On June 24, base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of wine spring ten million builds a ceremony to install north wind electric field to hold in county of city of wine spring melon, indicating a thousand myriad is made of baked clay base of class wind phone builds in wine spring. Wu Yangdong of secretary of wine spring municipal Party committee is building ceremonially to speak, announce base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of wine spring ten million to build. Wang Liji of vice secretary of wine spring municipal Party committee, mayor chairs a ceremony and base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of ten million of introductory wine spring builds a case. The Gansu Province develops innovation appoint Ma Bin of 2 class floorwalker attends a ceremony and speak. Zhang Xiulin of members of standing committee of wine spring municipal Party committee, deputy mayor, zhang Hong of secretary-general of members of standing committee of wine spring municipal Party committee, municipal Party committee and Gu Taibin of secretary-general of wine spring municipal government attend a ceremony. Wu Yangdong says, come 30 years, the wine spring that full classics sand blown by wind hits, of government of the strong leadership in party, the State Council and provincial Party committee, province support energetically below, aspire catchs wind to be report, become useless to be treasure, open generation the journey that continue of another acting person struggles. Before answering 12 years, on August 8, 2009, our country base of phone of wind of class of ten million kilowatt is built in wine spring start working, we serve as actively, gram of assault fortified positions is difficult, build corridor of report of river west wind according to “ , make western onshore the overall conception of 3 gorge ” , the strength that cites whole town defeats solution to lack capital, be short of technology and abandon wind to abandon the development bottleneck such as light, all previous classics 12 Zai Chunqiu, build the thousand myriad that is core with north of city of jade door, melon, respectful to cover with tiles class wind report develops planning area eventually, with the equipment of new energy resources that is a center via opening an area with wine spring production industry centers an area, whole town and accumulative total of machine of outfit of net wind report achieves 10.45 million kilowatt, occupy, of machine of outfit of the full report that save wind 3.7% with 71.9% , a base of phone of wind of class of ten million kilowatt that makes be worthy of the name. Run-down in the past boundless and indistinct desert, became the cornucopia with infinite today scene, walked out of a northwest the green of out-of-the-way and backward area, low carbon, way that can develop continuously. The taking of these achievement, it is the result that adamancy of government of the party that is core with Comrade Xi Jinping and provincial Party committee, province leads, it is the result that be of one heart and one mind of whole town fluctuation, solidarity struggles, the ray of each glaring also entrepreneur and broad laborer wisdom and sweat. Wu Yangdong says, current, amount to what peak carbon neutralizes a goal to put forward as “3060” carbon, overlay period and yellow golden hair extend the policy that development of industry of wine spring new energy entered to be well worth doing period. Wine spring city will deepen new development concept continuously, in order to make carry on one's shoulder of “ source net store demonstrative city of ” of unifinication, much can complementary unifinication is lead, advance base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of the 2nd ten million to build with all one's strength, strive machine of outfit of report of wind of whole town of 945 ” end achieves “ 20 million kilowatt, amount to the arms of the person at the head of a procession that peak carbon counteracts and fresh troops when good carbon hard, build “ new energy resources with all one's strength ” . Hope everybody the friends of leader, honored guest and social all circles, can produce oneself advantage, as always care supports development of industry of new energy of wine spring city, with us a do all one can writes the of Nie of wine spring phoenix, times your brilliant work that rises abruptly quickly, celebrate found a party 100 years with outstanding achievement. Subsequently, wu Yangdong, Wang Liji is base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of wine spring ten million to uncover tablet jointly. As we have learned, wine spring wind energy and reserve of solar energy resource are substantial, it is the area that visits early development to use wind energy, solar energy completely. In July 1997, jade door electric field of 30 lis of Jing Zifeng is formal and the net generates electricity, become complete province go into operation early large demonstrative wind electric field. In April 2008, hair change appoint approved base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of wine spring ten million to plan to report, it is home capture base of approved phone of wind of class of ten million kilowatt. 2009, base of phone of wind of class of kilowatt of wine spring ten million and base of smooth dog days of 1 billion made of baked clay course start construction in the round.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City