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Dai Bo rolls out bubble of ULTEM colophony Divinycell U

On June 10, does Dai Bo announce to agree to buy the ULTEM of SABIC? Bubble product line. Wear platinum general ULTEM? Colophony radical bubble joins existing range of products in and rechristen is Divinycell U, issue the technical support in SABIC, begin this kind of ULTEM further? Colophony foamy studies.

Tobias Hahn of apparitor of the banquet that wear platinum expresses: “ are we very glad to pass buy ULTEM? Bubble product line will enlarge our range of products, research this technology further. This action will consolidate we in the market position, make we can provide the bubble core material that suits more for the client. ”Divinycell U is one kind applies to what aerospace applies to be able to reclaim get together ether acyl inferior amine (PEI) is thermoplastic bubble, is there 60kg/m? With 80kg/m? Two kinds of density, interpose has core material F50 and F90 at Dai Bo between, have the potential that reduces weight. “ Dai Bo had offerred outstanding core material Divinycell F for FST product, ” wears Tobias Hahn of platinic banquet apparitor to say. “ have the aid of prevents the Divinycell U with igneous better performance, we can widen further aerospace market. ”SABIC ULTEM? Scott Fisher of business affairs chief inspector expresses: “ Dai Bo is an equipment gets approbated company, outstanding capacity is had in domain of light simple stuff, have rich aerospace and resource of industrial market client. SABIC expects to cooperate with Dai Bo, continue to advance ULTEM? Foamy of colophony Divinycell U applies and develop. ”Dai Bo will remove bought product line equipment to the manufacturing base that is located in American Texas DeSoto. From 2021 the 3rd quarter begins, will Dai Bo begin to produce and sell ULTEM? Bubble of colophony Divinycell U.
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