On December 21, Zhejiang treasure limited company of 10 thousand carbon fiber

On March 3, 2022, treasure steel share issues announcement, already approved the Bao Wu below the banner Inc. of carbolic industry science and technology and 10 thousand China chemical group Inc. is joint-stock establish Zhejiang treasure limited company of 10 thousand carbon fiber, promote ” of project of former silk of bridge stalking or branch with operation “ carry on. 10 thousand carbon fiber register treasure capital 850 million yuan, it is cash entirely contributive, among them course of study of treasure fierce carbon is contributive 433.5 million yuan, hold 51% ; 10 thousand China chemistry is held 49% . The project always invests 6.55 billion yuan, always make an appointment with 760 mus with ground area, basically purchase 12 aggregate product line, 24 filature product line, body year after year produces carbon fiber of 120 thousand tons of PAN radical the productivity of former silk, outside will smashing a state, in high quality carbon fiber former silk reachs the technical forestall of carbon fiber domain, implementation is homebred replace. Carry on promotes carbon fiber of bridge stalking or branch former silk project is course of study of treasure fierce carbon new-style charcoal material develops one of masterstroke 3 times, aim implementation of domain of innovation of research and development of new material of familial high end breaks through carbon, aid course of study of carbon of the fierce that push treasure to become safeguard country mission kind the arms of the person at the head of a procession that charcoal material supplies. Chemistry of this Ci Mohua and course of study of treasure fierce carbon create jointly owned company also is to want to march carbon fiber market of this one new material. The project predicts the implementation end 2025 plans to produce entirely can.

Newsolar Conference
15-18 December

New York City