Ministry of colophony of Ba Ling petrifaction deepens a theme to teach, “ increase production carries focusing to fall character bad news ” tackles key problem, optimize manufacturing technology continuously, begin technical reformation, with optimizing production to manage actual effect to examine the theme teachs achievement. This year 1 to in October, output of this epoxy resin grows 6.3% compared to the same period, innovate repeatedly tall, epoxy resin product uses up each brand to innovate repeatedly low. Aggrandizement management increases yield. This colophony device begins “ red flag + La Qi ”“ is at ease the labor contest such as ” of accurate operation of essence of 3 star ”“ , encourage complete member participate in, arouse enthusiasm adequately. Produce unit day clearly to produce a target each, report everyday, did not achieve target cost to have case study, transmit pressure to team and group, in ensuring goal of production is certain, have into. Advance essence of life to refine, standardization operation, will " post of everybody pass a barrier handles detailed account " extend to each team and group, plant technology backbone gives lessons by turns, explain operation reason, key, point, begin hand of field work “ to show nuncupative ” checks regularly, everybody pass a barrier, tamping equipment is smooth and steady moving foundation. Capture difficulty promotes quality. This comb reference point of product quality key in the round, refine make optimize improve measure. Liquid colophony unit cleans a system regularly, the canal dominates index of critical process of each working procedure, reduce product chroma; Be short of to crucial appearance disappear, monitoring is main circumstance of raw material quality, adjust in time deserve to compare, stabilize product viscosity. Solid colophony is counted through optimizing solidify to join control, unusual add tight control, scientific research to serve the measure such as client application, reduce product index wave motion. Unit of colophony of adjacent cresol aldehyde optimizes control to take off solvent to take makings quantity, temperature and pressure, update air conditioning of the metal strip room, room that pack, real time dogs temperature of metal strip cooling water, ensure cooling effect, reduce a product to volatilize portion. Optimize continuously fall use up. This colophony device refines producer proposal, optimize many post technical data, fumble an optimal control condition, operation team and group is in control process, implement a system strictly, essence of life dominates index definitely, DCS (system of distributing center control) operation personnel pays close attention to each parameter in real time, according to producing demand to adjust in time steam valve and circular water leave degree, only waste time of water of loop of unit of colophony of adjacent cresol aldehyde drops 250 tons, vapour only waste time drops 6 tons. Begin unit of epoxy resin of adjacent armour phenolic aldehyde to react the process optimizes control, reduce product switch frequency second, safeguard packer regularly, promote a product percent of pass, reduce reject to handle specific power consumption, mark oil drops 32% .

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City