Recently, shandong double Inc. of one science and technology is provincial research center of technology of project of composite material mould is saved by Shandong industry and informatization hall are maintained save new material innovation to use demonstrative project for 2020 year Shandong.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Shandong saves new material innovation to use the selection job of demonstrative project, it is to save labour to believe hall to be fulfilled to carry out " industry of Shandong province new material develops special program (2018—2022 year) " (〔 of Lu Zheng word 2018 〕 246) requirement, face a society to popularize a batch to be able to accuse independently, the innovation platform of the new material with banner technology and high-energy class, drive what unifinication of talent, project, platform develops and begin. Selection limits wait for domain of new material focal point around forward position new material, crucial strategy material, advanced foundation material, attach most importance to a dot in order to solve technology of pivotal general character of ” of “ card neck, focusing innovates independently demonstrative item of demonstrative project and innovation platform two types, classics enterprise is declared, prefectural town is recommended, expert evaluation, website is fair show wait for a program to be maintained eventually. Shandong visits research center of technology of project of composite material mould was December 2018, classics Shandong visits give an official of hall of science and technology, by Shandong double the platform of provincial innovation research and development that Inc. of one science and technology establishs. This platform moves aim to strengthen me to save project of composite material mould to change research, education collects the project of a batch of high quality to turn technical leader and technical key member, promote produce learn to grind union, sex of the maturity that improves positive result of science and technology, form a complete set and project change a standard, the technology that drives relevant industry or domain progresses, enhance own innovation ability and market competition ability, optimize economy of economic structure, change to develop means and construction innovation Shandong to offer technology of domain of composite material mould to prop up to adjust. Future, shandong saves research center of technology of project of composite material mould to will apply demonstrative project in order to save new material innovation to choose spirit to be how-to, increase innovation investment, talent to introduce education and achievement move to change strength, aggrandizement center fills inside the industry catenary delays action of chain strong chain, save development of unifinication of qualified personnel of field of composite material mould, project, platform to make the contribution with larger more to drive me.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City