In east battalion rich contains chemical company, workers are China use production of goods lot of epoxy resin of modified of electronic class aromatic hydrocarbon to make final preparation for outfit of canister of chip of company 5G, 6G. Aromatic hydrocarbon basically is produced before this company kind product, since 2023, the company is grabbed actively catch new material industry to expand opportunity, investment is carried out 120 million yuan produce per year project of epoxy resin of modified of aromatic hydrocarbon of class of 50 thousand tons of electrons, drive an enterprise to stride ” of new circuit of digital economy “ . Our intent has reached “ , the specific time that offer money was controlled March, the quantity offerring money of every month goes to 300 tons in 200 tons between. Next, we will be produced through undertaking debugging to having unit, achieve China the requirement that is large quantities of quantities. ” east say of Li Mengbo of manager of production of company of chemical industry of battalion Bo Cheng. This project in January 2023 portion and academy of Chinese government science reach cooperative intent, will yield October the first batch of eligible products, came true to be signed in those days about, in those days start working, in those days put into production, the “ wide Rao Su that created the job that enrol business spends ” . Predicting project is amounted to entirely postpartum, year can increase production value newly 600 million yuan, profit tax 70 million yuan.

Produce per year epoxy resin of modified of aromatic hydrocarbon of class of 50 thousand tons of electrons to upgrade transform a project

The project is by Chinese management scientific academy and Bo Cheng chemical industry cooperate, the product of epoxy resin of special type of electronic class modified of joint research and development, production, primary to Bo Cheng chemical industry product line undertook technical reformation upgrades. The product basically is used at the electronic product of all sorts of Fu copperplate and high order and degree, still aviation new profile expects. Will continue to undertake cooperative in face of prescription of war industry, doctor next, research develops new product.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City