Brazil has rich silvan resource, it is one of selva with the greatest whole world, lumber industry is acting important role in Brazilian economy. Ligneous product of Brazil exports window of the furniture that covered all sorts of types, floor, door, ligneous handicraft to wait. Especially wooden furniture of Brazil is mixed with its high quality, unique design the environment is friendly quality and famed, enjoy very tall reputation on the international market. On the other hand, polyurethane lumber lacquer is a kind of commonly used coating, the exterior besmear that applies extensively at wooden furniture is installed and protect. It has a variety of advantages, like good wearability, be able to bear or endure await gender and be able to bear or endure chemical sex, lumber of can effective protection does not suffer the harm of outside element. In addition, polyurethane lumber lacquer still has outstanding adornment effect, can enhance the exterior simple sense of wooden furniture and glossiness, make its more beautiful and durable, what use on ligneous product of Brazil is particularly frequent. However, the circumstance that the use volume of lacquer of lumber of the polyurethane in wooden furniture exit drops makes near future Brazil the person is anxious, this may be concerned with many elements. Wooden furniture exit decreases: Show according to data, wooden furniture exports Brazil value falls from the 58.8 million dollar May 2022 to 2023 the 52.1 million dollar of contemporaneity, mean in May 2023, total of wooden furniture export glided 11.4% . From the point of exit destination, brazil drops considerably to wooden furniture exit of the United States 42.8% , it is two hundred and twenty-four thousand five hundred only. Drop to the exit of Chile 22% reach one hundred and two thousand nine hundred, and grew 28.6% to the exit of Uruguay, achieve one hundred and two thousand nine hundred.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
In-house element: Above all, domestic economic atmosphere of Brazil produced certain effect to wooden furniture exit. The fall of economic instability and demand may bring about consumer to be opposite of wooden furniture buy capacity abate, affected export volume thereby. In addition, of political element and industry business environment not stable bring about exit suffocate suffocate possibly also. Suffer effect of conflict of ground fringe politics, the heavy goods such as fuel, wheaten, corn rises in price, farther aggravate pressure of Brazilian whole inflation. Data shows, the inflationary rate annulus March compares Brazil grow 1.62 % , the only month that achieves 28 years to come is the biggest go up a record is exterior element: The international requirement that exterior element includes competition of camp of exchange rate wave motion, custom duty, international, content shedding and main entrance market and economic situation. Exchange rate wave motion may bring about Brazil the export price of wooden furniture is not stable, affect export volume thereby. Custom duty camp and international competition also can restrict Brazil wooden furniture the competition ability on the international market. In addition, content shedding problem and the international demand that import the market and economic situation affect Brazil possibly also the exit circumstance of wooden furniture. Add in recent years conflict of most serious ground fringe politics, brazil the chemical fertilizer support of 85% imports this agricultural big country, make an appointment with among them 1/5 come from Russia. According to Russia TASS of state-owned news agency reports 4 days, russian trade department already suggested to suspend chemical fertilizer exit in the round. Conclusion: Wooden furniture exit is faced with Brazil output falls and reductive of use quantity of polyurethane lumber lacquer is challenged. Outside the in-house element such as environment of business of the economy besides home, politics, industry, the international demand of competition of camp of exchange rate wave motion, custom duty, international, content shedding and import market and element of ministry of economic situation substandard are right also Brazil is ligneous furniture exit produced an effect. Solve these challenges to need the effort of Brazilian government and relevant industry, can last what promote trade of polyurethane lumber lacquer in order to promote wooden furniture the competition ability of exit development.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City