In the historical endless flow that expands in report of our country wind, wind phone large base assumed crucial role. Inside over the boundless desert such as unconscious, Qinghai, Gansu Province, desert, machine of a typhoon unplugs the ground and case, give out reproducible green the sources of energy, this is the meaning place of wind phone large base undoubtedly. 2009, large base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of ten million of spring of Gansu Province wine takes the lead in start working, the construction that pulled open wind phone large base is prelusive, great drive progress of production technology of equipment of the middle reaches on industry of cable of our country wind, equipment is produced can outspread, wind report is in of ” of “ large base lay a foundation next beginning that fly. 945 ” of “ , 200GW of scene large base   falls in setting of double carbon target, ” of stage a come back of “ of large base of wind report, smooth hot season, already became one of main force that realize machine of outfit of new 2030 energy resources to exceed 1200GW above target. The State Council, development is reformed appoint, the tall government orgnaization such as bureau of the sources of energy supports large wind report, Guang Fuji ground clearly to build for many times. On October 8, 2021, li Kejiang of premier of the State Council chairs call together to open the State Council standing conference, the conference points out should accelerate boost area of desert desert wilderness construction of large wind report, Guang Fuji ground, accelerate lash-up to reserve to be built with the power source that move a peak. Current, approve 50 scene large base to already was declared finish, total dimensions 97.05GW, already had construction of 75GW project start working, among them, have the go into operation before exceeding project of 45GW scene large base to ask clearly to be by 2022, have exceed project of 52GW scene large base to ask clearly to be in 2023 before put into production. From on the graph can see, approve case of scene large base to look, inner Mongolia declares dimensions to reside, scene large base 20.2 million kilowatt; Shaanxi the 2nd, scene large base declares dimensions 12.5 million kilowatt; Qinghai the 3rd; Smooth Dajideshen signs up for dimensions 10.9 million kilowatt. Disclose according to relevant personage, end by December 2021, large base of the 2nd batch of scene also already open declares the job, monomer dimensions is not less than 1 million kilowatt, total dimensions exceeds 100GW. According to approve construction periodic and computative, large base of the 2nd batch of scene also should be in entirely 2024, finish in 2025. During 945 ” of “ , large base of our country scene builds dimensions to will achieve 200GW. Before development business grabs   of resource of booth scene large base before long, national endowment appoint released " the directive opinion that does good carbon to amount to peak carbon to counteract the job about advancing company high quality to develop " (next weighing “ " opinion " ” ) . The file puts forward, to 2025, industry industry structure and structural adjustment of the sources of energy are optimized should obtain apparent progress, but second birth the sources of energy generates electricity outfit machine proportion achieves 50% above. File of this one paper gives “ undoubtedly 5 big the group of power center look forward to that 4 small ” give priority to brought enormous pressure. Current, 5 generate electricity greatly group second birth the sources of energy occupies a circumstance to compare and can pay no attention to want, with was 2020 exemple, china can ” of proportion of the sources of energy of cleanness of group “ low carbon is 36.61% ; ” of proportion of the sources of energy of cleanness of round “ of big Tang Ji is 38.16% ; Machine of outfit of the sources of energy occupies cleanness of “ of China cable group to be than ” 43% ; Report casts machine of outfit of “ clean the sources of energy to occupy it is than ” 56.09% ; Outfit machine occupies the sources of energy of fossil of blame of energy group “ to be than ” 25.8% . Then, scene large base became group of look forward to of center of each great electric power to contend for the important resource of photograph race to control, china can Shu Yinbiao ever showed group president publicly: “ changes in the sources of energy, science and technology changes reach intense market competition circumstance to fall, if lose this two years, lose possibly henceforth 5 years even 10 years. ”As “ 945 ” planned 2021 the issuance of base of 9 great clean energy resources, each generate electricity greatly the group is right the contention of the clean energy assets such as scene, enter the state that turn white-hot, second half of the year, approve the go into operation of base of bend over of large wind light produced by electricity, farther aggravate this competition upsurge. In October since the middle ten days of a month, the project of base of bend over of large wind light produced by electricity such as Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu Province, Qinghai, Ningxia in succession start working, many province also published the owner list that approves large base project, the basis makes public information to arrange, end at present, approve project of base of bend over of large wind light produced by electricity, have 32 projects, 60GW project already renown flower has advocate. From the point of detail of each project owner, develop the main trend that makes development of large base project jointly, especially most base project is the combination that collects project of wind report, smooth hot season by each district and come. Because of this most base project, much home generates electricity the group is participated in, the part sends base the item outside high pressure especially or with syndicate system leading form wins the bid. Form a complete set store equipment, can special the passageway sends outside high pressure, the disappear accept majestic of scene large base is a problem no longer like that, 945 ” of “ and future are very a paragraph long period, scene large base is sure to become new energy resources to assemble the main force of machine, when in a steady stream ceaseless green the sources of energy just is given out from and other places of the desert, desert, the footstep that marchs toward carbon to counteract will further.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City