On October 30, bureau of environment of organisms' habits of fontal state city is opposite 15000 tons / year special type marine coating (contain solidify agent, thinner) rebuild project (2 period) annulus is judged undertake accepting fair show.

China unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)

Project origin:

Rise of finishing quantity ceaselessly as our country shipbuilding, sea tool has manufacturing industry is about to realize rapid development, marine coating and marine heavy preservative coating are made as shipping and in sea tool equipment important former complementary material, to its demand also will increase with rapidder rate. To get used to market demand, company of seagoing vessel new material plans to be in original already approved produce can undertake rebuilding on the foundation, increase equipment and environmental protection investment, demolish existing old old equipment and facilities of waste gas processing, purchase more advanced production facilities and environmental protection establishment. Build third kind storehouse, armour kind coal tub area, multi-purpose building, entire plant rebuilds those who produce per year marine coating of 15000 tons of special type come true to produce after finishing can.

Project general situation:

Project name: 15000 tons / year special type marine coating (contain solidify agent, thinner) rebuild project (2 period)

Project property: Rebuild

Build a place: Blessing of area of garden of petrifaction of town of the Bu austral port area of spring of city of state of Fujian Province spring contains a means 1

Build an unit: Limited company of science and technology of new material of Fujian seagoing vessel

Construct content and scale: Basically include 2 shares: 1, use original workshop to undertake transforming to product line, gain environmental protection high speed newly among them dispersive machine 11, machine of horizontal sand milling 11, the environmental protection boiler that move lacquer 12, machine of semi-automatic canister outfit 8, automata is metric coal tub 8, automata writes down a quantity to stand 2; Build tail gas to handle environmental protection installation 1; 2, build area of compose, building to make an appointment with 6000 square metre, build storage tank among them 6 (40 stere / ) , danger abandons memory storehouse 1 (contain armour kind storehouse 3) , third kind storehouse 1, auxiliary with the room 1, multi-purpose building 1; Form a complete set perfects all of water system of catchment, fire control to wait.

The project invests: 32 million yuan

Product program:

Serial numberProduct name sayProduce can (ton / year)
1Epoxy resin coating6000
2Annulus oxygen solidify agent1200
3Acrylic colophony coating4000
4Polyurethane solidify agent500
5Fluorine carbon coating100
6Balata coating700
7Alkyd coating700
8Bitumen coating100
9Contain zinc powder painting500
10Coating uses thinner1200
Add up to15000
Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City