of 20MW of research of with great concentration with floating on Shanghai the overall design of type wind-force dynamo reachs crucial technology, consolidate further the technical advantage of wind report domain and product advantage, high quality of industry of cable of maritime wind of the our country that help strength develops, the implementation that amounts to peak, carbon to neutralize a goal for carbon is contributed always electric wisdom and green energy.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City