Maritime fan is large change can spread out thin fan is made not only, construction installation and later period maintain cost, and used more advanced device, generate electricity efficiency also will rise somewhat. But higher stand-alone power means taller tower canister height, taller hub height and longer lamina, large change fan to also must face higher carriage cost and hoisting difficulty. The maritime wind report with maritime fan bigger need installs high-power boat, and maritime construction difficulty this very tall, face complex ocean environment even. Shortly of fall off of allowance of maritime wind report, invest cost to still go up relative to the sea of tall look forward to wind cable industry also took crucial period. How to reduce cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS, enhance competition ability? Current industry consensus is, maritime fan is large changing is to drop maritime wind report of cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS important one annulus. Up to now, power of maritime fan big stand-alone still is 15 million to cover with tiles, the European market of par achieves basically in maritime wind report, sweden was announced new the construction of windward electric field plans sea of 1 million kilowatt, among them a plan shows, the maritime wind electric machinery that amounts to applied stand-alone power 20 million tile or above, tall fan height does not exceed 340 meters, cause guess inside course of study, is maritime fan large change a times to had come? ( of Li Li of reporter of newspaper of article Piao the sources of energy) in successive years of   stand-alone power rises maritime fan of     “ is large the profit that turn is to depend on can spreading out thin fan is made, construction installation and later period maintain cost, the 2 maritime fan that are higher capacity often use more advanced device, generate electricity efficiency also will rise somewhat. Expert of guild of some new energy resources tells ” the reporter. Farsighted consult gets trade research organization the sources of energy points out in the analysis in its report, although more the maritime fan of high capacity makes cost opposite taller, but if using taller look to estimate group of maritime wind electric machinery, the amount of facility of other form a complete set such as base and sea cable also will drop somewhat, from long-term in light of, large change fan to will be helpful for reducing maritime wind electric field total investment cost. Multiple advantage is added hold below, in recent years, maritime fan is average stand-alone power already appeared to rise significantly. According to international but the data that arrange of second birth the sources of energy releases, came 2000 during 2019, maritime fan is average stand-alone power already covered with tiles from 1.6 million promotion covers with tiles to 6.5 million. According to the data that wind energy association releases, development of report of our country maritime wind already was carried apparently 2019 fast, up to by 2019, in the unit of maritime wind cable of all our country hoisting, the machine of outfit of aircrew accumulative total that stand-alone capacity covers with tiles for 4 million is 2.93 million kilowatt, occupy in total installation amount than achieving 41.7% , in the meantime, 4.0-4.9 million covers with tiles aircrew is occupied than for 55.5% , 5 million cover with tiles aircrew is occupied than for 17% . 2020, 2021 two years, 6-8 million covers with tiles fan also gets offline in succession, our country increases maritime fan power newly year after year rises. Mainstream enterprise favors reporter of   of fresh gale machine understands consistently, manufacturer of fan of domestic and international mainstream already all was released large change maritime fan layout to plan. In May 2020, beautiful Sa of Xi Menzi song released fan production tycoon 15 million made of baked clay fan, height of add up to will achieve 220 meters or so, say according to this company, 15 million cover with tiles type predicts to will be in around implementation commercialized production 2024. This year Feburary, si Dasi of fan tycoon dimension rolls out V236-15.0 million made of baked clay maritime fan, blade is as long as 115.5 meters, also be the type that at present large stand-alone vane wheel sweeps wind area. Additional, the 12 million made of baked clay fan that by fan manufacturer GE produces was thrown formally already also use. In home, the research and development of 10 million tile and above size type also like a raging fire. 2019, overall manufacturer east is electric announce research and development finishs 10 million made of baked clay maritime fan, be in this year Fujian is formal and the net generates electricity, achieve our country the record that at present diameter of big, impeller grows stand-alone capacity. Meanwhile, golden wind science and technology, Shanghai is electric wait for whole mechanism to build an enterprise to also go up in high capacity sea fan domain somewhat layout. Large turn tide overwhelm, but look inside course of study, cover with tiles “10 million + ” fan investment is extensive use, not be the thing that accomplish in one move however. “ from eye antecedent condition looks, it is 10 million tile or 15 million made of baked clay fan no matter, had not entered batch to turn stage of production, even if the Europe that precocity sends maritime wind telegram, the bedding face that also did not realize high-power fan accumulates application, and 20 million made of baked clay fan just is in notional phase probably. Afore-mentioned industry experts tell ” the reporter, “ enterprise covers with tiles in the light of big sign the layout of aircrew affirms is to shift to an earlier date layout, but the lag that actual application affirms it is certain to still exist. ”Industry of form a complete set has not catch up with the stand-alone power with     higher “ means fan to will have taller tower canister height, taller hub height and longer blade, large change fan to also must face higher carriage cost and hoisting difficulty. The expert inside afore-mentioned ” course of study points out, the maritime wind report with maritime fan bigger need installs “ high-power boat, and maritime construction difficulty this very tall, face complex ocean environment even, the ‘ that these elements will become big sign to cover with tiles maritime fan uses lot is short board ’ . ”Before this, statistic of research organization of much home trade says, boat of installation of maritime wind report still can't satisfy each country demand of machine of outfit of maritime wind report, can satisfy 15 million to cover with tiles or above type carries the maritime wind report that reachs hoisting demand to install a boat is in short supply more. During “ of report of our country maritime wind grabbed the ” that install tide last year, price of boat of installation of maritime wind report soares for a time to ten million yuan volume level, push even tall cost of project of maritime wind cable. “ big sign covers with tiles the large-scale application of group of maritime wind electric machinery needs the support of the industry such as maritime construction, maritime shipping, from eye antecedent condition looks, whether the amount of boat of installation of maritime wind report of high quality can satisfy home to be returned probably is unknown. Afore-mentioned ” experts say, report of “ maritime wind still belongs to burgeoning industry, want to realize catenary of entire industry of maritime wind cable to develop in coordination, still need itself of industry of maritime wind cable to enter high speed to develop a channel first, realize the fall of cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WECS, let swim up and down each industry sees maritime wind report has enough large market space and development speed, foreground just can have investment. ”

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City