China embellish electric power released project of 3 wind cable to win the bid a few days ago fair show, 150MW of general assembly machine. 1, goods of group of electric machinery of wind of project of cable of wind of dispersive type of 22MW of the city zone of Yan of Hua Run electric power and service are purchased win the bid candidate is fair show   fair show number: SZBHX202111050087 date   suffers person of invite public bidding to entrust, orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding organizes open sealed tenders to review mark activity, via judging prize committee evaluation, goods of group of electric machinery of wind of project of cable of wind of dispersive type of 22MW of the city zone of Yan of Hua Run electric power and service purchase (mark paragraph number: S03059721SZ0001P1) through making public invite public bidding, had completed the work that review bid, now result of appraise sth through discussion fair show as follows: One, the item is main name of circumstance   project: Mark of   of project of cable of wind of dispersive type of 22MW of the city zone of Yan of Hua Run electric power paragraph name: Goods of group of wind electric machinery and service purchase   award paragraph number: Person of S03059721SZ0001P1   invite public bidding: Report of China embellish wind (Luo river) orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding of   of limited company: Hua Runshou   of of limited company of invite public bidding 2,   of   of the circumstance that review bid 1. Win the bid candidate:   of   of Inc. of science and technology of Xinjiang gold wind 1.1 send bid price: 69.75 million yuan of 1.2 quality: Satisfy requirement of file of invite public bidding. 1.3 time limit for a project / date of delivery / service period: Satisfy requirement of file of invite public bidding. 1.4 projects are in charge of person condition: Full name: - - certificate name: - - certificate number: - - 1.5 aptitude: Satisfy requirement of file of invite public bidding. 2. The 2nd win the bid candidate: In car individual plant continent   of   of of limited company of institute of electric power engine 2.1 send bid price: Seventy-one million six hundred and sixty-four thousand yuan of 2.2 quality: Satisfy requirement of file of invite public bidding. 2.3 time limit for a project / date of delivery / service period: Satisfy requirement of file of invite public bidding. 2.4 projects are in charge of person condition: Full name: - - certificate name: - - certificate number: - - 2.5 aptitude: Satisfy requirement of file of invite public bidding. 3, fair show period     on November 5, 2021 - on November 8, 2021     2, abide by of Guizhou of Hua Run electric power justice sow a city to make the same score goods of generation set of wind-force of project of 48MW wind cable and service win the bid candidate is fair show   fair show number: SZBHX202111050099 date   suffers person of invite public bidding to entrust, orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding organizes open sealed tenders to review mark activity, via judging prize committee evaluation, abide by of Guizhou of China embellish electric power justice sow a city to make the same score goods of generation set of wind-force of project of 48MW wind cable and service (mark paragraph number: S03057621SZ0001P1) through making public invite public bidding, had completed the work that review bid, now result of appraise sth through discussion fair show as follows: One, the item is main name of circumstance   project: Abide by of Guizhou of China embellish electric power justice sow a city to make the same score mark of   of project of 48MW wind cable paragraph name: Goods of wind- driven generation set and service   mark paragraph number: Person of S03057621SZ0001P1   invite public bidding: Hua Runxin the sources of energy (Li Ping) wind energy is finite orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding of liability company   : Hua Runshou   of of limited company of invite public bidding 2,   of   of the circumstance that review bid 1. Win the bid candidate:   of   of of limited company of haing electricity wind energy 1.1 send bid price: Ninety-eight million six hundred and eighty-eight thousand yuan of 1.2 quality: File of contented invite public bidding asks 1.3 time limit for a project / date of delivery / service period: File of contented invite public bidding asks 1.4 projects are in charge of person condition: Full name: / certificate name: / certificate number: / 1.5 aptitude:   of   of requirement of file of contented invite public bidding 2. The 2nd win the bid candidate: /     2.1 send bid price: / 2.2 quality: / 2.3 time limit for a project / date of delivery / service period: / circumstance of 2.4 projects controller: / 2.5 aptitude: /   3, fair show period     on November 5, 2021 - on November 8, 2021     3, goods of generation set of wind-force of project of cable of wind of 80MW of Wang Moxin collect and service purchase Guizhou of Hua Run electric power win the bid candidate is fair show   fair show number: SZBHX202111050105 date   suffers person of invite public bidding to entrust, orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding organizes open sealed tenders to review mark activity, via judging prize committee evaluation, goods of generation set of wind-force of project of cable of wind of 80MW of Wang Moxin collect and service purchase Guizhou of China embellish electric power (mark paragraph number: S03057921SZ0001P1) through making public invite public bidding, had completed the work that review bid, now result of appraise sth through discussion fair show as follows: One, the item is main name of circumstance   project: Guizhou of China embellish electric power hopes to plan mark of   of project of cable of wind of new station 80MW paragraph name: Goods of wind- driven generation set and service purchase   award paragraph number: Person of S03057921SZ0001P1   invite public bidding: Hua Runxin the sources of energy (Li Ping) wind energy is finite orgnaization of representative of invite public bidding of liability company   : Hua Runshou   of of limited company of invite public bidding 2,   of   of the circumstance that review bid 1. Win the bid candidate:   of   of of limited company of haing electricity wind energy 1.1 send bid price: One hundred and sixty-four million four hundred and eighty thousand yuan of 1.2 quality: File of contented invite public bidding asks 1.3 time limit for a project / date of delivery / service period: File of contented invite public bidding asks 1.4 projects are in charge of person condition: Full name: / certificate name: / certificate number: / 1.5 aptitude:   of   of requirement of file of contented invite public bidding 2. The 2nd win the bid candidate: /     2.1 send bid price: / 2.2 quality: / 2.3 time limit for a project / date of delivery / service period: / circumstance of 2.4 projects controller: / 2.5 aptitude: /   3, make public show period     on November 5, 2021 - on November 8, 2021

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City