Now though market of LER double raw material is handed in cast delicate, but the price is small go up, BPA newspaper closes 26000 yuan tall / ton, go up slightly 100 yuan / ton, ECH newspaper closes 13800 yuan tall / ton, stop drop, it is to have at long last go up not to drop, carried to LER a sedan. LER just needed to purchase on the market today somewhat active, some accepts the order south factory China greatly full hind, obtain kiloton in Hua Dong behead again yesterday alone odd, price begins strong. Other quote of big plant tank car all is in 32000 yuan / ton or over, solid sheet is consultative, china in big plant is sealed dish do not receive. 2021 5-6 month, asian BPA factory has 565 thousand tons to produce can overhaul a plan, follow-up gap is bigger, near future of estimation BPA price is not had drop likelihood; It is difficult also that price of glycerine of ECH meeting be put into trouble falls, LER factory is pushed go up intent is intense. As just needed to take goods to increase ceaselessly, drop off of each plant inventory, forecast short-term inside the market falls hard small go up, just needed right amount purchase a risk not quite. Grand prosperous electron (603002)5 month announcement of 14 days of night, plan to manage committee to sign with development of Zhuhai economy technology " the project invests agreement " , zhuhai of investment construction “ limited company of data of grand prosperous electron 2 period produce per year liquid state epoxy resin 140 thousand tons of ” build a project. Project investment amount makes an appointment with money 600 million yuan.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City