Recently, the epoxy resin of the 24th whole nation that with “ innovation leads high quality to develop ” to give priority to a problem applies technical science to communicate congress of member of branch of meeting and epoxy resin of association of Chinese synthetic resin to be held in continous.

This congress is sponsorred by branch of epoxy resin of association of Chinese synthetic resin, sichuan east limited company of data of Meng Texin of Inc. of group of material science and technology, Shandong moxa undertakes.

Congress election produced eleventh of epoxy resin branch board member. Level communicates in learning, honored guest attending the meeting undertook thematic report share early or late, representing state results is full in succession. After academic communication ends, representing still are headed for east headquarters of material science and technology, visiting exhibition hall and get run the polypropylene film product line of industry of film of Chinese polypropylene capacitance. Representing are right east the product of material science and technology generated strong interest, spot atmosphere is enthusiastic.

Relevant controller represents material science and technology east, hope to be met through this second communication, an each other can be built to connect cooperative bridge between place of courtyard of industry, enterprise, college, scientific research, build each other the friendship of great progress, urge the new structure that forms industry health to develop.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City