Association of Brazilian chemistry industry (the statistical data that Abiquim) published recently shows, this year first half of the year, outside dividing the pvc with homebred Brazil, brazilian country is right the plastic treatment such as colophony of polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, ABS, nylon is used thermoplastic resinous demand, achieved the two digit growth of 24.8% . First half of the year, as consumptive addition, plastic resin output grows Brazil compared to the same period volume of import of 6.1%; plastic resin amounts to 1.08 million tons, grow 40.8% compared to the same period. 34.0% what volume of this one import takes demand of Brazilian home market, than 2020 30% increase 4 percent. As a result of the addition of market demand, sales volume of plastic resin of home of Brazil of the corresponding period grew 10.9% . Plastic resin exit drops considerably 22.8% . Plastic resinous entrance measures Brazil to speak a volume more than fifty-three thousand seven hundred tons, for last year nearly 10 times of the corresponding period. Up to in June, 12 months in the past, plastic resin output grew Brazil 7.4% , brazilian home sale grew 13.5% , market demand increased 23.4% , the import rose 29.1% , and exit decreased 25.3% .

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City