Outstanding achievement of fair science and technology sound foundation, double element overlay, second half of the year or have a favourable turn.

Science and technology of golden hair of bibcock of chemical new material (600143.SH) evening will be announced on August 28 half an year signed up for 2023. Report period, the company realizes business income twenty billion three hundred and forty-nine million yuan, grow 4.53% compared to the same period; Implementation vest in appears on the market the net gain of company shareholder 469 million yuan, glide compared to the same period 41.53% .

Suffer bearing of situation of trade of consumptive slow down in demand, chemical industry to expect the impact that waits for an element not as good as, battalion of fair science and technology closes first half of the year to obtain growth fact is belonged to not easy.

Interfacial news discovers, outstanding achievement of fair science and technology sound foundation, double element overlay, second half of the year or have a favourable turn. On one hand, anabiosis as demand, the price sole such as polypropylene rebounds, sole of hopeful of situation of trade of chemical new material picks up; On the other hand, green petrifaction board piece perplexing fair science and technology for a time, and golden hair of 3 quarters peaceful wave has multinomial new increase production this year can put into production.

Hua Tai negotiable securities thinks, as new project of fair science and technology in succession be born, profit point of growth will be added gradually much, the gain ability of company second half of the year will promote further.

Yuan Zhimin ever also showed president of fair science and technology external this year, business will have the green petrifaction that pulled a hind leg last year to be produced newly can put into production, hopeful of this one business is decreased this year deficient. Can throw as new yield, add each major servicing board piece growth, yuan Zhimin thinks, the implementation that fair science and technology puts forward before this hopeful of future of target of one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two production value comes true.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Modified is plastic portfolio benefit double add

Fair science and technology advocate business Wu includes 4 big board piece, it is modified respectively petrifaction of plastic, new material, green and medical treatment health. Money newspaper shows, the company is one of companies with most complete line of the products of industry of new material of global chemical industry, it is global dimensions at the same time the modified with the biggest, most all ready line of the products is plastic manufacturing company.

Modified is plastic it is fair science and technology basic dish, contribute all the year round 6 into or so business income. This year first half of the year, business income of this one business eleven billion six hundred and fifty-two million yuan, compared to the same period small glide 4.26% . Battalion closes occupy do not come than also falling 6 into.

In fact, the sales volume with plastic modified of fair science and technology did not glide. In consumption demand anabiosises below the impact that expects not as good as, plastic business market has company modified rate still promote further, sales volume achieved growth. Manufactured goods sales volume eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred tons, grow 5.19% compared to the same period.

Many domains sales volume implemented fair science and technology the growth of taller extent:

  • The car uses sales volume of material whole world 386 thousand tons, grow 24.64% compared to the same period;
  • Sales volume of whole world of home appliance material 155 thousand tons, grow 19.23% compared to the same period;
  • Sales volume of whole world of material of new energy resources twenty-eight thousand six hundred tons, grow 52.13% compared to the same period;
  • Environmental protection is high-powered reworked plastics sales volume one hundred and one thousand six hundred tons, grow 17.59% compared to the same period;
  • Sales volume of consumptive electron material and the corresponding period kept balance last year.

Car, home appliance is the main application domain with plastic modified, modified of fair science and technology is plastic in exceeding 60% is material of car, home appliance, of these two domains add fast all exceed an industry to add fast.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

First half of the year, sales volume of our country car thirteen million two hundred and thirty-nine thousand, grow 9.8% compared to the same period. Car of new energy resources and exit become the main driving force of automobile industry, car of domestic new energy resources realizes sales volume 3.747 million, grow 44.1% compared to the same period. The car exports 2.14 million, grow 75.7% compared to the same period.

Chinese electric home appliances<gj is retail first half of the year also be in get warm again after a cold spell, profit of company of home appliance industry grows 20.2% compared to the same period first half of the year. Home appliance industry Xiang Zhonggao carries stride. Of home appliance industry in high end changed pair of home appliance material to raise taller requirement, also give fillet of data industry dragon to expand new opportunity.

Meanwhile, electronic electrician material glided compared to the same period about 10% . Reason and industry trend are relevant, data of national statistic bureau shows, computer output falls compared to the same period first half of the year 25.7% , microcomputer output falls compared to the same period 25% , smartphone output falls compared to the same period 9.1% , bring about an electron yuan the demand of parts of an apparatus glides accordingly. Nevertheless, fair science and technology thinks, will not anabiosis as economy, downstream demand is progressively to good, relevant data demand will pick up.

In the meantime, plastic business gross profit grows modified of fair science and technology compared to the same period 15.40% .

New material board piece growth exceeds 20%

Around high polymer material, fair science and technology realizes the upgrading from new material of chemical industry of much breed of expect of onefold modified model stage by stage, product structure also is mixed to industrial high end the direction of high additional cost is outspread. New material board piece the one great power that already grew to move battalion of fair science and technology to restrain growth to pull.

Sales volume of manufactured goods of business of new first half of the year this year material 77 thousand tons, grow 23.44% compared to the same period. Among them, plastic, high-powered carbon fiber and composite material sales volume all have complete biology degradation better growth.

Supplying end to produce can have grown fast, trade situation expression falls to need adversity for be more than, degradation is plastic still can realize sales volume 63 thousand tons, grow 27.53% compared to the same period, main profit from its line of the products is all ready, high quality, small advantage of capacity of competition of dissimilation of cost equal difference.

High-powered carbon fiber and income of composite material implementation and net double add, main manufactured goods realizes business income 129 million yuan, grow 64.47% compared to the same period, net rises 12.18% compared to the same period, car of profit from new energy resources grows quickly, and of program of design of data of the fender end bag of cell of company motive force upgrade ceaselessly.

Meanwhile, suffer consumptive electron demand to anabiosis expect an impact not as good as, special type project is plastic sales volume glides compared to the same period 18.67% .

Nevertheless, fair science and technology expresses, in new application domain, as car of new energy resources, store can, charge the burgeoning industry such as picket is rapid of development and high-pressured platform build and popularize, special type project is plastic because have the heat-resisting function that cannot supersede, high temperature the integrated advantage such as electric safety performance and dimension stability, in above got applied extensively in burgeoning industry and rapid growth. Special type project is plastic annulus of 2 quarters sales volume compares growth 48.48% .

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Fair science and technology is abroad layout also effect is highlighted, lasting to the limit of one's capacity. The company has Indian golden hair, United States golden hair, Europe golden hair, Malaysia golden hair 4 abroad base. Company of husband of company of great capacity's main first half of the year product realizes sales volume 94 thousand tons, grow 28.42% compared to the same period.

Car of abroad subsidiary focusing, home appliance, electron is electric, dynamoelectric tool, new energy resources, dynamoelectric the market of the fractionize industry such as 2 rounds of cars is extended, already passed the product certification of client of industry mark sex, realize large quantities of quantities to offer money. The company relies on group whole world to supply catenary platform, new product ABS already formed stability to supply in the country such as Vietnam and Thailand, month all sales volume exceeds 1, 500 tons.

In addition, business of medical treatment health achieves sales revenue first half of the year 248 million yuan, glide compared to the same period 75.37% . Nevertheless this business is occupied than this not tall, nearly two years battalion closes occupy than exceeding 4% , continue to drop first half of the year this year.

Yuan Zhimin ever expressed, business of medical treatment health is belonged to do poineering work board piece, phasic happening changes this year, profit and battalion debit face expect finite.

The personage says related fair science and technology, in the past get through of company of health of medical treatment of a few years of companies sale channel, this one sense is more great. Company product already took unfavorable balance of trade 1000 medical establishment, super- agency of 1000 industry protective equipment, exceed 40 thousand terminal retail door inn.

Hopeful of green petrifaction business is decreased deficient

Casting persistent green petrifaction continuously board piece perplexing fair science and technology all the time. This year first half of the year this one board piece still unfulfilment gain, second half of the year or will decrease deficient.

This one board piece management main body is limited company of new material of golden hair of Ning Bo of —— of subsidiary of business of two big petrifaction (next weighing Ning Bo golden hair) with limited company of science and technology of Liaoning golden hair (next weighing Liaoning golden hair) .

First half of the year, peaceful wave golden hair is main the product realizes sales volume two hundred and sixty-four thousand eight hundred tons, rise compared to the same period 24.71% . Plant of portion of Liaoning golden hair already achieved balance of produce and sale,

The unifinication industry catenary of peaceful wave golden hair is propane - propylene - polypropylene - modified polypropylene, among them polypropylene device already was handed in in the implementation end June. The propylene such as nitrile of propane of oxygen of polypropylene, annulus, propylene is downstream, it is the material of main base chemical industry of national economy domain. Especially performance is superior in high-end polypropylene product still counts an import in great quantities.

The unifinication industry catenary of Liaoning golden hair is propane - propylene - propylene nitrile - ABS. Inside report period, because the new unit that has 2 million tons or so adds up to to be released centrally inside the industry, and full load will be maintained basically to move April, first half of the year ABS crop relatively in former years increases considerably, ABS price relatively dropped last year 22.6% .

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

The main reason of gain of unfulfilment of green petrifaction business has 3:

  • The first, cost of overhaul of stop production of golden hair of peaceful first half of the year wave is higher;
  • The 2nd, phase of ABS project trial production, suffer early days to manufacture efficiency quality of tall, product does not stabilize cost of low, production wait for an influence, bring about gain ability weaker;
  • The 3rd, suffer produce can dilate and consumptive demand anabiosis the impact that expects not as good as, propylene and ABS product value all go now to drop.

Before 2 reasons all are provisionality influence. After undertaking via producing device to PDH the agent is overhauled changing, device grows periodic moving stability to increase, manufacturing bear rises about 10% ; ABS amounts to postpartum production efficiency formally low, cost tall, character is flabby wait for a problem to will be improved stage by stage surely. The 3rd reason is periodic element, did not come or anabiosis along with demand and get warm again after a cold spell.

This year second half of the year, business presence decreases green petrifaction to anticipate fortunately.

Above all, of peaceful wave golden hair produce can will have greater progress, 3 produce greatly can be about to put into production.

  • One of, 80 million cubic metre / year of device of PSA hydric extract and form a complete set charge outfit item downstream, promotion by-product uses benefit, the project predicts 2023 3 quarters put into production.
  • Secondly, company 120 tons / year polypropylene is thermoplastic elastomer (PTPE) reach project of unifinication of modified new material to go well, polypropylene (PP) device already was handed in in the implementation end June, predict 2023 3 quarters put into production.
  • Thirdly, breaking material entrance to depend on on, company research and development medical treatment class and optical class are high-powered annulus olefin copolymer (COC) material. Current, what the company already finished COC is small try, device general tries in the COC of own research and development this year 3 quarters put into production.

Next, liaoning golden hair has a large number of is in to build a project to turn first half of the year this year solid, this part produces future can or will contribute outstanding achievement.

The ABS project of Liaoning golden hair in June the bottom is amounted to formally produce, the company produces cost to be being reduced continuously; And the high additional cost as high strenth, Gao Guangze, Gao Kangchong is special material is proportional ceaseless promotion, gain ability will promote somewhat.

Again, polypropylene and ABS are the main raw material with plastic modified of fair science and technology, build industrial catenary unifinication to will promote a product competition ability through compose, may come true decrease deficient.

Main application of polypropylene, ABS is home appliance, car to wait downstream. Hair of near future country changes appoint wait for a branch to publish a series of policy to expand in succession inside need to stimulate consumption, for instance national hair will change on July 28 appoint release “ restores and enlarge consumption 20 measure ” , be in among them stabilize a large amount of spending sides, measure puts forward, optimize a car to buy use management, enlarge consumption of car of new energy resources, supportive tigidity and perfective housing demand, promote an outfit household and electronic product spending. Wait for the progressively get warm again after a cold spell of a large amount of consumption as product of car, household, electron, ability of gain of fair science and technology or synchronism pick up.

At present price of polypropylene, ABS all is in the history at present low, occurrence sole of price of the polypropylene end this year May rebounds trend.

Second half of the year appears as economic progress pick up to good trend, consume get warm again after a cold spell, outstanding achievement of second half of the year of fair science and technology or have change.

Around the target of one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two production value that raises before this, fair material future waits for put into production to produce can more than still hereat.

In new material business board piece special type project is plastic domain, fair science and technology already was had produce per year ability of synthetic resin of 21 thousand tons of PA10T/PA6T; Produce per year project of synthetic resin of 6000 tons of PPSU/PES to be advanced by the plan, plan in June 2024 put into production; In producing per year project of synthetic resin of 15 thousand tons of LCP to be built by plan, the plan will begin go into operation in December 2024.

Demand side, domain of chemical new material is in likewise promotion. According to new material of Chinese oil and chemical industry of chemical Joint Industry Conference only appoint the statistical data of the meeting shows, crop of new material of our country chemical industry exceeded 3 2022, 1 million tons, predict 2025, the integral market dimensions of new material of domestic chemical industry will exceed 2 trillion yuan, consumption of new material of domestic chemical industry exceeds 5, 7 million tons, self-sufficient rate is achieved 78.0% .

Fair science and technology thinks, in the long run, home is made in new generation IT, new energy resources, intelligence, the burgeoning industry such as aerospace welcomes rapid development, quantify the market such as material material of relevant high-end optics data, high-end material with carbon element, new energy resources, gently to consume demand exuberant, as slant domain of downstream chemical new material will be a tall growing circuit.

Synchronism of supply and demand rises under, yuan Zhimin did not come to fair science and technology of one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two production value anticipate or not inaccessible.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City